Hadhrat Maryam (A) was the daughter of a good man called I______.
She used to live in Masjid-ul-A______in J______.
One day Allah sent his special angel J______(A) to M______(A).He came dressed as a handsome young m______.
At first M______(A) got scared when she saw the angel. But he told her that don’t worry I have only come to give you good news.
He told her that she was going to have a special baby b_____.
Then Maryam (A) left her town and went to a quiet place. She rested underneath a p_____ t______.
She was very t_____ and hungry and alone and worried.
Allah told her don’t worry – s______the tree and eat the d______that fall and drink the w_____ that is by your feet.
Hadhrat Eesaa (A) does not have a f______.
When he was a new-born baby he could s______.
The first thing he said was I______A______.
This means I am the s______of A______.
He also said A______made me a p______and gave me a k______. I need to pray s______, give z______and be good to my m______.
You can find this story in the chapter of the Quran called Surah M______. She is the only w______mentioned by name in the Quran.
Our prophet HADHRAT EESAA (A) also called JESUS was born under a palm tree. MARYAM (A) or MARY was all alone in a quiet place far from Jerusalem.
Please tailor this activity to the age group and the level of the children.
For younger children who can’t read (class 1) use pictures. For older children (classes 2 & 3)use words.Split children into two teams. Line kids in a row on each side at the back of the class. Two children stand at the back end of the class. Teacher asks a question and children have to run to the board and tig the right answer. Some classes will get very excited and rowdy. After each question reinforce answer and then move on to the next kids and next question.
Possible word answers:
Christians / Isa / Jesus / InjeelDates / I am Abdullah / Muslims / Palm tree
Maryam / Turkey / Bible / Man
Angel / Barn / 25th December / Nobody
God / Palestine / Imraan / Masjid ul Aqsa
Christmas Day / I can speak / Allah / Joseph
Picture grid answers:
Angel wings for angel, palm tree, dates, Quran, masjid ul Aqsa, a figure of a man, water, donkey, church cross for Christians, star and moon for Muslims. Tick for yes. Big cross for no. Allah written in Arabic, Christmas tree,
Examples of questions you can ask. Or make up your own with an answer on the board.
- Who was Eesaa (A) father?
- What do Muslims call Jesus’ mother?
- Which surah in the Quran tells us story of Isa (A) birth?
- Who do Muslims believe is the light of the heavens and the Earth?
- Who do Muslims call the Lord?
- Who do Christians call the Lord?
- Where was Eesaa (A) born?
- Who believe 3 wise men came to see the baby?
- What did Maryam (A) eat when Eesaa (A) was born?
- When was Jesus born? (have xmas day as an answer and we don’t know as another answer)
- What was the first thing Eesaa (A)?
- Who is Jibreel (A)?
- Who did he say we have to be good to?
- Who believe that Shepherds and wise men came to visit the baby Eesaa (A)?
- Where do Christians believe Eesaa (A) was born?
- When Jibreel (A) came to Maryam (A) what did come as?
- Where did Maryam (A) stay/ live?
- Should Muslims eat Turkey on Christmas day?
- Should Muslims say Merry Christmas?
- Should Muslims give presents and cards at Christmas time?
- Can we tell people have a very merry holiday?
- How do Muslims know the true story of Eesaa (A) birth?
- Is Eesaa (A) an angel, god or man? (Tell kids after man – but a special man – a prophet, some people think he is god and some people think he is son of god and some people think he is an angel that became a man). Emphasise what we believe – a normal human like you and me.
Sit the children in a circle and discuss the miracles of Eesaa (A).
Remind children that he always prayed to Allah first and Allah helped all the prophets (A) perform miracles. Eesaa (A) could only do these things because Allah wanted him to.
WE cannot perform miracles but whenever we want to do something and want it to be good and turn out well, like an exam or a race, or bake something we should always pray to Allah first and start with Bismillah.
With the help of Allah, Eesaa (A) could do / will do amazing things.
- He could talk as a baby.
- He could tell people what they had just eaten.
- He could tell his friends what they were going to have for dinner and what was cooking in their home.
- He made birds out of clay and then when he blew on them – they came to life.
- He could make the sick people better
- He could make blind people see again.
- He could touch the skin of people who had a rash on it (leprosy) and make it better again.
- He could bring dead back to life
- He prayed to Allah to send a table of food down from the sky and Allah sent a magical table of food down.
- Eesaa (A) did not die. Allah raised him up to the sky. Right now he is waiting in the skies and one day he will come back down to earth on the wings of two angels. He will come down to a white minaret in a masjid in Damascus – which is in Syria today.
Use the cut out pictures and turn upside down in a pile in the middle or spread out upside down.
Ask children to fold their arms. Choose a child to take a paper from the floor or pile. They must look at the picture as a clue and guess the miracle of Eesaa (A). If the child is struggling – give clues. What is the picture? A graveyard - who is there? What is the baby doing? What is that? The sky? Look at the lines pointing upwards – something like going up in the sky? Get other children involved.
Then choose another child to pick another picture and so on.
Discuss the miracles with children to excite their imagination to help them remember the miracles.
Ask children which of the miracles would they like to have seen?
Which do they think is the coolest?
Tell them anything is easy for Allah – he can do anything?
Ask them to close their eyes and imagine not being able to see?
Ask them what food would they pray for if they could have a table of food from Jannah.
Ask them what bird would be fun to make out of clay and then if someone blew on it – it would come to life?