StateUniversity of New York

College of Environmental Science & Forestry

Institutional Effectiveness Assessment

Government Relations

FY 2010 Appropriations Strategy

Project / Member/ESF Priority / Amount / Committee/Agency
Line-Account / Remarks
Northeast States Research Cooperative (NSRC) / Schumer-1st
McHugh – 1st / $1,000,0000 / Interior Appropriations Bill, U.S.Forest Service-Forest & Rangeland Research Program. Proposed Language: USDOI/USDA/Forest Service-Forest and Rangeland Research – NE States Research Cooperative - $1,000,000 (NY only) /$4,000,000 (NY, NH, VT & ME) / Authorized for Appropriations in ``Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1998''. P.L. 105-185 (7 USC 7601), Title II, Subtitle E, “Other Laws” Section 553 “The Forest and Rangeland Research Act.” To ensure that federally funded agricultural research, extension, and education address high-priority concerns with national or multi-state significance, to reform, extend, and eliminate certain agricultural research programs, and for other purposes and to fund research, technology transfer and outreach that coordinates and improves ecological and economic research of the northeastern forests in New York and the northeastern states of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
SUNY-ESF/NYSDEC, Division of Lands & Forests Partnership Technology to Combat Asian Long-Horned Beetles in New York Forests
MULTI-DISTRICT / Schumer-2nd
Arcuri -1st
McHugh – 2nd
Higgins – 2nd
Tonko – 2nd
McHugh Request.
Mr. McHugh agrees to sign on. / $500,000 / Department of Agriculture- ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE- Title I—Agriculture Programs- ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE-Pest and Disease Management, APHIS Congressionally Directed Programs. Proposed Language: APHIS Congressionally Directed Programs- Technology to Combat Asian Long-Horned Beetles in NY Forests (SUNY-ESF) APHIS New York –$500,000.
This is a NYS-wide project with demonstrations at 5-7 NYSDOT/ESF coordinated sites including at least one major demonstration in each participating Congressional District. This is a multi-Member, multi-District request that is beneficial to all the constituents of all the districts / Authorized for Appropriations - National Agriculture, Research, Extension & Teaching Policy Act of 1977, 7 USC 3196(a) Section 1434 (A) as amended by Food, Conservation & Energy Act of 2008 (PL110-26, 7 USC 8701), Title I Subtitle A, Section 7119 “Appropriations for Research on National or Regional Problems and Subtitle B, Section 10206 Pest & Disease Management: There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary such sums as are necessary to carryout this section for FY 2008 and each year thereafter. Section 1434(A) programs extended to 2012.
The Biorefinery in New York-BioButanol From Biomass / Schumer-3rd
Maffei– 1st / $750,000 / Energy & Water Development Appropriations bill. Title II-USDOE- Congressionally Directed Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy BER Projects. Proposed Language: State University of New YorkCollege of Environmental Science & Forestry (SUNY-ESF), Syracuse, NY – The Biorefinery in New York-Butanol From Biomass-$750,000.
Research, development and commercialization efforts are presently underway to advance The Biorefinery in New York, the first ever integrated thermochemical and biochemical facility able to produce nearly 5 million gallons of liquid transportation fuels including butanol and 237,000 pounds of renewable acetic acid from approximately 38,000 tons/year of lignocellulosic woody biomass feedstocks. The Biorefinery in New York is a collaborative effort between the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY–ESF), CRC Development LLC, O’Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc., NYSERDA and others. Helps free United States, the Northeast and New York from dependence on foreign and fossil fuels, contributes directly to reduction of Greenhouse Gases known to effect climate change and creates "green-coat/green-collar" fuels manufacturing employment in rural Upstate New York. Research suggests over 10,000 new jobs can be created in the biorefinery employment chain. Much will be done to sustain and in many instances convert the 76,000 NYS forest products industry jobs into green collar/green coat Biorefinery in New York jobs. / Authorized for Appropriations- Energy Independence & Security Act 2007 (PL 110-140. 42 USC Section 223 (42 USC 17032) GRANTS FOR BIOFUEL PRODUCTION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN CERTAIN STATES. Eligibility.--To be eligible to receive a grant under this section, an entity shall-- (1)(A) be an institution of higher education (as defined in section 2 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 15801) including tribally controlled colleges or universities, located in a State described in subsection (a); or (B) be a consortium including at least 1 such institution of higher education and industry, State agencies, Indian tribal agencies, National Laboratories, or local government agencies located in the State; and (2) have proven experience and capabilities with relevant technologies. (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $25,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2008 through 2010. SEC. 231. BIOENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATION. Which amends the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16231) Section 932 where USDOE directed to conduct research on commercial applications of biomass and bioenergy. Section 931(c) USDOE directed to conduct research and development on biomass, bioenergy and bioproducts. Total of $525M authorized for appropriations FY 2008-2009 as amended in PL 110-140 Section 231 increasing FY 2009 to $398M and adding $419M for FY 2010 andsetting aside $150M for Integrated Biorefinery Demonstration Projects.
New YorkState Transportation Economic and Environmental Benefits of Roadside Willow Barriers
MULTI-DISTRICT / Schumer-4th
Higgins – 1st
Arcuri -2nd
Tonko – 3rd
McHugh – 4th / $675,000 / Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill.-Title I-Transportation- Congressionally Directed Transportation and Community and Systems Preservation Programto improve the efficiency of the transportation system; reduce the impacts of transportation on the environment; reduce the need for costly future investments in public infrastructure Proposed Language: State University of New York College of Environmental Science & Forestry (SUNY-ESF), Syracuse, NY – Transportation & Community & System Preservation- Economic and Environmental Benefits of Roadside Willow Barrier Demonstrations in Seven New York Roadside Locations - $675,000.
This is a NYS-wide project with demonstrations at 5-7 NYSDOT/ESF coordinated sites including at least one major demonstration in each participating Congressional District. This is a multi-Member, multi-District request that is beneficial to all the constituents of all the districts / Authorized for Appropriations in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users [SAFETEA-LU] (PL 109-59 23 USC) the highway, highway safety, and transit authorization. A reauthorization or extension is anticipated in the 111th Congress. Generally, Title XI-Highway Reauthorization Sections 11100 and Subtitle A Section 11101 and specifically TITLE VI--TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND PROJECT DELIVERY SEC. 6001. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING. (a) In General.--Sections 134 and 135 of title 23, United States Code, SEC. 6006. ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION AND POLLUTION ABATEMENT; CONTROL OF NOXIOUS WEEDS AND AQUATIC NOXIOUS WEEDS AND ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIVE SPECIES. 6008. INTEGRATION OF NATURAL RESOURCE CONCERNS INTO TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PLANNING. Section 109(c)(2) of title 23, United States Code: `Flexibility in Highway Design' and `Eight Characteristics of Process to Yield Excellence and the Seven Qualities of Excellence in Transportation Design' developed by the conference held during 1998 entitled `Thinking Beyond the Pavement National Workshop on Integrating Highway Development with Communities and the Environment while Maintaining Safety and Performance'; and ``(D) any other material that the Secretary determines to be appropriate.''
NY Forest Community Economic Assistance Program / Schumer-5th
McHugh – 3rd
McHugh Request / $500,000 / Financial Services & General Government/ SBA-General Provisions, Section 621 for initiatives related to small business development and entrepreneurship, including programmatic and construction activities / Authorizations for Appropriations
Small Business Administration Act (PL. 94-305, Title II, Sec. 203, June 4, 1976, 90 Stat.669 (as amended). I-15 USC 634C-Commerce and Trade-Microenterprise Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Program: authorized such funds as are appropriated.
Biomass Combined Heat & Power (CHP) for the ESF Platinum + GatewayBuilding / Schumer-6th Gillibrand-6th
Maffei– 4th / $750,000 / Energy & Water DevelopmentAppropriations bill.
Title II— Energy- Congressionally Directed Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy BER Projects-Office of Biomass Programs. Proposed Language: StateUniversity of New YorkCollege of Environmental Science & Forestry (SUNY-ESF), Syracuse, NY – Biomass Combined Heat & Power (CHP) for the ESFGatewayBuilding-$750,000. / Authorized for Appropriations- Energy Independence & Security Act 2007 (PL 110-140. 42 USC Section SEC. 231. BIOENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATION. Which amends the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16231) Section 932 where USDOE directed to conduct research on commercial applications of biomass and bioenergy. Section 931(c) USDOE directed to conduct research and development on biomass, bioenergy and bio-products. Total of $525M authorized for appropriations FY 2008-2009 as amended in PL 110-140 Section 231 increasing FY 2009 to $398M and adding $419M for FY 2010.
SUNY-ESF/NYSDEC Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change Models for New York State Forests
MULTI-DISTRICT / Schumer-7th
Tonko – 1st
Arcuri -3rd
Higgins – 3rd
McHugh – 5th
Mr. Massa has agreed to sign on / $500,000 / Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations bill.
Title I—Department of Commerce- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration- Congressionally-designated Climate Programs. Proposed Language: State University of New York College of Environmental Science & Forestry (SUNY-ESF) - SUNY-ESF/NYSDEC Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change Models For New York State Forests-New York State-$500,000
This is a NYS-wide project with demonstrations at 5-7 NYSDEC/SUNY-ESF coordinated sites including at least one major demonstration in each participating Congressional District. This is a multi-Member, multi-District request that is beneficial to all the constituents of all the districts / Authorized for Appropriations- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Authorization Act -- Public Law 102-567 10/29/92 (106 USC Stat. 4270) (as Amended by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Authorization Act of 2004 and elsewhere), authorizes appropriations for NOAA, Title II. Authorization of Appropriations for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is in Section 201. Specifically Title VI. “Abrupt Climate Change.” Section 601. “Abrupt Climate Change Research Act” and Section 602. Abrupt Climate Change Research Program establishes within NOAA an abrupt climate change research program for improving the understanding of abrupt climate change mechanisms and paleoclimate indicators. Section 603 details Authorization of Appropriations as such sums as necessary in appropriations for the research program outlined in this title.
Source Sentinel -Detection of Biologics In Water for National Defense / Schumer-1st-Defense
Gillibrand-1st Defense
Maffei–1st Defense / $2,500,000 / USDOD/RDT&E- DTRA-Defense-Wide RDT&E-
R-1 Line 6
Chemical and Biological Defense Program / Authorized for Appropriations FY 2007 National Defense Act. Requesting reauthorization in FY 2010 National Defense Authorizations bill.