Cheyenne Language Materials Order Form

(Latest revision: August 4, 2005; Prices subject to change)

Price Quantity Total

each price

Language, history, and educational materials:

Cheyenne Dictionary (2004): purchase CD from college bookstore or order book from

Cheyenne Dictionary (2005 Lexique Pro) $ 5.00 ______

(on CD; only for PC compatible computers)

English-Chey. Student Dictionary(1976) $16.00 ______

Cheyenne Topical Dictionary (1986) $18.00 ______

A Reference Grammar of the Cheyenne

Language (1979; 227 pages) $16.00 ______

Let's Talk Cheyenne: An Audio Cassette

Course (2 tapes plus booklet) $18.00 ______

Let's Listen to Cheyenne:CD with sound $10.00 ______

(discount price for enrolled Cheyennes) 5.00 ______

Cheyenne Sounds booklet (1998; 15 pgs) $ 1.50 ______

Cheyenne Names booklet (2004) $ 4.00 ______or order from Lulu

Nevehestonanotse (Our Names): order from Lulu

Cheyenne Picture Dictionary: order from Lulu

Cheyenne Texts: An Introduction to

Cheyenne Literature (1980; 93 pages) $ 8.00 ______

Naevahoo'ohtseme/We Are Going Back Home:

Cheyenne History & Stories Told by James

Shoulderblade & Others (436 pages) $31.00 ______

History of the Cheyenne People (Weist) $12.00 ______

Let's Read Cheyenne: order from Lulu


Cheyenne Spiritual Songs (hymnbook) $29.95 ______

Cheyenne tribal member price: $10.00 ______

Cheyenne Spiritual Songs (4 cassette

album; hymnbook songs, in order) $15.00 ______

All songs on following tapes are also found on preceding album:

Lyle Redbird singers, tape #1 $ 3.00 ______

Lyle Redbird singers, tape #2 $ 3.00 ______

Southern Cheyenne singers tape $ 3.00 ______

Maude Fightingbear songs tape $ 3.00 ______


(Usually in Cheyenne with English translation; tapes are

usually in Cheyenne only, available at $1.00 extra)

The First Introduction of Liquor to

the Cheyennes, by Laura Rockroads $ 1.00 ______

How God Helped Me Forgive (Limberhand) $ 1.00 ______

Stamper White (told by Ted Risingsun) $ 1.00 ______

My Testimony, by Elizabeth Risingsun $ 1.00 ______

How God Healed Me (Josephine Glenmore $ .25 ______

The Life of Christ (comic book) $ .25 ______

Cheyenne Christmas (Luke 2:1-20) $ .25 ______

Cheyenne Easter (Luke 23:13-24:35) $ .25 ______

How Alcoholism Wipes Out Indian Culture,

by John Woodenlegs (English; no tape) $ .25 ______

Booklet tapes (specify which; Limberhand and

Eliz. Risingsun combined on a single tape;

Glenmore talk is on the Healing/Suffering tape, below):



Forgiveness/Elijah $ 1.00 ______

Fear/God's Great Giveaway $ 1.00 ______

Misc. Bible verses/Easter story $ 1.00 ______

Love (I Cor. 13)/Heaven (John 14:1-6) $ 1.00 ______

The Son Who Came Back Home (Luke 15)/Life

of Christ booklet narration $ 1.00 ______

Christmas (Luke 2:1-20) $ 1.00 ______

Cheyenne Bible Portions (Jan.18, 1998) $ 1.00 ______

Singable English Cheyenne hymns $ 1.00 ______

I Have Decided to Follow Jesus & Christian

Songs From Other Tribes $ 1.00 ______

Busby Mennonite Church history (English),

as told by Ted Risingsun $ 1.00 ______

Gospel Recordings sermonettes (available

only to Cheyenne speakers) free ____ free

Videos: (Cheyenne Speakers Only)

Luke (4½ hrs; only for Chey. speakers) currently free

Joseph Story (Genesis 37-50) $ 11.00 ______

Other materials:

Cheyenne greeting cards (nice artwork; colored paper)

Christmas cards--packets of 12 $ 4.00 ______

non-Christmas cards--packets of 12 $ 4.00 ______

Cheyenne spiritual calendar $ 3.00 ______

Subtotal cost of items ordered: $______

Shipping (Minimum $2.00; if order over $20.00, include 10% of Subtotal of items ordered. CANADA and OVERSEAS: minimum $3.00;

if order is over $10.00, include 30% of Subtotal): $______

TOTAL COST (Items + Shipping): $______

Send check or money order (U.S. dollars only) to:

Cheyenne Translation Project (CCEP)

Box 50

Busby, MT 59016 (U.S.A.)

(Telephone orders 406-592-3643)


NAME: ______


CITY: ______STATE OR PROV.: _____ ZIP: ______

COUNTRY (if not in U.S.): ______