Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush: Health Education Final 10th grade

DO NOT WRITE ON THIS TEST PAPER if taking in class

On a blank sheet of paper, write your name then number from 1 through ______

Section 1: Wellness: Matching: Match the letter of the word with it’s appropriate definition or answer

A – WellnessE – EmotionalH- staying away from Drugs, exercise, eating healthy

B- PhysicalF- SpiritualI - behaviors…deciding what is right and wrong

C- IntellectualG- InfluencesJ- Stress management and anger control

D- Social

_____1) Doing these 2 things may help to keep the Emotional section of wellness healthy

_____2) The term used to define being healthy in all areas of one’s self

_____3) People or things that cause a person to learn to act a certain way

_____ 4) doing these 3 things can help to keep the Physical section of wellness healthy

_____5) The part of one’s self that relates to healthy group interactions

_____6) The part of one’s self that relates to morals/values and beliefs

_____7) The part of one’s self that relates to the mind

_____8) These are actions that occur when a person makes a decision.

_____9) The parts of one’s self that refer to the body

_____ 10) The parts of one’s self that refer to expressions of feelings and perception of one’s self.

Section 2: Conflict Resolution: Multiple Choice. Place the letter of the correct answer on the line next to the number

_____ 11) The definition of Conflict Resolution is:

A: solving problems through fighting

B: Peacefully solving problems

C: a problem

_____12) Having low self esteem is an example of this type of conflict

A: Me vsMyself = Internal conflict

B: Me vsYou = external conflict with another person

C: Me vs nature/environment = external conflict with surroundings

_____13) Not controlling one’s anger is an example of this type of conflict

A: Me vsMyself = Internal conflict

B: Me vsYou = external conflict with another person

C: Me vs nature/environment = external conflict with surroundings

_____14) An argument with another person is generally an example of this type of conflict

A: Me vsMyself = Internal conflict

B: Me vsYou = external conflict with another person

C: Me vs nature/environment = external conflict with surroundings

Section 2: Conflict Resolution: continued

_____15) Which of the following is NOT a category of Violence:

A: Physical

B: Sexual

C: Cartoon

D: Verbal

E: Emotional

_____16) The definition of communication is:

A: To give information

B: To receive information

C: To give and receive information

_____17) Which of the following is NOT an example of communication via words:

A: Texting

B: Writing

C: facial expressions such as a smile

_____18) Gossip is a form of these types of violence:

A: Physical and social

B: Verbal and Emotional

C: Emotional and Social

_____19) The best type of solution when involved in a conflict with another person

A: Win/Win

B: Lose/Lose

C: Win/Lose

_____20) The most common solution to social conflicts

A: Win/Win

B: Lose/Lose

C: Win/Lose

Section 3: Substance use/Abuse: Multiple Choice. Place the letter of the correct answer on the line

_____21) the term used when a person’s body needs or a person’s mind THINKS it needs a drug

A) addiction

B) Dependence


_____22) The term used when a person really wants a drug

A) addiction

B) Dependence


_____23) The term used when a person needs more of a drug in order to get the same desired effect

A) addiction

B) Dependence


Section 3: Substance use/Abuse: continued

_____22)goes to parties once a month and gets drunk. The type of drinking described in this description is:

A) Alcoholism

B) Binge Drinking

C) Social Drinking

_____23) Type of drug that generally speaking, raises body functions

a) Stimulant

b) Depressant

c) Pain Killer

_____24) Type of drug that generally speaking, lowers body functions

a) Stimulant

b) Depressant

c) Pain Killer

_____25) Type of drug that generally speaking, relieves pain

a) Stimulant

b) Depressant

c) Pain Killer

_____26) Drug in Tobacco

a) Ethyl

b) Nicotine

c) THC

_____27) A SHORT term effect of Nicotine is all but which of the following:

a) Increased Heart Rate

b) Increased breathing rate

c) relaxation of muscles

_____28) All of the following are common club drugs except which of these:

a) GHB

b) Ecstasy

c) Ketamine

d) Tylenol

_____29) A common effect of drinking alcohol is:

a) Becoming more alert

b) Decreased ability in decision making

c) increased motor functions

_____30) the definition of drugs:

a) any substance that enters the body

b) Any substance that enters the body that causes an effect

c) any substance that enters the body that is not a nutrient or oxygen

Section 4: Nutrition and Exercise: Matching: Match the letter of the word with it’s appropriate definition or answer

A: Complex CarbohydratesB: ProteinC: Saturated FatD: Un-Saturated Fat

E : Trans FatsF: WaterG: Fiber H: Calorie

I: MyPyramidQ: Moderation

_____ 31) type of fat found in some vegetables…healthiest kind of fat

_____ 32) substance found in grains and some vegetables that can not be digested

_____ 33) Eating anything you want but only sometimes and only in small amounts

_____ 34) Nutrient that provides energy and helps build and repair body cells

_____35) The most essential nutrient..2/3 of all body cells are made of this

_____36) Type of carbohydrates that come from whole grains, provides the best energy and is also known as starch

_____37) Type of fat that is found in cakes and comes from oils solidified and is the most un-healthy type of fat

_____38) Term used to measure the amount of energy used or eaten by the body

_____39) Type of fat that comes from animals and generally, is not good for you

_____40) The name of the graphic organizer created by the FDA to teach people about

Section 5: Human SexualityMultiple Choice. Place the letter of the correct answer on the line next to the number

_____41) AIDS is caused by this virus

a) HSV


c) HIV


_____42) Absolute Abstinence is :

a) No sexual activity of any kind involving the genitals

b) No sexual intercourse

c) no oral sex

_____43) If a person chooses to have sex and then chooses not to have sex anymore, they are practicing:

a) abstinence

b) secondary abstinence

c) Celebacy

_____44) Abstinence is 99% effective in preventing un-wanted pregnancy and STDS

a) True

b) false

_____45) Sexually Transmitted Diseases are generally caused by which of these

a) viruses

b) bacteria

c) parasites

d) all of the above

Section 5: Human Sexuality (continued)

_____46) The 3 things that make up the foundation of the “house” when explaining the things needed for relationships

to succeed are:

a) honesty, respect and love

b) communication, honesty and trust

c) Communication, honesty and friendship

_____47) The normal time frame for a baby to develop from fertilization to full term “baby” is

a) about 40 weeks

b) about 36 weeks

c) about 24 weeks

_____48) Which stage of development comes BEFORE baby but AFTER Embryo

a) Blastocyst

b) Zygote

c) Fetus

_____49) The term used to describe when a sperm enters the egg

a) Ejaculation

b) Fertilization

c) Masturbation

_____50) The term used when a female “releases” an egg during her menstrual period

a) menstruation

b) ovulation

c) fermentation

Section 6: Safety and Disease Prevention

NOT TESTED FOR 1st semester 2010-2011