From the Bay Bridge »
Follow Rt. 301 North to Rt. 213 North through Centreville and turn left onto Spaniard Neck Road (1st left out of Centreville across from the white picket fence). Make your first right onto Burrisville Road (0.1 miles) and follow to the end (about 3.7 miles). At the end, turn right onto Lands End Road.
From Route 301 Southbound »
Follow Rt. 301 South to Rt. 300 (Church Hill). Turn right onto Rt. 300, follow for about 4 miles, to Church Hill. Rt. 300 dead ends into Rt. 213. Turn left onto Rt 213. Travel about 1.7 miles to Island Creek Rd., then continue past the Pecometh sign another 1.3 miles to Sparks Mill Rd.*Turn right onto Sparks Mill Rd and go 3 miles until it dead ends into Lands End Rd. Turn right on Lands End Rd. and drive1/2 mile, then turn left onto Bookers Wharf Rd.
From Route 50 Westbound »
Travel through Easton and turn right on Rt. 213 at Chesapeake College. Follow Rt. 213 North through Centreville and turn left onto Spaniard Neck Road (1st left out of Centreville across from white picket fence).*Make your first right onto Burrisville Road (0.1 miles) and follow to the end (about 3.7 miles). At the end, turn right onto Lands End Road. The camp entrance will be on your left (0.8 miles).
From Route 8 Westbound »
West out of Dover. Turn right onto Rt. 44 at Pearsons Corner to Hartly. At Hartly intersection, go straight. Travel 3 miles (still on Rt. 44) and turn left onto Rt. 300 (Rt. 44 ends). Proceed west on Rt. 300 into Maryland, and straight through the light at Sudlersville. Cross over Rt. 301 travel 5 miles into Church Hill. Turn left onto Rt. 213 South. Travel about 1.7 miles to Island Creek Rd., then continue past the Pecometh sign another 1.3 miles to Sparks Mill Rd. *Follow Route 301 South directions.
From Route 404 Westbound »
Take Rt. 404 West. Turn right onto Rt. 309 North. Turn right onto Rt. 213 North. Follow Rt. 213 North through Centreville to Spaniard Neck Road (1st left out of Centreville, across from the white picket fence). *Follow directions from Route 50 / SEMINAR SCHEDULE
First Day:
1:00 pm Arrival & Registration
1:15 pm Worship & Opening Session
5:30 pm Dinner
7:15 pm Evening Session
Second Day:
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast
8:30 am Morning Session
12:15 pm Lunch with discussion
1:30 pm Afternoon Session
5:15 pm Dinner
7:15 pm Evening Session
Third Day:
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast
8:45 am Morning Session
12:15 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Afternoon Session
Seminar concludes at 4:00 pm.
No dinner is provided on third day

James T. Seymour Commission on
Religion and Race:
Dr. William T. Wallace, Sr., contact person
Commission Members:
Raggatha Calentine Boe Harris
Zaida Dore William T. Wallace, Sr.
Clifton Toomey Carol E. Svecz
302-674-2626 or 877-736-3351 /

Nurturing Wholeness

In CommunityLEVEL 2
A seminar to further equip participants on the journey to greater forgiveness, reconciliation and inclusion.

TheLEVEL 2experience is designed to:
  • Deal with the realities of racism in church & society today
  • Encourage participants to continue to journey together in the love of Christ. “Beloved Community”
  • Enable persons to address issues of inclusiveness
  • Increase personal & group readiness to counteract racism’s effects
James T. Seymour Commission on Religion and Race
The Peninsula-Delaware Conference of the
United MethodistChurch

Benefits of the Seminar
  • The opportunity for significant personal learning and growth.
  • Biblical and Theological reflection on matters of forgiveness, reconciliation and inclusiveness.
  • Increased understanding between various racial/ethnic groups.

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Gal. 3:28
“For he is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility…”
Eph. 2:14
Revised Standard Version

Recommended Reading
“Dismantling Racism”
By Joseph Barndt
“Many Faces, OneChurch”
By Bishop Ernest Lyght,
Glory E. and Jacob S. Dharmaraj
“Inclusion: Making Room For Grace”
October 24 - 26, 2011
Pecometh Retreat Center
136 Bookers Wharf Road
Centreville, MD 21617

The full benefit of the seminar depends on each attendee’s presence and participation throughout the duration of the seminar.
It is helpful to read the recommended booksbefore the seminar.
Two Continuing Education Units will be available for those requesting them / REGISTRATION FORM
Nurturing Wholeness
in Community
Level Two Seminar
City State ZIP
$245.00 per person (includes):
  • 2 nights at Retreat Center
  • Lunch and Dinner— first day
  • Breakfast, lunch, dinner—2nd day
  • Breakfast and lunch—3rd day
  • Miscellaneous items
Commuters: $100.00 per person
Attendance at all meals & sessions required.
Make checks payable to:
Peninsula-Delaware Conference
Amount enclosed ______Check #_____
Mail checks & Registration Forms to:
Peninsula-Delaware Conference
Attention: Christine Paulino
139 N. State St.
Dover, DE. 19901
September 26, 2011 /
A racial inclusiveness seminar experience for clergy and laity of the Peninsula-Delaware Conference.

The LEVEL 2 experience is designed to:
  • Deal with the realities of racism in church & society today
  • Encourage participants to continue to journey together in the love of Christ.
  • Enable persons to address issues of inclusiveness
  • Increase personal & group readiness to counteract racism’s effects
James T. Seymour Commission on Religion and Race
The Peninsula-Delaware Conference of the
United MethodistChurch