List of Correctional Liaisons by State
State/Territory / Corrections Liaison / Phone/Email / Address/Contact Information /Alabama / Eric Morgan / Tel: 334-206-5330
Cell: 334-850-8151 /
Alaska / Karen Martinek, RN, MPH
Nurse Manager / Tel: 907-269-8000
Fax: 907-562-7802
Email: / Alaska Division of Public Health
3601 C Street, Suite 540
Anchorage, AK 99503
Arizona / TB Control Program
Larissa Anderson
(Carla Chee – backup) – AZ Corr. Liaison / Tel: 602-364-3845
Fax: 602-364-3267
Email: / Office of Disease Integration and Services
Arizona Dept of Health Services
150 N. 18th Avenue, Suite 110
Phoenix, AZ 85007-3237
Arkansas / Elizabeth Karpoff, RN Nurse Consultant, /
Tel: (501) 661-2068
Fax: (501) 661-2226 / Arkansas Division of Health, 4815 W. Markham Street, Little Rock, AR, 72205, Mailing address: PO Box 1437 Slot H45, Little Rock, AR, 72203
Baltimore, MD / None designated at present
California (State) / Carol Greene / Tel: 510-620-3033 /
Chicago, IL / Pam Grubman / Tel: 217-785-5371
Fax: 217-524-4515
/ TB Control Program
Illinois Department of Public Health
525 West Jefferson Street
Springfield, IL 62761-0001
Colorado / Mary Goggin, RN / Tel: 303-692-2656 /
Connecticut / Tom Condren / Tel: 860-509-7722 /
District of Columbia / Kim Seechuk
TB Control Program
HIV/AIDS Administration
/ Tel: 202-698-4036
Fax: 202-724-2363
Email: / District of Columbia Department of Health
64 New York Avenue, NE, Suite 5001
Washington, DC 20002
Delaware / Jeanette Rodman, MSN, RN, CWCN
Assistant Program Manager / Tel: 302-744-1052
Fax: 302-739-2549
Email: / TB Elimination Program
Delaware Division of Public Health
Thomas Collins Bldg, Suite 12
540 S. Dupont Hwy
Dover, DE 19901
Detroit, MI / Marian Beck Clore, RN, BSN
Infectious Disease & Safety Coordinator / Tel: 517-780-5616
Fax: 517-780-5677
/ D. Waters Health Center
3857 Cooper Street
Jackson, Michigan 49201
Florida / Sherrie Arnwine-McGowan, RN /
Tel: 850-245-4316/4320 / 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A-20
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Georgia / Carolyn Martin, RN, Nurse Consultant (none designated) / Tel: (404) 656-6250 (main#) Tel: 404-657-2620 (Carolyn)
Fax: (404) 463-3460 / 2 Peachtree St., NW, 12th Fl., Atlanta, GA 30303
Guam / Cecilia Teresa T. Arciaga / Tel: 671-735-7145/ 7157/7131
Fax: 671-735-7318
Email: / Tuberculosis Control Program Section
Bureau of Communicable Disease Control
Department of Public Health & Social Services
Government of Guam
123 Chalan Kareta
Mangilao, Guam 96923
Hawaii / Derrick Felix, PHA
Public Health Advisor / Tel: 808-832-5736
Fax: 808-832-5846
Alternate: / TB Control Program
Hawaii State Department of Health
1700 Lanakila Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96817-2115
Houston, TX / None designated – contact Barbara Vassell until further notice / Tel: 512-533-3162
Fax: 512-776-7447 (TB Svcs. Branch)
/ Texas Department of State Health Services
1100 West 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756
Idaho / Christine Hahn, MD
Ellen Zager Hill, MPH / Tel: 208-334-5939
Fax: 208-332-7307
/ Idaho Dept. of Health & Welfare
Division of Public Health
Office of Epidemiology, Food Protection, and Immunization
450 W. State St. - 4th floor
Boise, ID 83720
Illinois (State) / Pam Grubman
TB Program Manager (vacant) / Tel: 217-785-5371
Fax: 217-524-4515
Email: / TB Control Program
Illinois Department of Public Health
525 West Jefferson Street
Springfield, IL 62761-0001
Indiana / None designated –
Joy Hardacre / Tel: 765-208-5723 /
Iowa / TB Control Program Manager
Allan Lynch
Program Manager / Tel: 515-281-7504
Fax: 515-281-4570
Email: / Iowa Department of Public Health
Lucas State Office Building
321 E. 12th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319-0075
Kansas / Phillip Griffin, BBA, CPM
Director / Tel: 785-296-8893
Fax: 785-291-3732
Email: / Tuberculosis Control Program
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
1000 S.W. Jackson, Suite 210
Topeka, KS 66612-1274
Kentucky / None designated – contact Maria Dalbey, RN Consultant /
Tel: 502-564-4276 ext. 3577 / Department for Public Health, 275 East Main Street, Mail Stop: HS2E-B, Frankfort, Kentucky, 40621
Louisiana / None designated – Charles DeGraw, TB Controller /
Tel: 504-568-5015
Fax: 504-568-5016 / Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals
1010 Commons, Suite 1134
New Orleans, LA 70112-1829
Los Angeles, CA / Marti Brentnall / Tel: 619-688-0251 /
Maine / Dalit Gulak Wolfe, RN, BSN, MPH / Tel: 207-287-5194
/ Tuberculosis Control Program
Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
286 Water St., 8th floor, 11 SHS
Augusta, ME 04333
Maryland / Maureen Donovan, RN / Tel: 410-767-6983 /
Massachusetts / None designated – contact Robert Carr / Tel: 617-938-4015 /
Michigan (State) / Marian Beck Clore, RN, BSN
Infectious Disease & Safety Coordinator / Tel: 517-780-5616
fax: 517-780-5677
/ D. Waters Health Center
3857 Cooper Street
Jackson, Michigan 49201
Minnesota / Deb Sodt, TB Controller / Tel: 651-201-5550 /
Mississippi / Ann Jackson, RN /
Tel: (601) 576-7700 or (601) 932-2880 ext. 6392 Fax: (601) 576-7520 / Mississippi Dept. of Health -Bureau of TB and Refugee Health, P.O. Box 1700, Jackson, MS 39215-1700
Missouri / David L. Oeser
Surveillance Coordinator
Point of Contact / Tel: 573-751-6411
Fax: 573-526-526-0234
Email: / Bureau of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention
930 Wildwood Drive
P.O. Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Montana / Denise Ingman
TB Control Program Mgr. / Tel: 406-444-0275
Fax: 406-444-0272
Email: / Tuberculosis Control Program
Montana Department of Public Health
C216 Cogswell Building
Helena, MT 59620
Nebraska / Pat Infield, RN, Nurse Consultant/TBPM / Tel: 402-471-6441
Fax: 402-471-1377
/ Nebraska Department Health & Human Services
301 Centennial Mall South
PO Box 95026
Lincoln, NE 68509
Nevada / Yes/Local Person Maria Galvis, CDC PHA / Tel: 702-759-1370
/ So. Nevada Health District
New Hampshire / Lindsay Pierce, M.Ed.
TB Services Program Manager / Tel: 603-271-4481
Fax: 603-271-0545
Email: / Tuberculosis Control Program
New Hampshire Division of Public Health Services
29 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301-6504
New Jersey / Karen Galanowsky, RN, MPH/Patricia Wood / Tel: 609-462-6581
Tel: 609-203-4250 / Division of TB Control Program
New Jersey Department of Health & Senior Services
Northern Region Office
153 Halsey Street
Newark, NJ 07103
New Mexico / Diana Fortune, RN, BSN / Tel: 505-827-2473
Fax: 505-827-0163
Email: / DOH/PHD/IDB
1190 St. Francis Dr., S-1150
Santa Fe, NM 87505
New York City / Farah Parvez, MD, MPH
Director, Office of Correctional Public Health / Tel: 347-396-4420
Fax: 347-396-4563
Email: / New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
42-09 28th Street, 10th Floor, 10-68, CN-52
Long Island City, NY 11101-4132
New York (State) / Margaret Oxtoby, MD
Director, Bureau of TB Control / Tel: 518-474-4845
Fax: 518-473-6164
Email: / New York State Department of Health
ESP-Corning Tower, Room 565
Albany, NY 12237
North Carolina / None Designated – Contact:
Myra Allen, RN, BSN /
Tel: 252-946-4170
Fax: 252-946-4179 / 511 Alderson Road, Washington, NC 27889
North Dakota / Dee Pritschet
Medical Technologist
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
TB Consultant / Tel: 701-328-2377
Fax: 701-328-2499
Email: / North Dakota Department of Health
Division of Disease Control
2635 E. Main Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58506-5520
Ohio / Maureen Murphy-Weiss, BSN, RN, CPM
TB Controller / Tel: 614-387-0652
Fax: 614-387-2132
Email: / Ohio Department of Health
35 East Chestnut Street, 6th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Oklahoma / Amy Hill, RN / Tel: 405-271-4060
Fax: 405-271-6680
Email: / Oklahoma State Department of Health
1000 NE 10th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1299
Oregon / Heidi Behm, RN, MPH
TB Control Program Mgr. / Tel: 971-673-0169
Fax: 971-673-0178
Email: / TB Control Program
Oregon Public Health Division
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 1105
Portland, OR 97232-2162
Pennsylvania / Dan Dahoney/Barry Dickman / Tel: 215-685-6727
Philadelphia, PA / Dan Dahoney/Barry Dickman / Tel: 215-685-6727
Puerto Rico / Luz D. Sanchez, RN, MPH / Tel: 787-274-5553
Email: / Division of TB Control Program
Puerto Rico Department of Health
P.O. Box 70184
San Juan, PR 00936
Rhode Island / Utpala Bandy, MD, MPH
RI State Epidemiologist
Asst. Medical Director / Tel: 401-222-2432
Cell: 401-339-3202 or 401-641-4297
Email: / Division of Epidemiology and Infectious Disease
Dept. of Health, Room 106
3 Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02908-5097
San Diego, CA / Marti Brentnall / Tel: 619-688-0251 /
San Francisco, CA / Carol Greene / Tel: 510-620-3033 /
South Carolina / Tammy McKenna, RN, MSN / Tel: 803-898-0313
/ Div. of TB Control
South Carolina DOH & Env. Control
1751 Calhoun St.
Columbia, SC 29201
South Dakota / Kristin Rounds, BA
Tuberculosis Control Program Coordinator / Tel: 605-773-4784
Fax: 605-773-5509
Email: / South Dakota Department of Health
615 East 4th Street
Pierre, SD 57501
Tennessee / Gayle Canfield, RN, Nurse Consultants / Tel: 615-741-5885
Fax: 615-253-1370
Email: / Tennessee Department of Health
425 5th Avenue North
Cordell Hull Building, 1st Floor
Nashville, TN 37243
Texas / Barbara Vassell / Tel: 512-533-3162
Tel: 512-776-7447 (TB Svcs. Branch)
/ Texas Department of State Health Services
1100 West 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756
U.S. Virgin Islands / Lauris Harley / Tel: 340-774-9000 (Ext 4704)
Email: / STD/HIV/TB Programs
Virgin Islands Department of Health
Utah / Larry Niler, BS, RN, MSN / Tel: 801-538-9906
Fax: 801-538-9913
Email: / Utah Department of Health
Mailing address: Box 142105, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2105
Land address: 288 North 1460 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Vermont / Susan Schoenfeld, RN, MSPH / Tel: 802-863-7240
Fax: 802-951-4061
Email: / Tuberculosis Control Program
Vermont Department of Health
108 Cherry Street
P.O. Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402
Virginia / Denise Dodge, RN, BA
Nurse Consultant /
Phone: (804) 864-7906
Fax: (804) 371-0248 / Virginia Department of Health, Division of Disease Prevention, TB Control, 109 Governor Street, Room 326, Richmond, VA 23219
Washington / Lara Strick, MD / Tel: 360-725-8700
/ 7345 Linderson Way SW
Mailing: PO Box 41123 Olympia 98504-1123
Tumwater, WA 98501
West Virginia / Libby Boggess, RN
Surveillance Nurse
/ Tel: (304) 356-4003
Fax: (304) 558-1825
E-mail: / Division of Tuberculosis Elimination
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
350 Capitol Street, Room 125
Charleston, WV 25301
Wisconsin / Philip Wegner, RN, MPH Nurse Consultant / Tel: 608-266-3729
Fax: 608-266-0049
Email: / Wisconsin Division of Public Health
1 West Wilson Street
P.O. Box 2659
Madison, WI 53701-2659
Wyoming / Tai Wright / Tel: 307-777-3562
/ Dept. of Health
Communicable Disease Program, TB Prevention & Control
6101 Yellowstone Road
Suite 510
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Federal Bureau of Prisons / Sarah Bur, RN, MPH
Infection Control Consultant /
phone: 202-305-7388
cell: 202-598-9335
fax: 202-307-0156 / Health Services Division - Room 422
Federal Bureau of Prisons
320 First St., NW
Washington, D.C. 20534
U.S. Marshalls Service / Tiffany Moore RN, BSN
LCDR, U.S. Public Health Service
Nurse Case Manager /
(202) 307-9603 (office)
(202) 631-5477 (cell)
(202) 307-5029 (fax) / Prisoner Operations Division
U.S. Marshals Service Headquarters
2604 Jefferson Davis Hwy
Alexandria, VA 22301
ICE/DIHS / Diana Schneider Elson, PhD, Epidemiologist / Diana Elson, DrPH, MA, CDR USPHS
Phone: (202) 732-3467
BB: (202) 210-6804
fax: (866) 573-8531
Corrections Liaison List 1/22/13