Sunday, September 24, 2017

Welcome & Opening Prayer……………...... Gary Radtke

Music Service

Communion Meditation...... Gary Radtke

The Lord’s Supper is open to all baptized believers. We ask that you use this time as an opportunity to examine your relationship with the Lord and to meditate upon His sacrifice on your behalf.

Bringing of Tithes, Gifts and Thanksgiving

Dismiss Kids for Jr. Church (Immediately following offering)

Age 3 thru kindergarten & 1st thru 5th grades

Message………………………………………….Nate Anderson

Series: “A Year to Remember”

Sermon: “Babylon”

Scripture:Jeremiah 24 & 29


Closing Prayer

Nate's Notes:

How do we grow our church? The answer to that question has been pondered for decades, and literally hundreds of books have been written on the subject. But amidst all of the philosophy & strategy of church growth, there is one principle that many times gets overlooked and it is the most basic one of all. How do we grow the church?BY REACHING THE LOST AT ALL COSTS! Nothing is more central to the growth of our church and THE church than people coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! We can get everything else correct, but if we miss this, we have wasted our time. Don't miss it! People need Jesus in Fairland, America and someone has to reach them - why not us? Have a blessed day! Nate


Today’s Nursery Workers: Loverta Stephens& Lacey Dry

Tues., Sept. 26– MEN’S BIBLE STUDY – 10:30 a.m.

Wed., Sept. 27th

  • 6:30 p.m. – Family Dinner –“PULLED PORK”

Special thanks to Terry & Anita Tyree & “The Pig Dig” for providing the pork!

Buns: (16 pkgs.) Mary Rinehart

Cookies: (2 pkgs.) Jean Trease, Amy Archer, Jeanne Kelley

Chips: (2 bags) Darlene Nodine, Kim Anderson, Kara Kinsey

Servers: Youth

Clean up:Darlene N. Mike Detherage, Ina & Tom Houston

  • 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Adult Bible Study – “Back to the Basics!”

Jr. Sr. High ….. “SYATP” - See You At The Pole!

Kids 4 Christ… (Age 3 thru 5th Grade)

Nursery provided

Serving the Congregation –Next Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017

  • Sunday School Nursery: Kim Radtke
  • Worship Service:

Meditation – Terry Tyree, Jr.

Greeters– Steve & Jean Trease

Nursery – Bonnie Warren & Ina Houston

SEPT., 2017: BUDGET MTD ATTENDANCE 9/10/17 $13,143 $6,904 SS:48 Worship: 117

MISSION UPATE: In addition to FCC’s monthly gift to our 9 missions

(Totaling $900), we were able to gift an additional $3,000 this month:

IDES - $750 …… (Hurricane relief for Houston, TX & Florida)

Samaritan’s Purse - $750 (Hurricane relief for Houston, TX & Florida)

Expressions of Emmanuel - $500 …. (Mission to the deaf)

We-Go Mission Coalition - $500 …. (Ministry to Russia)

Cookson Hills - $500…….. (Christian homes, school, & ministry – KS,OK)

- Last week, the First Christian Church of Miami hosted an event for all the high school guys of Ottawa County called "Man-Up". This program is designed to encourage and strengthen young men and because of the efforts of the churches

and organizations involved, we were able to reach over 600 young men with a message of hope!
- This Wednesday morning at 7:30 AM, Fairland Schools will be participating in

See You at the Pole.SYATP is a nationally recognized event in which students gather around the flag poles of the schools to pray for their schools, communities, and nation. Please join us in praying for SYATP!