Internet Basics Web Quest

Instructions: Below you will find 10 questions. Each question has at least one link after the question. Find the answer to each question by clicking on the link and reading that web page. After reading and finding the answer to the question, report your answer in a Word document. Include the web address of the page you used as your source in your answer. Be sure to number your answers. Your Word document should have the following file name: internet basics your name. Your name should be you first and or last name, not the word your name. Your Word document should include your name, your vision teachers name, the date your began the assignment and the date you finished the document. Turn in your document by turning in the file on a diskette to Miz Adams or by emailing the document as an attachment.

1. What is the internet? Read this page and then click on the next button link and also read the next page to answer this question. After you read those 2 pages, read this page and click on a button to answer your question.

2. What is the world wide web? Read both pages.

3. What is a browser? Read both pages and name at least 2 browsers? Which one are you using now?

4. What is the title bar? You use control + t to access the title bar with jaws.

5. What is email? Read this page and the next one.

6. What is a listserv and or a mailing list? What is a topic or an interest in which you might want to look for a mailing list?

7. What is netiquette? List at least 3 things you should know about netiquette. Why do you need to know anything about netiquette?

8. What is a search engine? Read this page and the next five pages to answer this question.

9. What can you do on the internet? Also read these pages:

10. What makes the internet unique?

11. How can you be a safe internet user? Read the following article and list 2 things you should not do on the internet?

12. What is chatting? Read the following article and click on one of the links for more information.

13. Is everything on the internet true? How do you know what to believe? Read the following article and tell about an internet hoax.

updated on 2/25/01 by Susie Adams