Call for Abstracts

Breakout Sessions, Posters, Exhibits

The Ohio Collaborative to Prevent Infant Mortality (OCPIM) and the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) invite you to submit an abstract for a breakout session, poster, and/or exhibit for the 2014 Ohio Infant Mortality Summit to be held December 3rd and 4th at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus.

The Ohio Collaborative to Prevent Infant Mortality is a statewide group made up of a broad range of organizations and individuals committed to preventing infant mortality, improving the health of our women and infants, and reducing racial disparities in women’s and infant health. Ohio has a long way to go in assuring that all Ohio moms have healthy babies who live to see their first birthday. While some progress has been made, especially in raising awareness of our challenge, we have an excellent opportunity to move forward in our efforts by sponsoring the second biennial Ohio Infant Mortality Summit on December 3 and 4. Our 2012 Summit drew more than 900 participants and this year our goal is 1,500. The thrust of this year’s gathering is to make sure participants leave not only better informed but with a set of ideas and action steps they can apply to their own community.

The Summit provides an ideal venue to present your ideas, research, innovative programming, best practices and effective outreach strategies to address infant mortality to public health practitioners, health care providers, state and local officials, advocates, community leaders and concerned citizens. We are especially interested in programs/initiatives that are evidence-based or best practice and have the potential to be replicated statewide. Suggested topics for abstracts include but are not limited to: preconception/interconception health; safe sleep; mental health & addiction; quality improvement; social determinants of health; and community engagement.


Breakout Session

During the second day of the conference (December 4) there will be 1 hour and 15 minute sessions on topics related to the Summit theme tracks. Some breakouts will be “power breakouts” consisting of 30 minute discussions in a Q&A panel format. Again, we encourage you to develop handouts and materials that provide information for how the audience can get involved in addressing infant mortality in their community.


Posters are graphic presentations of research/project findings or programmatic information to be placed on a poster board (4´x 4´, 4´x 6´, 4´x 8´). Posters will be displayed on both days of the Summit throughout the Summit with a designated time for authors to be present on the second day of the conference (December 4). Details regarding location and timing of the poster displays will be provided in the letter of acceptance.


During both days of the conference there will be limited spaces for community and government organizations to share their programs through a table top display. We encourage you to develop handouts and materials that provide information for how the viewers can get involved. If you are accepted to participate we will provide a 2´X 8´skirted table for your display.

Submitting a Proposal

Accepted proposals will have well thought-out descriptions that focus on moving participants to action in addressing infant mortality in their community. One application and abstract must be submitted for each proposed presentation via the Survey Monkey link below. Applications must be received by August 22, 2014. A letter of acceptance will be sent from ODH by September 12, 2014. We would like to thank you in advance for your flexibility. Understand that not all applications will be accepted. If you have questions about the application process, please contact Keeli Cook (), Julie Roemke () at the Ohio Department of Health or Michelle Clark () (in regard to exhibits).

Please feel free to share this notice with fellow colleagues and anyone who may be interested in being a part of the Summit.


□ Breakout Session/Power Breakout Session

□ Poster Session

□ Exhibit