Crystal Pointe Homeowners' Association, Inc.

Monthly Board Meeting

Held on: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 @ 7:00 PM

Location: Community Clubhouse


Meeting called to order by President, Chris Hagger, at 7:01 PM.

Present: Anne Abramow, P. Cannan, Chris Hagger, Jon Markoulis, Joetta Schneider, Jerry Simon, Gary Walk and Tom Wilcox

D. Martin was not in attendance.

Present for Seacrest Services: Tara Miller, Property Manager

C. Hagger called for a motion to approve the minutes from the board meeting held on 4/27/16 with one change noted by Property Manager. J. Schneider made a motion to approve the minutes. G. Walk seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.

Four applications for architectural approval were reviewed:

2674 La Lique Circle - Request to install new windows. G. Walk made a motion to approve, J. Simon seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.

13282 St Tropez Circle - Request to install screen enclosure in backyard. G. Walk made a motion to approve, A. Abramow seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.

Lalique Maintenance Association - Request to install 4 sidewalk extensions. G. Walk made a motion to approve, J. Simon seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.

13245 St Tropez Circle - Request to extend existing fence & install palm trees. G. Walk made a motion to approve subject to homeowner planting a hedge row along the entire span of fence that faces St Tropez Circle, J. Schneider seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.

Q&A's with Kyle Hebert from PCI Storm Water Solutions, Inc. - Kyle explained the importance of cleaning out the lines before performing the pipeline video inspections so that the lines are free from any dirt and debris and any issues can be clearly identified. The entire inspection would be recorded, issues found would be detailed and the cost for any necessary repairs would be provided. The pipeline video inspection can and should be considered a general maintenance item. Kyle was asked to prepare a proposal for the storm sewer lines only. Property Manager was asked to contact Seacoast Utility Authority to see if they offer any type of pipeline video inspection of the sanitary sewer lines. Property Manager also asked to get an additional bid, or two, from other service providers.

President's Report - C. Hagger presented a proposed approach to gaining approval for capital expenditures from the membership. G. Walk made a motion to amend the declarations to change the requirement for authorization of capital expenses exceeding 2% of the budget to a simple majority of members voting at an annual or special meeting of members, or by written consent, provided that a quorum (consisting of a majority of members) is voting whether in attendance or by proxy. A. Abramow seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried. G. Walk made a motion to change the requirement for authorization of amendments to the declaration or bylaws to 662/3% of members voting at an annual or special meeting of members, or by written consent, provided that a quorum (consisting of a majority of members) is voting whether in attendance or by proxy. A. Abramow seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried. G. Walk will follow up with the association's attorney regarding amendments.

Treasurer's Report - T. Wilcox provided a written report (attached) and made a motion to have Seacrest Services publish (on their website) the monthly delinquency reports for Board members ONLY to view. J. Simon seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.

Interview Committee - B. Lentini met with five new residents. Three rentals and two sales, one sale in the Estates and the other in Lalique.

Landscaping Committee - The new hedge row near the clubhouse parking lot and the new flowers that the Property Manager chose look great. The grass is starting to look great too, a lot less weeds are seen. A. Abramow said she will present ideas and pricing for new tables & chairs for the pool area at the next board meeting.

Hearings Committee - T. Dellolio reported that there was no need to hold a meeting this month. Looking for an additional person to join the committee to replace Sheldon Haas who is moving.

Security Report - T. Miller held a routine staff meeting with the gate attendants on 5/10. There have been no security issues in the community to speak of. There is one new gate attendant in training. Gates and security cameras are working properly. Board was asked if they would like to continue the roving patrol from 7:00 pm until 11:00 pm every night during the summer months, which has been done in the past, to ensure that kids are not "hanging out" in the clubhouse, or at the pool area, after dark. Board agreed to continue with the extra "security".

Old Business:

□  Plan for community upgrades - J. Markoulis contacted 5 different architects and has 2 proposals so far. Will have more information to present at the next board meeting.

□  Audit done by CPA firm - A few recommendations were made (attached) and an electronic copy of the audit will be made available to homeowners ONLY who contact the Property Manager and request it. Next audit will be in the year 2020.

□  Road & sidewalk paving - Will be discussed further once the Board has additional information and all/revised proposals for the inspection of storm & sanitary sewer lines.

□  Gym flooring - Steel grey carpet tiles were chosen by the board and will be installed by Specialized Supplies & Services, Inc. The walls in the gym will be painted grey by on-site maintenance personnel. Project to be coordinated and supervised by the Property Manager.

New Business:

□  Emergency device to open gates at pool area - J. Schneider spoke about an emergency exit button for the gates at the pool area which she saw at another community she visited and wondered if it was something the board would consider having installed at the community pool area. Property Manager was asked to find out about the cost involved. PM was also asked to post pool hours in the bulletin board at the entrance of the community.

With no further business to discuss, C. Hagger called for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 PM. G. Walk made a motion to adjourn, J. Schneider seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.

Executive session was called to order by C. Hagger at 8:52 PM. A delinquent account being handled by the association's attorney was discussed. Attorney recommended waiting a few weeks to see if the home sells and the Board agreed. G. Walk made a motion to ratify the decision to wait until the next board meeting before doing anything further. J. Simon seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried. G. Walk will inform the association's attorney of the decision to do nothing at the moment. The matter will be revisited at the 6/22 board meeting.

Executive meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Tara Miller, LCAM