PRESENT:Senator Sean O’Fearghail, (Chairman),
Senator John Dardis, Councillors Fionnuala Dukes,
Jim Keane, John O’Neill and Fiona O’Loughlin.
OFFICIALS PRESENT:Seamus Stokes, County Secretary
Karen Keane, A/SO
Michael O’Leary, E.E.
Colm Flynn, A.E.
L. Dunne, S.S.O.
D. Reel, C.L.O.
G.Halton, S.E.E.
J. Shannon, S.O.
Dara Wyer
Damien Mc Nulty A/E.
C.Talbot P.O.
The minutes of the meeting of 29th June 2001 were adopted on the proposal of Senator O’Fearghail seconded by Councillor Keane.
Matters arising from Minutes
Speed Limit Issues
Senator O’Fearghail enquired when will the 40 m.p.h. speed limit, as agreed previously by the Kildare Area Committee, be applied to the Kildare to Newtown Cross to Mooretown Cross to Clarryville Road. Mr. Colm Flynn, A.E. replied that it would have to wait until the Traffic Technical Committee meet and maps are approved by the members of the full Council. Councillor Dukes then enquired as to the possibility of erecting speed limits on the by-road accomodating the Kildare Town by-pass works. Councillor Dukes indicated that due to the presence of heavy construction traffic it was now very dangerous on the Mooretown Road down by Tully West on to the Newtown Road. Mr. C. Flynn, A.E. stated that a blanket speed limit might not be the correct option but that we could ask the developer to erect heavy construction traffic signs and warning signs. Mr Seamus Stokes, County Secretary, stated that we can ask the Project Engineer of the Kildare Town by-pass Mr. John Coppinger to approach the developer in relation to the erection of these signs. Senator O’Fearghail then asked that the Project Engineer be invited to attend the September meeting of the Kildare Area Committee to discuss these issues. Mr. C. Flynn, A.E., stated that Mr. Coppinger might not be available to attend due to staff shortages and it might be more beneficial to write to him. Senator O’Fearghail indicated that it was the committee’s preference that Mr. Coppinger be invited to attend the September meeting.
Right of Way Ballymany Shopping Centre to the Oaks.
It was agreed by all members to leave this item on the agenda for the September meeting of the Kildare Area Committee
Taking in charge of Sarsfield Drive Estate, Newbridge.
Mr. Seamus Stokes, County Secretary, indicated that on speaking to Mr. Chris Marshall, S.E.E., that this estate is not being taken in charge due to the fact that the members were not happy that no stop sign had been erected at the entrance to the estate. All members of the committee were in agreement that this estate should be taken in charge and that Kildare County Council will erect the stop sign.
Junction boxes at Moorefield Park and Finlay’s Garage, Newbridge.
Mr. Colm Flynn, Area Engineer, stated that a lining contractor had been employed and that it is hoped that this work would be carried out in the next week.
Deputations from the Community Resource Centre, St. Patrick’s Park, Rathangan.
All members of the Kildare Area Committee received a copy of the correspondence that was issued to the Resource Centre from the County Secretary and indicated that they were happy with the reply.
Deputation from the Rathangan Tidy Towns Committee
Mr. Colm Flynn, Area Engineer, circulated a report detailing the methods to be employed to address the issues raised by the Rathangan Tidy Towns committee. All members of the Kildare Area Committee were satisfied with this report.
Progress Report
Deputation from the Newbridge Tidy Towns Committee
Councillor John O’Neill indicated that he is not happy with the work being carried out by the dedicated Town Gang in Newbridge. He agreed to meet with Colm Flynn, A.E., to show him what issues need to be addressed. Senator O’Fearghail asked that a detailed response be issued to the Newbridge Tidy Towns Committee indicating to them how much time is spent by the litter warden in the Newbridge area as they had asked that the litter warden, Mr. Noel Geoghan, spend more time in the town.
Total legal costs incurred on the Lynch family in Kildare Town.
A report from Mr. Dermot Brennan, S.S.O., indicated that this information is still being compiled and has been referred to the Council’s solicitors for calculation and will issue to the members as soon as it is available.
The future of Magee Barracks
No report was available on this item and it was agreed by all members that it be left on the agenda for the September meeting. Kildare County Council are to write to the Department of Defence enquiring as to any decisions being made with regard to Magee Barracks in Kildare Town.
Water Tower in Newbridge be included under a preservation order.
A report from Ms A. Aspell, S.S.O., indicated that Ms. A. Lazenby-Simpson, Conservation Officer, recommended that the water tower be included in the record of protected structures. Ms Aspell has notified the consultants dealing with the Newbridge local area plan accordingly.
The LHD Newbridge.
This item was dealt with under motion No.16 on the agenda.
The moving of the recycling banks at CYMS Kildare.
This item was dealt with under No.14 on the agenda Councillor’s Questions from Councillor Dukes.
00/1454 – Parish Centre, Kildare Town
A report was circulated to the members indicating that permission was granted for this development on 12th July 2001. A copy of the report was circulated.
Deputation from the Monasterevin Access Group
This deputation was made up of Mrs. Angela Broughal. Chairwoman, Mr. Seamus Dunne, P.R.O. and Ms. Yvonne Fleming from the Action South Kildare Group. Mrs Broughal began the deputation by highlighting the issues that they wished to raise with the Kildare Area Committee
(i)Diabled Parking spaces to be placed outside the post office, Willoughby’s and Earley’s Fashion Shop, all on the main Moore Street – on the same side of the street as these shops.
(ii)That the corner pavements be repaved and a railing or bollard positioned for increased safety at the junction of Dublin Road and Drogheda Street.
(iii)That the existing pedestrian crossing on the Dublin Road be upgraded with a longer crossing time, a lower control button and an audible signal.
(iv)A new pedestrian crossing/zebra crossing be located from Cullen’s shop to Cullen’s factory (on the main street)
(v)That the Market Square be re-designed as a car park, it needs to be re-paved with clear parking markings and circulation route, two disabled parking spaces will be included here.
(vi)That the yellow box at the entrance to Moore Abbey will be re-painted as the paint has faded and motorists are ignoring it.
Mr. Colm Flynn, Area Engineer, indicated that he had met with the MAG group on 12th June 2001 and that all of their requests are feasible for the future. In relation to the pedestrian crossing and the length of the signaling time Senator O’Fearghail indicated that Kildare County Council have spoken to the Superintendent in Monasterevin on numerous occasions re the switching off of the traffic signals at this location at week-ends. Senator Dardis also went on to state that Monasterevin is unique in relation to its disabled population due to the fact that Moore Abbey is based here and that every encouragement should be given to follow through on the MAG’s requests. Senator Dardis went on to say that he feels that it isn’t the length of the pedestrian crossing time that is causing the problem for people crossing the road, but that it is due to the illegal parking on the street and that traffic is not able to flow freely. Senator O’Fearghail stated that everything in KCC’s powers should be done to try and remedy this problem. Colm Flynn, A.E., stated that a new set of traffic lights have been organised for this junction and that the timing of it would be agreed in conjunction with the Gardai, the MAG Group and Kildare County Council.
Mr. Seamus Dunne requested that the footpaths be upgraded in Monasterevin as they are very bumpy especially for wheelchair bound people. Mr. Flynn indicated that a huge amount of money has already been spent on footpath improvement in Monasterevin and that Kildare County Council have a limited budget. Mr. Flynn indicated that he will place the disabled bays outside the post office and erect bollards at the Nag’s Head corner. The deputation then thanked the Kildare Area Committee for their time and looked forward to a response on the issues they had raised in the near future.
Mr. Declan Kirrane, Town Clerk, Naas U.D.C., sent his apologies that he could not attend the July meeting of the Kildare Area Committee as he was on annual leave. All members were in agreement that this item be left on the agenda for the September meeting.
Mr. Charlie Talbot, Project Officer, attended the meeting and stated that no progress had been made regarding this matter since the last meeting but that the County Engineer has been asked to assess the Wilson site and a report is awaited. Mr. Talbot stated that it is likely to be very expensive to develop this site due to a number of safety issues that will have to be dealt with.
Mr. Talbot indicated that if a positive response is received from the Co. Engineer re.the Wilson site, money should not be an obstacle and Mr. Halton indicated that all safety issues could be solved if the adequate funding is available. Mr. Talbot then went on to state that he would recommend cumpulsory purchase of land for housing in the Kildare area and this could include a site for the Lynch’s. In response to a question from Senator O’Fearghail, Mr.Talbot indicated that he preferred a site off the Monasterevin Road. Senator O’Fearghail asked that caution be used when implementing a CPO and that the members of the area committee should be briefed before hand. Councillor Dukes then enquired as to how far outside the town the site was and how big the site is. Mr. Talbot replied it is a twenty acre site which is hoped to be used for housing and also a site for the Lynch’s, if agreed and indicated that access could come through Loughminane. Senator O’Fearghail voiced his concern as the site is at the heart of a new residential development and he could foresee problems with that.
Mr. David Reel, County Liaison Officer, for the rural water programme attended the meeting and stated to the members that in group sewerage schemes, three quarters of the cost of work is covered up to a maximum of £1,600 per house grant from the Department of the Environment. Mr. Reel went on to say that there is a possibility of a survey being carried out in relation to the Littleconnell area for a small sewerage scheme. He indicated that there is only limited funding available for small schemes from the Department of the Environment. Mr. Seamus Stokes, County Secretary, also added that by including Littleconnell under the small schemes programme at this stage, it would not be prioritised and it could take some considerable length of time for funding to be made available. Councillor John O’Neill indicated that there is a hotel and nursing home and possibly twenty-eight houses interested in forming a group scheme. Mr. Reel stated that he would have a rough outline figure for a group scheme for the members for the September meeting of the Kildare area committee.
A report from Mr. Michael O’ Leary, S.E.E., indicated that M. C. O’Sullivan Ltd. Consulting Engineers are currently carrying out a study of the drainage system (surface and foul) in the Osberstown treatment plant catchment including Newbridge. The drainage network survey is nearing completion and should be finished next month, the final report should be available at the beginning of December and will include details on current capacities, problem areas and required upgrades. It will also include an update on the March 2000 preliminary report on the Kilbelin area and include final recommendations in solving this problem.
An up to date report regarding the specific problems in Maryville were detailed in a report from Gavin Mc Dermot, Environmental Engineer, and was circulated to all the members. With regard to the wider issue of surface water drainage in Kildare, Nicholas O’Dwyer Consulting Engineers, are continuing the work on a revised model. The revised model will have regard to draft Kildare plan by Brady, Shipman, Martin, proposed developments and the current motorway drainage proposals. A number of options are being considered including using the Tully stream, motorway carrier drain, a tension pond and a separate drain to the river Barrow. Current indications are that the Tully stream and the motorway carrier drain will not be able to cope with additional peak flows. The final report is due at the end of August.
This item has already been dealt with under the progress report.
Councillor O’Loughlin asked that as a temporary measure the hedges are cut back thus widening the road. Mr. C. Flynn, A.E., stated that cutting the hedges is the landowner’s responsibility not Kildare County Council’s. He added that Kildare County Council could serve notice on the landowners to carry out this work. Senator O’Fearghail asked that Councillor O’Loughlin and Mr. Flynn liaise together regarding getting names and addresses of these landowners and serving said notice.
Mr. C. Flynn, A.E., stated that this item has already been dealt with through correspondence on a number of occasions prior to this meeting. A copy of the correspondence was circulated to the members.
This item has already been dealt with under the progress report.
Senator O’Fearghail
That the Senior Planner explain how it was possible to grant permission to Bellview Developments for houses that directly overlook the established back-gardens in houses 1-9 Drumcree Court, Rathbride Road, Kildare?
A report from Mr. Ger Roche, Assistant Planner that dealt with this planning application was circulated to the members detailing the basis for which this application was granted.
Councillor Keane(a) Current position on Suncroft, Cut-Bush, Brownstown Sewerage Scheme which was to be prioritised in 2000 to 2002 allocation.
Mr. Michael O’Leary, S.E.E., stated that the preliminary report is with the Department and we are awaiting a report from them.
(b) Current position on Traffic Calming for Suncroft Village.Mr. Damien Mc Nulty, Roads Design, indicated that a scheme for traffic calming for Suncroft is currently being drawn up.(c) Footpath at Nursing Home , Suncroft.Mr. Willie Hannigan is in discussions with the developer of the Nursing Home regarding this item.
(d) When is signage being put in place at Brownstown Cross and Cut Bush Cross?A report from Mr. Colm Flynn, A.E., indicated that due to the huge programme of major improvement work still to complete no signage improvement will be carried out until the latter end of the year. All such signage improvement will then be carried out.
(e) When is 30 m.p.h. speed limit sign at Carna being extended to position identified by Pat Cleary?
Mr. Seamus Stokes, County Secretary, indicated that the maps are currently being drawn up in relation to traffic calming and that until this is complete the speed limits cannot be finalised.
(f) Traffic Calming at Rising Sun Cross on Curragh edge, also at Athgarvan School.Mr. George Willoughby, S.E.E., is currently working on a countywide plan for speed ramps in Kildare. This plan is in progress.
(g) Closure of Rights of Way at Churchview Estate, Suncroft and St. Evin’s Park, Monasterevin.A report from Mr. Brian Swan, S.E.A., states that the tender documents are currently being issued. The tenders are due to be returned for 22nd August 2001, this is to allow for builder’s holidays.
(h) Have any further developments apart from tarmacadaming road being carried out on Oldgrange Residents Association submission from Monasterevin?A report for Mr. Colm Flynn, A.E., indicated that all of the estate roads improvements finance has been spent for 2001. Should there be any discretionary finance left over towards the year end it is hoped to construct a one metre wide path under the bridge and erect extra warning signs on the approach from Rathangan. Unless suitable finance is found no extra works will be carried out.
(i)What is current position on submission from Monasterevin Access Group?
A report that issued to the Monasterevin Access Group was circulated to the members.