NEWSLETTER #4 301-599-2442 September 18, 2015


September 2015

21-22 5thGrade to Camp Schmidt

25 Comic Book Day – Students are encouraged to dress as their favorite comic book character

October 2015

1PGCPS Pink Out Day – PGCPS will acknowledge support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) by

wearing pink. Students and staff are encouraged to wear pink in recognition of the event.

2 Schools Closed - Professional Development Day

6 1st Quarter Progress Reports Released

12 Men Make A Difference Day

16 Schools Closed - MSEA Convention

19-23 Scholastic Book Fair

30 2 Hour Early Dismissal – Professional Development Day

30 End of the 1st Quarter

November 2015

2Schools Closed – Grading/Teacher Planning Day

11 Schools Closed – Parent/Teacher Conferences Day

13 1st Quarter Report Cards Released

25-27 Schools Closed – Thanksgiving Holiday

December 2015

9 2 Hour Early Dismissal (11:55 a.m.) – Professional Development Day

22 2nd Quarter Progress Reports Released

23-31 Schools Closed – Winter Break/Christmas Holiday

January 2016

1Schools Closed – Winter Break/New Year’s Holiday

4 Classes Resume


Dr. Janice P. Hay, Principal

National Comic Book Day

As part of PGCPS’s focus on literacy, and in an attempt to make school fun and cool, Mattaponi Elementary will participate in National Comic Book Day.

Comic Books are great reading. They either tell an ongoing story, provide humor, or offer intrigue and suspense. In all comic books, good eventually prevails over evil. So, comic books always make us feel good.

Here are some of the ways that we have read, or heard, on how to enjoy National Comic Book Day:

  • Buy a comic book, or two…
  • Read a comic book, or two…
  • Trade comic books among your friends.
  • Some stores are rumored to offer free comic books on this day.
  • Host a comic book party in your home and invite friends, family, and classmates.

Need an idea for dinner this evening? Consider a cheeseburger!!!

National Cheeseburger Day is today. Top off America’s favorite sandwich with a piece of cheese.

The food industry makes it a point to celebrate a wide variety of foods. We believe the Cheeseburger certainly earns a special day. Celebrate National Cheeseburger Day by firing up the grill, and cooking cheeseburgers. You can do so for lunch or dinner...or both! Any kind of cheese will do. Try a different cheese, if you’re adventuresome. For the carb conscious, eat your burgers without the buns.

Watch for…..Luncheon and dinner specials today at your local restaurants. (Ruby Tuesday)

Uniform Policy

As a reminder, the uniform policy is as follows:


Navy blue or khaki slacks, shorts, skirts or jumpers (no jeans, cargo pants or leggings)

Navy blue or white short or long sleeved knit polo shirts (with no logo)

White short or long sleeved Peter Pan blouse

Solid navy cross tie may be worn with Peter Pan blouses

White or navy blue turtleneck shirt (may be worn alone or with long-sleeved shirt or sweater/vest for warmth)

Mattaponi emblem T-shirt, polo shirt or sweatshirt

Navy blue, black or white socks or tights

Black shoes

Solid black tennis shoes with no obvious logo

Navy blue sweaters or vests (button or pullover), navy blue sweatshirts

Navy blue sweatpants (on PE days)

***No capri pants, pedal pushers, or gauchos allowed***


Navy blue or khaki slacks or shorts (no jeans or cargo pants)

Navy blue or white short or long sleeved knit polo shirts (with no logo)

White short or long oxford dress shirt

Navy blue tie may be worn with Oxford shirt

White or navy blue turtleneck (may be worn alone or under long sleeved polo, Oxfords or sweater/vest for warmth)

Mattaponi emblem T-shirt, polo shirt or sweatshirt

Navy blue, black or white socks

Black shoes

Solid black tennis shoes with no obvious logo

Navy blue sweaters or vests (button or pullover), navy blue sweatshirts

Navy blue sweatpants (on PE days)


  • All shirts and blouses must be worn tucked in.
  • No logos, slogans or emblems other than the Mattaponi logo/emblem.
  • Pants/shorts must be worn at the waist and with a belt (K-2nd grade belts are optional due to toileting difficulties).
  • Hoop earrings should be no larger than a dime (due to safety issues).
  • Black boots can be worn but should have heels no higher than 1½ inches (for safety during PE and recess). Boots must be laced and tied and, if worn with pants, should be under pants leg.
  • At the discretion of the principal, children may have an opportunity to have “dress down” days that will be publicized in the Mattaponi Matters.
  • The Uniform Committee will coordinate ordering Mattaponi emblem shirts and jackets twice a year.
  • Students may wear official scout uniforms.
  • Jackets/windbreakers may not be worn in class except for outdoor PE.
  • The school will follow the PG County Board of Education requirements for enforcement of a mandatory uniform policy.
  • No colorful shoe laces, socks or tights.

Staying on Pace...

Next week will begin the fifth week of the school and only our 2nd full 5-day week. It brings us to the midpoint of the school year and thus, 1st quarter Progress reports will be issued soon. All students should be back in to the rhythm of school by now. All students should be clearly focused on the teaching and learning taking place in their classrooms. Homework and studying should be part of the daily routine so as to insure success.

Student Attendance Policy

School achievement begins with regular attendance. Parents/guardians must ensure that all school-age children in their care are in school on time daily. Whenever absent from school, parents/guardians must provide the child with a written note upon their return to school. The following are considered lawful absences; death in the immediate family; hazardous weather conditions; illness of the student; lack of authorized transportation; quarantine; court summons or other emergency approved by the Chief Executive Officer or his designee. Once your child returns to school with an excused absence note, he/she will receive their missed classwork and assignments. Please remember, regular, punctual attendance is one of the many key factors that determines a students’ success in school!

Student school hours are 7:45 am - 1:55 pm. No students are to enter the building until 7:30 am. Please do not drop your child off until you see a staff member on duty in the kiss-n-ride. If you are picking up your child after school as a car rider, you must be here no later than 2:00 pm. Thank you for your cooperation.

How to Contact a Staff Member

Mattaponi’s school office hours are 7:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Teachers are available for phone calls from 7:15 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Calls will be sent directly to voicemail during instructional time and staff members are asked to return phone calls within 24 - 48 hours, if possible. All conferences must be scheduled with teachers before coming to the school to discuss your child’s academic program or any issues that may need to be resolved. Thank you for your understanding.

School Security and Student Safety

Please help us keep our students and school safe at all times by entering only through the front door, signing in at the front office with your ID and wearing a visitor’s sticker at all times while on school property. In addition, parents/students/visitors should not be in classrooms unless a teacher is present. Items needing to be dropped off should be left in the office. Please note: Neither students or parents are permitted to enter classrooms before 7:30 a.m. or after 1:55 p.m. Children are reminded to take all necessary supplies home to complete assignments. Each student is allowed ample time to gather all belongings at the end of the school day. Forgotten items will have to be retrieved the next day. This policy was implemented to ensure the safety of our students, as they must be under adult supervision at all times. We appreciate your cooperation with complying with this policy.

Dismissal Policy

Students are expected to complete a full day of school, and the instructional day ends at approximately 1:50 p.m. to ensure a prompt dismissal at 1:55 p.m. Please allow your child(ren) to remain in class for the entire day. Early dismissal to facilitate parent convenience not only disrupts the class, but also deprives the student of valuable instruction. Also, parents are encouraged to make medical appointments after school hours. When an early departure is necessary, a note indicating the time, date, and reason for departure must be presented to the teacher at the beginning of the school day. This enables the teacher to provide the student with any homework or class assignments that should be completed. To ensure a safe, orderly and efficient dismissal process, we have made several changes to our dismissal policy. Parents are not allowed to sign our their child(ren) for early dismissal after 1:40 p.m. Parents who need to pick up their child(ren) must do so before this time. We will not remove students from school buses once dismissal has begun. This is an unsafe practice and interrupts the bus schedules for our school and all subsequent schools serviced by our busses.

Lunch Accounts

The cost for lunch is $2.75 and $1.60 for breakfast. If a student does not have lunch money, the cafeteria will provide a cheese sandwich and a drink. Parents may pre-pay for school meals and monitor account balances at

PTO Corner – Mrs. Spencer, President

The Back to School Dance was a huge success!! Thank you to all of the parents who brought their students out to have a great time! To the parents who stayed and volunteered, we appreciate you! Ms. Ashton and Ms. Virgil, thank you for coming out andmaking this an exciting event for the students!

Savethe dates!

Men Make A Difference Day will be heldMonday, October 12, 2015

Scholastic Book Fair is coming,October 19-23. More info to follow!

If you have yet to join the PTO,it's not too late!We are still accepting Membership! Please send your $10.00 membership fee to schoolin an envelope labeled PTO, along with you and your child's name and teacher's name. Thefirst class to have 100% membership will receive a special treat from the PTO!!

We look forward to you all becoming a part of the exciting events happening all school year!Together we can make a difference! Feel free to contactus .

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. ~ Vince Lombardi