Banga Community Shed – Maintenance Schedule

Property Name / Banga Community Shed
Property Type / Community Shed
Property Use / Community use
Heritage / Yes
Works/Alterations / No works or alterations are to be undertaken to the facility without the prior written approval of the City
Leased Areas
Wall Structure (External) / Yes / TENANT to keep clean, repair deliberate damage.
Roof / Yes / CITY to maintain.
TENANT to maintain gutters free from debris.
Outdoor area drainage / Yes / TENANT to regularly keep clean and free of sand and other litter, repair deliberate damage within leased area.
Internal ceilings / Yes / TENANT to keep clean, repair deliberate damage.
Internal Fabric / Yes / TENANT to keep clean, repair deliberate damage.
CITY to replace due to wear and tear
Signage / Yes / TENANT to keep clean, repair deliberate damage.
Fencing / Yes / City to maintain.
Hardscape / No / N/A
Softscape / Yes / TENANT to maintain.
Stormwater / Yes / TENANT to keep inlets clear and ensure no obstruction occurs.
Doors, Windows / Yes / TENANT to keep clean the doors, locks, windows and window fittings. Replace if damaged due to tenants use or negligence.
Kitchen / Yes / TENANT to maintain.
Paint (internal) / Yes / TENANT to keep clean and free of markings or graffiti, touch up damage on a regular basis. Keep/return walls to colour upon commencement of lease, any changes must be approved by City. Some lead paint exists in the building – any paint removal or disturbance must not progress without appropriate permissions and safety procedures.
Paint (external) / Yes / CITY to remove graffiti and maintain or repaint if necessary.
Floor Covering / Yes / TENANT to keep clean and free of markings or graffiti, maintain to manufacturers specification.w
CITY to replace due to fair wear and tear.
Fixture and Fittings / Yes / TENANT to keep all fixture and fittings clean and in good repair.
CITY to replace due to fair wear and tear.
Power System / Yes / TENANT to repair deliberate damage.
CITY to maintain main switch board.
Lighting System / Yes / TENANT to keep clean, replace any globes or fluorescent tubes.
Hot Water / Yes / CITY to maintain and test thermostatic mixing valve.
Water and Sewerage System / Yes / TENANT to keep clean and repair blocked drains, maintain drains in good repair and free-flowing condition.
CITY to maintain water and sewer access into the building.
Pest Treatment / Yes / TENANT to implement annual pest treatment/inspection, spot treat pests, as required.
Condition Assessment / Yes / TENANT to co-operate with City’s annual condition assessment process.
Exit & Emergency Lights / Yes / TENANT to keep clean and repair damage due to tenant’s negligence.
CITY to undertake issuing of AFSS.
Fire Doors / Yes / TENANT to keep clean and repair damage due to tenant’s negligence.
CITY to maintain.
Dust Extraction / TENANT must ensure regular maintenance is carried out on the dust extraction unit. Failure to do so may result in the tenant replacing or repairing the system.
General Cleaning / Yes / TENANT to clean all areas, fixtures, fittings, equipment, furniture are to be regularly cleaned.
Air-Conditioning / No / N/A
Roller Shutters / No / N/A
Automatic Doors / Yes / TENANT to maintain.
TENANT to repair deliberate damage.
Fire Sprinklers / Yes / CITY to maintain.
TENANT to repair deliberate damage.
Smoke Detection / Yes / CITY to maintain.
TENANT to repair deliberate damage.
Fire Hose Reels / Yes / CITY to maintain.
TENANT to repair deliberate damage.
Fire Extinguishers / Yes / CITY to maintain.
TENANT to repair deliberate damage.
Fire Mains, Hydrants / Yes / CITY to maintain.
TENANT to repair deliberate damage.
External Plants / Yes / TENANT to maintain in leased area
Internal Plants / Yes / N/A
Sanitary Bins / Yes / TENANT to provide and maintain bathroom bin only.
Garbage Collection / Yes / TENANT responsible for own garbage collection. TENANT to recycle waste where possible.
Common Areas / Yes / N/A
Outdoor areas / Yes / TENANT to maintain gardens and look after external cleaning and maintenance within leased area.
Structural / Yes / CITY to maintain.