British Society for Disability and Oral Heath

Annual General Meeting Minutes DRAFT

MEETING DATE: Friday 5th December 2014 TIME: 4pm


1.  Apologies for Absence / Members Present

Committee members present / Committee member / Members Present / Apologies received
1.  / Hon. Chair / Dr Rob Hale / -
2.  / Past President (2013)
3.  / President (2014) / Dr Nick Ransford / -
4.  / President Elect (2015) / Dr Graham Manley / -
5.  / Hon. Treasurer / Dr Margaret Gregory / -
6.  / Hon. Membership Secretary / Dr Michelle Slater / -
7.  / Hon. Secretary / Dr Lorna Hollingsworth / -
8.  / Hon. Assistant Secretary / Dr Charlotte Curl / -
9.  / Committee member / Dr Sobia Rafique / -
10. / Committee member / Dr Maria Ktorides / -
11. / STR Rep / Dr Camilla Boynton / -
12. / IADH rep / Dr Kathy Wilson / -
13. / IADH rep / Dr Shelagh Thompson / -
14. / Journal Editor
15. / Academic and Research co-opt / Dr Blanaid Daley / -
16. / Teachers Group / Dr Tim Friel / yes
17. / The society members signed in as members present were:
Mark Taylor, Sarah Buckingham, Navnett Cav, Gill Greenwood, Kamalah Chelliah, MCG Manley, S Moustke, Debbie Lewis, Katherine McDermott, Sue Greening, P Bateman & S Master.
18. / Apologies were received from;Yee Lee
1.  Welcome and Apologies
Rob Hale (RH) welcomed everyone to the meeting. RH congratulated the President, Dr Nick Ransford on a good conference.
2.  Minutes of last meeting
Were accepted as a true reflection of the last meeting 2013.
3.  Matters Arising
Picked up through the agenda.
4.  The Constitution
RH talked through the key areas of proposed change
·  Honorary life time memberships process. Nominations coming to the Exec. in June meeting, presented at December Conference for recognition.
·  Now Full Membership includes health and social care professionals
·  Research lead- to encourage research in the Society. In 2015 there will be voting for this committee member. In the interim Blanaid Daly is currently co-opted in for this role.
·  A StR representative now sits on the Exec. Committee.
A vote, by show of hands, took place and the above proposals were accepted.
5.  BSDH Life time membership
RH confirmed the honorary life time memberships had been awarded to Dr Roger Davies and Ms Kamala Chelliah. The presentations took place during the Conference earlier in the day.
6.  Report of the Executive Committee
RH announced:
·  The Society was moving forward in revising its Guidelines. Blanaid Daly had commenced work around the Society producing a manual for writing guidelines. It is the aim of the Society, in the future, to have guidelines accredited by NICE. The Society is looking at a rolling programme of revisiting existing guidelines and developing new ones.
·  The website has its new format.
·  Entries for the Society prizes are again now submitted and awarded.
·  The Exec, committee are considering having an “away day” to look how to plan for the Society in future years and the way forward.
·  BSDH have response to the invitation to make comments to the draft NHS England Commissioning Guidance for Special Care Dentistry.
7.  Honorary Treasurers Report
·  Dr Margaret Gregory gave the report:
The accounts show from September 2014 the Society has £133,129.00 as a balance. This is a £3,000.00 increase on the previous year.
8.  Journal Editors Report
Dr Shelagh Thompson gave the report – see inserted document.

Looking to apply for NLM listing in 2016 .
BSDH member Dr. Selina Master asked whether the profile of the journal could be further raised with the whole membership. Suggested a short slot at the Winter Conferences. Most of the conference delegates leave prior to the AGM. 2015 President Dr MCG Manley will consider this in planning his Conference.
9.  Report of Teachers Group
·  Dr Tim Friel (TF) had sent a report which was read out by RH.
·  TF had come to the end of his term as Chair. RH thanked TF for his work .
·  Blanaid Daly is the new Teachers Chair.

10. Committee Elections
The following posts were uncontested ; nominated/seconded and re-appointed to the Executive Committee:
·  Honorary Membership Secretory - Dr Michelle Slater
·  Honorary Secretary - Dr Lorna Hollingsworth
·  Honorary Treasure - Dr Margaret Gregory
·  Honorary Assistant Secretary – Dr Charlotte Curl
There were no nominations DCP ( hygiene/therapy). This position remains vacant.
The post of the StR representative was selected by the Trainee group. This is Lauren Firth from Sheffield.
A discussion then took place about how does the Society raise the profile of the DCP rep? The area of concern was finding funding to allow the DCPs to engage with the Society. Where can the funding come from? BSDH Exec. To place on February agenda to discuss further.
11. President Valedictory Address
Dr Nick Ransford (NR)
NR thanked a number of people for the support he had been given during his 2014 Presidency
·  BSDH Executive committee for their practical ideas
·  BDA Events Team – Elise and Amiee.
·  The Speakers at both conferences
NR felt the concept of the 2 day Spring conference had been a real success, in particular the involvement of the StRs and new SCD specialists. Both conferences had been so well supported.
NR felt it had been an honour to have been nominated as President and an experience he will treasure.
NR was delighted to pass the Presidency to Dr Graham Manley and presented the chain of office.
12. Incoming President Address
Dr Graham Manley (GM)
GM commenced his Presidency by presenting NR with the Past President badge.
GM was very pleased to be President. He announced the Spring Conference 2015 would take place in Canterbury and was looking to see how he could link delegates to the Rehabilitation Hospital at Putney. The Spring conference was to take the theme of Neuro-disability and dental care; with a focus on Huntington’s’ disease. Themes for The Winter conference are still being considered but are looking towards a Commissioning theme.
GM wishes to carry on the work of encouraging StRs to contribute to the conferences.
13. Any Other Business
Dr. Peter Bateman was nominated and seconded as President for 2016.
14. Date of next AGM meeting
Minutes taken by Dr. Lorna Hollingsworth