Unit Planning Proforma Title

Unit title / Time allocation / Teacher/Year Level

Unit overview

Describe the purpose and focus of the unit. Consider:
  • the chosen or negotiated learning context
  • what the students will investigate or inquire about
  • what the students will do to demonstrate their learning

Learning outcome/s

/ What students need to know / What students need to be able to do with what they know
Identify the learning outcomes to be demonstrated. Consider:
  • the prior learning (including outcomes previously demonstrated), needs and interests of students
  • the elaborations for the learning outcome(s) being considered
  • the learning outcomes at the levels before and after the focus outcomes.
  • Make explicit what students are expected to know to demonstrate each of the learning outcomes that are the focus for the unit.
  • Embed the relevant core content from the syllabus within the chosen context.
  • Make explicit what students are expected to be able to do with what they know to demonstrate each of the learning outcomes (or aspects of the learning outcome) that are the focus for the unit.
  • Embed KLA specific requirements such as working scientifically, working technologically, and inquiry approaches.

Consistency of teacher judgments
Select the strategies to promote consistency of teacher judgments.
shared understandings of the learning outcomes
collaborative planning
common assessment tasks / statements of anticipated evidence / criteria sheets
moderation processes
samples of typical responses

Queensland Studies Authority —Unit Planning Pro-forma – ‘Outcomes in Action ‘Conference 2003

Sequence of learning activities and teaching strategies
/ Assessment opportunities /

Brainstorm possible activities for students to develop and demonstrate the requirements of the learning outcomes as identified above.

Include opportunities for students to develop one or more of the attributes of a lifelong learner.

Plan learning activities to promote the cross-curricular priorities (literacy, numeracy, futures, life skills).

Plan for the utilisation of a range and balance of texts and resources.

Plan assessment opportunities that are equitable for all learners and align explicitly with the learning outcomes.

SELECT AND SEQUENCE the activities according to a specific framework for structuring units/activities e.g. Inquiry approach; Orientate, enhance, synthesise; TELSTAR; 5Es etc.

Identify a range of teaching strategies to facilitate student learning (eg think-pair-share, concept mapping etc).

Plan opportunities for focussed learning episodes based on the needs of individuals or groups of students.

Plan for and scaffold learning experiences so that students have opportunities to develop all the demands of the overall task (eg working collaboratively, conducting an investigation).

  • Identify and/or design activities in the learning sequence that could provide opportunities to gather evidence of students’ demonstrations of the learning outcomes (use a highlighter or place an asterisk in this column).
  • List resources to support learning in this unit.

Anticipated evidence/criteria
Develop statements of anticipated evidence / criteria by which judgments will be made about students’ successful demonstration of learning outcomes.
Ideally criteria would be negotiated with students based on previous learning.
  • the analyses of learning outcomes on Page 1
  • the context of the unit and its specific content
  • assessment opportunities/tasks identified above.

Gathering and recording evidence of demonstrations of learning outcomes [See Table 1 below & on page 19, QSCC Position Paper and guidelines on assessment and reporting]
Assessment techniques
  • Determine the assessment techniques to be used to gather evidence.
focussed analysis
self- and peer- assessment / Sources of evidence and assessment strategies
  • Identify possible sources of evidence and an appropriate range of assessment strategies.
/ Recording instruments
  • Select recording instruments so that evidence is easily accessible for decision-making purposes.

How and when will judgments be made about the students’ demonstrations of the learning outcomes? / How and when will reporting of student progress occur?
  • Identify when gathered evidence will be reviewed and judgments made about the demonstration of learning outcomes
  • Identify school-based and external moderation processes.
  • Identify school based requirements for reporting to students, parents and others

Unit evaluation
Plan for teacher evaluation of the unit. Consider:
  • How effectively did the unit develop the valued attributes of the lifelong learner?
  • How effectively did the unit incorporate the cross-curricular priorities?
  • Were school priorities addressed?
  • Was the unit context relevant to and appropriate for the demonstration of the learning outcomes?
  • Were there sufficient assessment opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning?
  • Were the criteria appropriate for making judgments about students’ demonstration of the learning outcomes?
  • Were the resources appropriate and effective for the learning context?
  • What information can assist teachers and students to plan subsequent learning episodes/units of work?

Queensland Studies Authority —Unit Planning Pro-forma – ‘Outcomes in Action ‘Conference 2003