Job Posting Form 2015 – 2016

Parishes, Schools & Agencies Positions

NEW: 4/13/2016 – All instructions in RED will be removed before your position is posted on the website.

·  Please complete all areas and return in Word Format to Please use the subject line ‘JOB POSTIN’.

·  The position must have a Remove Post Date. All posts must be removed within 3 months or when the position is filled. If you fill the position prior to the remove date, please send an email to with the subject line ‘JOB POSTING POSTION FILLED’.

·  In addition to the Diocesan website, job posting will be listed on the Western New York Association of College Careers Center, Inc (WNYACCC) and NYS Job Bank websites. If you DO NOT wish to have your posting on those sites, please indicate that in your email request for the JOB POSTING.

·  You might consider posting on other sites, please note there are fees most of these sites (this would be the schools expense).

o – charges a pay per click fee, where you set the budget – Charges between $15 - $75 per listing

o – charges a monthly fee starting at $99

Date Posted: Remove Post:

Send resume to: (name/address)


Type of Employment: (full time, part time, summer, after school)

Title of Open Position:

Salary: Commensurate upon experience/education


Employer Address:

Employer Website:

Brief Job Description: - Please describe your open position in a few sentences.

Qualifications: Required Education/Experience – Please specify the level of education required and the number of years required (example: High School diploma, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree… Min 2 years experience)

Desired Skills: Please describe the skills you are looking for in this position.


How to Apply:

BY Mail: Mailing address

By E-mail: email address

By Fax: Fax number

Please include: Resume, employment application and teacher application supplement (if Applicable), NO LATER THAN date