Franklin County Community School Corporation • Franklin County High School • Brookville, Indiana

Curriculum Map

Course Title: English 9 / Quarter: 4 / Academic Year: 2012-2013

Essential Questions for this Quarter:

1. Is there ever a reason to argue? 2. What ways can one persuade others? 3. Why is evidence used to support statements in your arguments? 4. How does mythology influence the origin of words? 5. How does technology change how we communicate? 6. Why does reading classical myth help us understand the icons of our culture? 7. Why is it important to use multiple sources as evidence in arguments? 8. How do you determine the validity of an argument? 8. What is equality? How can we work to achieve it? 9. What stereotypes and prejudices exist in our world? 10. How do I relate to my family, my community?
Unit/Time Frame
Unit 7 Argument & Persuasion; “The Trial of Lizzie Borden” Guided Research paper
Unit 8 “Can’t Find My Way Home” – The Odyssey
·  Roots
·  Words
Unit 7A Grammar –
·  Subject-Verb Agreement
·  Types of Sentences
Unit 8A Grammar –
·  Shifts in Sentence Construction
·  Parallelism (Honors only)
·  Misplaced & Dangling Modifiers (General only)
·  Diction (Honors only)
Unit 9 Novel :
Let the Circle Be Unbroken / Standards
NOTE: The following list of standards are those addressed in the 9 week period
CC9 RI.4 (9.1.2)
CC9 RI.6 (9.2.7)
CC9 RI.8 (9.2.7)
CC9 W.1a,b,c,d,e (9.5.4)
CC9 W.4 (9.4.2)
CC9 W.5 (9.4.10,9.4.11)
CC9 W.6
CC9 W.7 (9.4.6; 9.5.9)
9.4.7, 9.4.8
CC9 RL.9
CC9 L.1a,b (9.6.1)
CC9 L.2 a,b,c (9.6.3, 9.6.1)
CC9 L.3a (9.6.4)
CC9 L.5 (9.1.1)
CC9 SL.1a,d
CC9 SL.3
CC9 RL.1
CC9 RL.2 (9.3.2; 9.3.5)
CC9 RL.3 (9.3.3)
CC9 RL.4 (9.3.11)
CC9 RL.5 (9.3.6)
CC9 RL.7
9.3.9a,b,c,d,e / Content
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources
Common Knowledge
Credibility of text
Audience Awareness
Denotative/Connotative Meanings
Epic Conventions
Works Cited
Thesis Statement/Position Statement
Complete sentences
Clear topics and paragraph transitions
Use of standard English
Drafting and editing
Sentence types – interrogative; exclamatory; declarative; imperative; conditional
Informational Texts
Characteristics of:
·  Expository essays
·  Feature news articles
·  Editorial
·  Persuasive essay
·  Primary source documents
·  Documentary
Expository Elements:
·  Thesis
·  Supporting ideas
·  Supporting statistical information
·  Supporting expert’s opinion/quotations
·  Writer’s tone
Organizational Patterns
·  Argumentation/persuasion
·  Cause/effect
·  Theory/evidence
·  Compare/contrast
·  Sequence
·  Problem/solution
Reading Comprehension Strategies
·  Identify purpose
·  Preview Text
·  Understand, analyze, reflect
·  Identify thesis, evidence, structure, style, organization
·  Summarize
·  Ask questions, visualize, make connections, predict, determine importance, infer, synthesize
·  Skim for pertinent information
Mood, setting, and tone
Figurative & Literal interpretations
Figurative language
Rhetorical devices
Connotative vs. Denotative meanings
Symbolism, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, personification
Foreshadowing and flashback
Universal Themes
Historical/Cultural Perspectives
·  Roles of women
·  Racial/gender equality
·  Stereotyping
·  Culture of the deep South in the 1930s
·  Racism through dialogue
·  Understanding human nature / Skills
1.Determine meaning of words in context of reading
2. Interpret literal versus implied meaning of words
3. Illustrate understanding of an author’s claim or argument & the validity of their evidence
4. Identify logical fallacy and false statements
5. Compose persuasive research papers that contain a clear thesis that is supported with evidence, including facts and expert opinions
6. Write a coherent paper with smooth transitioning and using formal English
7. Address oppositions to arguments
8. Recognize biases
9. Demonstrate ability to proofread, edit, and revise writing
10. Demonstrate use of technology when creating writing projects
11. Participate fully in discussion and verbal response to texts along with interacting with the responses of others
12. Know how mythology has affected our language
1.  Define words and roots
2.  Use words both literally and figuratively
3.  Interpret words in the context they are used
4.  Determine meaning by origin
1. Demonstrate proper English usage and conventions of punctuation including proper placement of modifiers and use of consistent verb tenses
1.  Reading text
2.  Determining a central idea of a text and support with examples from text
3.  Analyzing the text for author’s purpose, style, and voice
4.  Defining literary terms
5.  Connecting historical events with reading of text
6.  Analyze word choice upon meaning of a text
7.  Drafting & writing narratives
8.  Writing responses to ideas represented in complex literary texts
9.  Evaluate different treatment of a subject across genres
10.  Examine the effect of rhetorical devices and figurative language in poetic works
11.  Interpret and analyze poems / Assessment
1. Written responses in the form of journals to elements of argument
2. Activity on creating an advertisement
3. Notecard completion for research paper
4. Rough draft of research paper
5. Revised, edited final copy of research paper
6. Unit exam on persuasion, literary terms, grammar, and Research paper
Weekly Vocabulary Quizzes
Study guides, “Hero cycle”, “What Would You Do?”, Epic conventions activities for Odyssey
Compare/contrast essay
Unit exam on The Odyssey and the associated grammar unit
1.  Written responses to reading (journals)Quizzes on comprehension
2.  Unit exam
3.  Online and classroom discussion
4.  Study guides
5.  Honors, final project speech
6.  Genealogy project
7.  Testing on terms / Resources
Power point presentations:
·  Persuasive Writing
·  Note cards
Handouts on persuasive techniques in Advertising and Using Sources in papers
Lizzie Borden Case source materials (both print and web)
“American Justice” episode on Lizzie Borden
Online Bibliography Creation tool
Sample Research Paper
“How to Set-up Project Outline”
What Not to do to a Research Paper
Various commercials, ads, editorials, and political cartoons
Evidence Types handout
“Persuasion is all around you” activity
McDougal-Littell Literature, Grade 9
Anticipation guide for Odyssey
Study Guide collection
Power Points:
·  Traits of an Epic Hero
·  Odyssey Overview
·  Mid-Unit Review
Graphic organizer for Odyssey
Activities – Test You Mythology IQ; Epic Conventions
Instructions for compare/contrast essay – “O Brother” and “Odyssey”
Video of “O Brother Where Art Thou;” “The Odyssey”
. McDougal-
Grammar for
Write Source
Dept. of
Root Word list
Worksheets for
Moodle online
Written section
of vocabulary
quiz, Honors
and modified
Crossword puzzle generator
Text: Let the Circle
Be Unbroken
Speeches/ Essays
“I Have a Dream” Martin Luther King
Civil Rights Era Resources
Jim Crow Laws
Study/ anticipation guides
Alabama Literacy Test – Jim Crow South