CBL 101 Crucial Questions


What do I hope to learn from my CBL placement?

How does the potential for a power differential between myself and key elements of my CBL placement affect what I learn?

What does the future of leadership look like? How might it differ from the definition given by Northouse?

What might leadership mean in a post-human world?


Evaluate your CBL placement process experience.

How was your orientations process?

From Northouse: Do you think the traits approach to leadership is accurate? If so, why? If not, why not? How would you amend the traits approach to leadership?

Were there leadership traits that you indentified with?

Which ones were your strengths? Weaknesses?

How could you use your work at your placement to maintain strengths and improve weaknesses?


How does the Emotionally Intelligent Leadership (EIL) definition of leadership differ from the Northouse definition?

Does Shankman and Allen’s understanding of EIL seem to fit with Northouse’s assessment of EIL as a traits approach to leadership?

How does knowing yourself and managing your emotions relate to effective leadership?

Cite examples from your CBL work.

What do you think it means to be an effective follower, and how can EIL help?

Use some examples from your CBL work.

What is intentionality and how does it influence consciousness of context?

Cite examples from your CBL work.


What kind of environment or group dynamic would help you maximize your leadership potential or effectiveness as a follower?

How does group savvy relate to environmental awareness or consciousness of context?

How do you cope with an environment or group dynamic that doesn’t bring out the best in you as a leader or a follower? How do you determine what kind of environments and groups in which you would like to work?

How does a high capacity for emotional self-perception facilitate effective communication between members of a group?

Respond to the third reflection question found on p 31 of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership.


MID-TERM REFLECTION (Please respond to all questions and the Model Leader post)

DUE: 10pm 03/15

Going forward from this point in the semester, what would you change about what we are doing in the classroom?

How can we set up a classroom environment where everyone is getting a chance to speak about his or her placement in relationship to the leadership material we are looking at?

If you have not already done so, please select one person or institution that demonstrates effective leadership. Do some quick research on the biography or history of the person or institution you have chosen. Post your results to your Blog under the title Model Leader and categorize it Model Leader Research. Aim for 300-400 words.