Shark Tank of Wellness

Concept SubmissionForm

The "Shark Tank of Wellness” competition is a unique global challenge, where university students have the opportunity to submit their most innovative, impactful idea for the wellness industry.The top three finalists will be flown, along with their professors, to the annual Global Wellness Summit(GWS), being held October 17-19 in Kitzbühel, Austria where they will present their business idea.Several business leaders will act as “Wellness Sharks” and ask questions of the students, who will defend their innovation and make a business case for its feasibility. Students will compete for cash prizes totaling USD $10,000.
Rules: Students are asked to submit a future-focused, innovative wellness idea, product, or service that has the potential to become a profitable business venture. Each individual or team is required to submit aConcept Submission form in addition to a one to two minute video. Contestant will have the chance to provide a link to their video presentationin question number seven of this form(Read the full “Rules and Judging Criteria”here).
Deadlines: Please provide the information requested below and email your Concept Submissionform to yMonday, Aug. 1, 2016at 12:00pm GMT.The top three Concept Submissions, who will compete inKitzbühel, Austria,will be announced on Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2016.

1. Contact information

Please provide the contact information for the individual or team leader of the project.

Contact information
(Individual or Team leader) / Name:
Professor / Name:
School or University / Name:

2. Concept Submission

Name of the Concept Submission:

Wellness industry sector which best represents your product or service(choose one appropriate option):









▢Real Estate


▢Other: ______

Concept Submission. Include a description of your innovation, its visual appeal/design if applicable, its relevance/importance to the wellness industry, and the financial opportunity.

3. Customers

Customer/Market Analysis. Identify your target market/potential customers and explain how your innovation meets customer need/demand.

4. Competitors

Competitors, substitute products, entry barriers, etc. Identify any company you believe competes with your innovation. Be as specific as possible.

5. Merits

Advantages over comparable products.What sets your concept submission apart?Differentiate your innovative idea from similar products or services already in the marketplace.

6. Additional Comments
Please include any additional comments that you would like to contribute that will emphasize the aspects of your submission for the judges to consider.

7. Video Entry
Upload your one to two minutevideo on your personalYouTubeorDailymotionaccount. (Please refer toYouTube’s and Dailymotion’s upload guidelines for more information.)Make sure you include a title to your video entry once it’s uploaded.

In the box below, please share with us the link to your video, along with the title of your video entry.

I have read and accepted the Competition Regulations□

Student Name: ______Professor Name: ______
Student Signature: ______Professor Signature: ______
Date: ______Date: ______

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