Professional Duties:

Assistant Head EBacc

Line Managed by: / Headteacher
Responsibilities: / Leadership and Management:
·  Support school self-evaluation by leading evaluation of effectiveness of Humanities and MFL departments in terms of Leadership and Management, Curriculum, Teaching, Achievement, Behaviour and Safety and Cross-curricular SMSC.
·  Use self-evaluation to inform the development of the Humanities and MFL improvement plans, in line with School Improvement priorities.
·  Monitor and review the Humanities and MFL development plans termly, reporting to the HT and Link Governor.
·  Lead the team of Humanities and MFL teachers including:
·  Co-ordinating use of Curriculum Time.
·  Managing staff absence/cover.
·  Co-ordinating the Appraisal cycle for staff in both departments using Framework of Professional Standards - Qualified Teacher Standards, Core Standards (main scale), or Post Threshold Standards (Upper Pay Scale).
·  Setting and review Leadership targets as part of the Appraisal cycle for TLR holders.
·  Setting and review whole-school contribution targets as part of the Appraisal cycle for teachers on Upper Pay Scale.
·  Holding termly Appraisal reviews (Jan. and April) to review progress towards targets.
·  Carrying out quality assurance of teaching and learning within the department inc. Lesson Observations, Learning Walks, Work Trawls, Spot Checks, Informal Drop-ins.
·  Managing departmental capitation, inc. reprographics spending, to maintain a balanced budget.
a)Academic progress:
Lead the departmental teams to develop and review the curriculum and Schemes of Work (SoW) in line with statutory requirements and school improvement priorities.
Lead the development of teaching and learning inc. cross-curricular Literacy/Numeracy, SMSC, AfL and use of technology and VLE to engage learners.
Work with the DH Teaching and Learning and DH Intervention to staff the departmental teaching timetables and organise teaching groups to maximise student progress.
Ensure Curriculum time focuses on the development of teaching and learning.
Lead on the development and implementation of the Assessment, Progress-monitoring and Reporting policy and practice including:
·  Setting annual departmental/subject targets based on % students making 3 and 4 LP.
·  Reporting termly to the HT and Link Governor to monitor progress towards departmental targets.
·  Reporting termly to DH Inclusion and DH Intervention re the progress of vulnerable groups of students.
·  Reporting annually to the Headteacher and Link Governor on performance in terms of national benchmarks, 3 and 4 LP targets, and national comparisons.
·  Setting end of year and end of key stage targets for individual students based on 3 and 4 LPs.
·  Co-ordinating the EAB data collection and reporting process - see Assessment, Progress-monitoring and Reporting policy.
·  Monitoring progress towards targets.
·  Identifying students at risk of underachievement;
·  Liaising with other members of the curriculum SLT, Heads of Upper and Lower School and parents/carers re. intervention strategies to address underachievement.
Ensure all members of the departments implement the school Homework Policy.
Manage the KS5 Options process within the departments ensuring students take appropriate courses, achieve success and complete qualifications.
Manage Exam entries ensuring correct students are entered for the correct courses at the correct time.
Promote use of planners and VLE to communicate with parents/carers re. homework/effort /achievement/ behaviour.
Monitor use of planners/setting of homework for students within the department/s.
Liaise with parents/carers, school staff, external agencies to promote excellent achievement and remove barriers to learning.
Ensure all members of the departments reward and celebrate achievement and effort via assemblies, phone-calls/letters home, Vivo points, certificates; celebration events; reward trips.
Line manage the HoD (Humanities or MFL) to ensure s/he carries out the duties listed above for his/her department.
b) Attendance and Punctuality:
Ensure the curriculum and teaching and learning within the departments are engaging and encourages student attendance.
Monitor student attendance and punctuality to lessons within the departments and refer concerns to relevant Head of Year (inc. Head of Sixth Form).
Reward and celebrate good/improving attendance and punctuality via tutor time; assemblies, phone-calls/letters home, Vivo points, certificates; celebration events; reward trips.
Identify SMSC education within SoW and ensure effective delivery throughout the departments, liaising with the AH SMSC.
Reward and celebrate acts of good citizenship/ contributions to the school/local community via tutor time; assemblies, phone-calls/letters home, Vivo points, certificates; celebration events; reward trips.
Behaviour and Safety:
Implement the school’s Inclusion policy.
Ensure behaviour within the departments supports effective learning.
Monitor the behaviour of students within the department/s via analysis of Vivo points, detentions/Call Outs/FT exclusions;
Identify students whose behaviour is a cause for concern.
Liaise with SLT and teachers re. intervention strategies (see Inclusion policy).
Reward and celebrate good/improving behaviour via phone-calls/letters home, Vivo points, certificates; celebration events; reward trips.
Liaise with parents/carers, school staff, external agencies to promote excellent behaviour and remove barriers to learning.
Ensure the department learning environments and teaching and learning comply with Health and Safety Policy.
Implement the Anti-Bullying policy.
Implement the school’s Uniform and Equipment policies, including taking appropriate action, according to the policy, to respond to students out of uniform/without the correct equipment.
Other duties as agreed with Line Manager as may be reasonably required, commensurate with the character of the post and level of responsibility