
Studywiz Admin users have management access to Markbook assessment features. As an admin user you can manage assessment tags and assessment outcome definitions. These two features are integral components of Markbook, and how you set them up changes the way Markbook operates for teachers and students on your deployment.

1.1Markbook Outcome Definitions

Outcome definitions are the fields that teachers use to mark class assessments; they can range from a general comment text field to a grade drop-down list. Outcome definitions are managed and added to the Studywiz deployment by admin usersand are created using XML. If you have a good knowledge of XML you can even develop your own outcome definitions to suit your school’s marking and assessment criteria.

The standard Outcome Definition fields are:

  • Effort
  • Free form text
  • Greek Letter Grades
  • Pass/Fail
  • Score.

An Assessment can use any one or more of these fields.Once they are set up, these fields are available in Studywiz Activities that are linked to an Assessment.

1.1.1Add an Outcome Definition

1.On the admin menu bar, click AdminUtilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.Click the Markbook Management button. The Markbook Management page appears.

3.Click the AssessmentOutcome Definition button. The Assessment Outcome Definition page appears.

4.Click Add New Definition. The create new definition fields appear.

5.In the Title field, type a title for the new outcome definition.

6.In the XML field, type or past the XMLcode for the outcome definition.

Refer to the Example Outcome Definition XMLsection to see examples of XML code for outcome definitions.

7.In the Description field, type a description of the outcome definition.

8.Click Apply. The outcome definition is saved.

The new outcome definition appears in the list of outcome definitions.

1.1.2Duplicate an Outcome Defintion

Duplicating an outcome definition may be useful if you want to alter the outcome definition XML to create a slightly different outcome definition.

1.On the admin menu bar, click AdminUtilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.Click the Markbook Management button. The Markbook Management page appears.

3.Click the AssessmentOutcome Definition button. The Assessment Outcome Definition page appears.

4.Adjacent to the outcome definition that you want to duplicate, click the Duplicate button. The outcome definition is duplicated.

5.In the Title field, type a new title.

6.If you can read XML, make any appropriate changes to the code in the XML field.

7.Click Apply. The changes are saved.

1.1.3Edit an Outcome Defintion

1.On the admin menu bar, click AdminUtilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.Click the Markbook Management button. The Markbook Management page appears.

3.Click the AssessmentOutcome Definition button. The Assessment Outcome Definition page appears.

4.Adjacent to the outcome definition that you want to edit, click the Edit button. The outcome definition fields appear.

5.Make your changes to the outcome definition.

6.Click Save. The changes are saved.

1.1.4Delete an Outcome Definition

1.On the admin menu bar, click AdminUtilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.Click the Markbook Management button. The Markbook Management page appears.

3.Click the AssessmentOutcome Definition button. The Assessment Outcome Definition page appears.

4.Adjacent to the outcome definition that you want to edit, click the Edit button. The outcome definition fields appear.

5.Click Delete. The ‘This will delete the outcome definition. Continue?’ dialog box appears.

6.Click OK. The outcome definition is deleted.

1.1.5Example Outcome Definition XML

To create one of the outcome definitions below, follow the Add an Outcome Definition procedure and copy the appropriate XML and paste it in the Create Outcome Definition XML text field.

XML for a General Comment Text Field

This XML generates a general comment text field.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<variable xmlns=" name="general_comment" label="Comment" baseType="Text" isComplex="false"/>

XML for a Level Drop-Down List

This XML allows your teachers to select a level, from 1 to 8, for each student.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<variable xmlns=" name="scale_level" label="Level" baseType="Integer" isComplex="false">












XML for Pass/Fail Options

This XML allows teachers to select a pass or fail option.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<variable xmlns=" name="pass_fail" label="Pass/Fail" baseType="Boolean" isComplex="false">






XML for a Grade Drop-Down List

This XML allows your teachers to select a grade, from A to D, for each student.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<variable xmlns=" name="scale_grade" label="Grade" baseType="Integer" isComplex="false">








XML for Lunch Selection

This XML allows teachers to select a lunch option for each student in the Class.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<variable xmlns=" name="scale_lunch" label="Lunch" baseType="String" isComplex="false">









1.2Activity Output Definitions

Activity output definitions are additional assessment fields forthe activity typesthat can be linked to assessments.Studywiz administrators can create, editand delete new activity output definitions for activities in their Studywiz deployment.

1.2.1Create a New Activity Output Definition

1.On the admin menu bar, click AdminUtilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.Click the MarkbookManagement button. The Markbook Management page appears.

3.Click the Activity Output Definition button. The Activity Output Definition page appears.

4.Click the Add New Definition button. The new definition fields appear.

5.In the Name field, type a name for the new activity output.

6.From the Activity Type drop-down list, select the activity type that you want to output to Markbook.

7.In the Description field, type a description for the output.

8.Click Apply. The new activity output is saved and the Output Items options appear.

9.Click the Add New Item button. The Output Items page appears.

10.From the Outcome Definition drop-down list, select the outcome definition you want to use.

11.Ensure that the Auto Recordingoption is set to No.

/ If Auto Recording is set to Yes, the Process Definition field must contain appropriate XML code to record the result.

12.If you want the outcome definition to be a mandatory assessment field for the activity type, select the Is Mandatory option.

13.Leave the ProcessDefinition field blank.

/ The process definition field is only used when you want to automatically record an activity’s results to the new output definition, this involves the use of complex XML and is currently not supported.
Test, QTAssessment and Assignment results are automatically configured to record to the assessment.

14.In the Description field, type a description of the output item.

15.From the DisplayOrder drop-down list, select where you want the output definition displayed amongst any other output definitions for the activity output.

16.Click Apply. The Output Item is saved.

17.Click Return. The Output Item is displayed in the Output Item section.

18.Click Apply. The activity output definition is saved.

1.2.2Edit an Activity Output Definition

1.On the admin menu bar, click AdminUtilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.Click the MarkbookManagement button. The Markbook Management page appears.

3.Click the Activity Output Definition button. The Activity Output Definition page appears.

4.Adjacent to the activity output definition that you want to edit, click the edit button.

5.Make your changes to the activity output definition.

6.Click Apply. The changes are saved.

1.2.3Delete an Activity Output Definition

1.On the admin menu bar, click AdminUtilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.Click the MarkbookManagement button. The Markbook Management page appears.

3.Click the Activity Output Definition button. The Activity Output Definition page appears.

4.Adjacent to the activity output definition that you want to delete, click the edit button.

5.Click the Delete button. A confirmation dialog box appears.

6.Click OK. The activity output definition is deleted.

1.3Assessment Templates

Assessment Templates provide an easy way of creating multiple Assessments with the same criteria. Follow the procedures in this section to manage Assessment Templates.

1.3.1Create an Assessment Template

1.Click Admin Utilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.Click the Assessment Management button. The Assessment Management page appears.

3.Click the Assessment Templates button. The Assessment Template page appears.

This page will list all Assessment Templates in the system The screenshot above displays No Template Available, indicating that no Assessment Templates have been created in the system.

5.Click Add New Template. The Add New Template panel appears.

The Assessment Template panel contains four sections. Complete each section as described below:

Basic Information

5.In the Title field type a title for the new Assessment Template.

6.In the Description field, type a description of the assessment template.

Outcome Definition

7.From the Add Definitions drop-down list, select an outcome definition that you want to make available in the template.

Select from the following options:

  • Effort
  • Free form text
  • Greek Letter Grades
  • Pass/Fail
  • Score.

8.Click the Add Definition button. The outcome definition is added to the assessment template.

To add additional assessment definitions, repeat steps 7 and 8.

Access Rights

9.From the Access Type drop-down list, select the hierarchical level at which you want the Assessment Template available:

  • To make the Assessment Template available to one or more entire Levels/Schools, select Levels/Schools.
  • To make the Assessment Template available to one or more entire Classes, select Classes.
  • To make the Assessment Template available to one or more entire Groups, select Groups.

The selection fields change according to the selection you make in the Access Type drop-down list.If you select Classes or Groups, a second drop-down list appears, which allows you to filter by School.

10.In the unselected list, select the Levels/Schools, Classes or Groups to which you want to make the Assessment Template available.

11.Click the Add Selected Objects button . The selectedlist is populated.

Advanced Information

12.Select the Publish checkbox. This makes the Assessment Template available.

9.To make the Assessment Template available to all teachers, select the Global Template checkbox.

12.If you want the template to be used for linked Studywiz Activities, ensure that the Can be Attached to an Activity checkbox is selected.What does this mean?

13.To allow the teachers to manage assessment sessions, ensure that the Allow Session Management checkbox is selected.

14.Click Save. The template is saved and the Edit Template page appears.

  • Teachers can now follow the Create an Assessment Based on a Template procedure to create a new Assessment using the template.

17.Click the Return button.

1.3.2Edit an Assessment Template

1.Click Admin Utilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.Click the Assessment Management button. The Assessment Management page appears.

3.Click the Assessment Templates button. The Assessment Template page appears.

This page will list all Assessment Templates in the system The screenshot above displays No Template Available, indicating that no Assessment Templates have been created in the system.

/ To search for a template, type your search terms in the SearchCriteria field and click Search. The list of templates is filtered to your search results.

5.Adjacent to the assessment template that you want to edit, click the Edit Template button. The Edit Template page appears.

6.Make the required changes to the template.

7.Click Save. The changes to the template are saved.

1.3.3Delete an Assessment Template

1.Roll the mouse pointer over the Learning tab. The Learning drop-down list appears.

2.From the drop-down list, select the Class that contains the assessment template you want to delete. The Learning page appears.

3.In the Student Progress section, click Markbook. The Markbook panel for the class appears.

4.Click Manage Assessment Template. The Assessment Template page appears.

5.Adjacent to the Assessment template that you want to edit, click the Edit Template button. The Edit Template page appears.

6.Click Delete. The ‘This will delete the assessment. Continue?’ dialog box appears.

7.Click the OK button. The assessment template is deleted.

1.4Assessment Tags

What is an Assessment, why do they need tags and what does this have to do with Markbook?

Assessment Tags are keywords that you assign to assessments to help teachers and students search for and group together assessments. As an admin user you can create, edit and delete Assessment Tags.

What do you do with them once you have created them? Where do you assign them to assessments?

Looks as though tags are currently useless.

1.4.1Create a New Tag

1.On the admin menu bar, click AdminUtilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.Click the AssessmentManagement button. The Assessment Management page appears.

Assessments and Assessment Templates buttons on this page are new -

3.Click the Assessment Tag Management button. The Assessment Tag Management panel appears.

/ To create a new Tag subject, click the Add New Tag button adjacent to the Markbook Tag heading. What does this mean?

4.Adjacent to the folder in which you want to add the new tag, click the Add New Tag button. The create tag fields appear.

5.In the Name field, type a name for the new tag.

6.In the Description field, type a description of the tag.

7.To display the tag in another order, select the order from the DisplayOrder drop-down list.

8.Click Apply. The new tag is saved.

1.4.2Edit a Tag

1.On the admin menu bar, click AdminUtilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.Click the Markbook Management button. The Markbook Management page appears.

3.Click the Assessment Tag Management button. The Assessment Tag Management panel appears.

4.Navigate through the folder structure to the tag that you want to edit.

5.Adjacent to the tag you want to edit, click the Edit Tag button. The tag fields appear.

6.Make your changes to the tag.

7.Click Apply. The changes to the assessment tag are saved.

1.4.3Delete a Tag

You can only deletea base level tag folderif there are no tags contained in the folder.

1.On the admin menu bar, click AdminUtilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.Click the Markbook Management button. The Markbook Management page appears.

3.Click the Assessment Tag Management button. The Assessment Tag Management panel appears.

4.Navigate through the folder structure to the tag that you want to edit.

5.Adjacent to the tag you want to delete, click the Edit Tag button. The tag fields appear.

6.Click Delete. The ‘This will delete the tag. Continue?’ dialog box appears.

7.Click OK. The tag is deleted.