Undergraduate Academic Appeal Form

Directions: This form must be typed and completed in its entirety and emailed to for plagiarism appeals and to for grade appeals. Incomplete or illegible forms may delay processing. Include a detailed report of the dispute and reasoning and documentation for the appeal. Each appeal requires a separate form. The Provost’s Office will forward the appeal request and all documentation to the Plagiarism Review Evaluator.* The Evaluator will review the material presented, make a recommendation, and notify the student of the recommendation.

If the student disagrees with the Evaluator’s decision, the student must send a written letter of appeal, along with this form, to the Provost’s Office within 10 days of being notified of that decision. Students will be emailed within 3 business days of receipt of the appeal and informed of the next Academic Appeals Committee meeting date. The Provost’s Office will add the appeal to the agenda for the next monthly meeting. Outcomes from the meeting that pertain to the case will be relayed to the student within 3 business days of the meeting.

If the student disagrees with the Committee’s decision, the student must send a written letter of appeal, along with this form, to the Provost’s Office within 10 days of being notified of that decision. The Provost’s Office will forward the appeal request and all documentation to the Provost. The Provost will review the material presented and make a final ruling. The Provost’s Office will send official notice of the Provost’s ruling to the student, faculty member, Dean, Committee, and Academic Advisor within 10 business days of receipt of the written appeal. The Provost’s ruling is final.

*If this is a grade appeal, the case will not be reviewed by the Plagiarism Review Evaluator, but will go directly to the Academic Appeals Committee.

Supporting Documentation: It is the responsibility of the student to provide adequate supporting documentation for each appeal. Supporting documentation may include a copy of the assignment, email communication, and/or a class syllabus, among other documentation deemed appropriate. Failure to submit appropriate documentation supporting the case may result in the appeal request being denied.

Check ONE:

Plagiarism Appeal: Within 10 days following notification of action for academic dishonesty, a student who wishes to appeal must first contact the faculty member of the class in which the incident occurred. If the problem has not been resolved and the student wishes to pursue an appeal, the student will complete the Academic Appeal Form. Send documentation to .

Grade Appeal: A student who alleges unfair grading practices for an assignment or course must first communicate with the faculty member for the class within 10 days of grades being posted online. If the problem has not been resolved and the student wishes to continue with an appeal, the student will complete the Academic Appeal Form within 10 days of the decision by the faculty member. Send documentation to .

Student Name: / User Name:
Email: / Phone Number:
Academic Advisor: / Program:
Term: / Course/Section Number:
Course Title: / Assignment:
Dispute and Supporting Documentation:
Requested Outcome:
Student Signature:

By typing your name in the above blank, you are authorizing your electronic signature.

To be completed by the Provost’sOffice:

Date Received: / Program Dean:
Academic Appeals Committee Next Meeting Date:
Academic Appeals Committee’s Decision:
Provost’s Decision:

Note: Receipt of the Academic Appeal Form does not guarantee the appeal will be granted or successful, or that the plagiarism charge will be revoked.