Please complete and return this form to the:
Human Resources Department
In charge Human Resources
Please send your applications at
Based Location / Email Address
Islamabad /
Baluchistan /
Sindh /


Post Applied For
Personal Information
Applicant Full Name
Father Name
Date of Birth
Postal Address
Email Address / Email (1) / Email(2)
Telephone No. / Landline (Home/Office) / Mobile / Fax
May we contact you at work? / YES NO
Do you have any relative’s
is / are currently working with
IR Pakistan or abroad?
If yes, / YES NO
Name / Designation / Relationship
Education Qualification
(Please summarize your information starting with your most current/recent.- insert more rows if required)
Years / Degree/ Certificate Name / Field of Study/ Major Subjects / Institution/Board/university / Grades/Division
From / To
Trainings Relevant to the Job
(DD/MM/YYYY) / Place
City/ Country / Topic/ Title of Training / Institutions
From / To
Work Experience
(most recent first - insert more rows if required)
Salary Expectation / In figures / Total Relevant Experience / No. of years
Name & Introduction of organization:
Please provide details of the organization.
Job Title / Dates of employment / Duty Station / Monthly Salary / Reason for leaving the organization
From / To
Designation / D/M/YYYY / D/M/YYYY / City Name / In figures / Brief details
Tasks/Duties Performed / Please provide details of the tasks performed
Name & Introduction of organization:
Please provide details of the organization.
Job Title / Dates of employment / Duty Station / Monthly Salary / Reason for leaving the organization
From / To
Designation / D/M/YYYY / D/M/YYYY / City Name / In figures / Brief details
Tasks/Duties Performed / Please provide details of the tasks performed
Name & Introduction of organization:
Please provide details of the organization.
Job Title / Dates of employment / Duty Station / Monthly Salary / Reason for leaving the organization
From / To
Designation / D/M/YYYY / D/M/YYYY / City Name / In figures / Brief details
Tasks/Duties Performed / Please provide details of the tasks performed
Name & Introduction of organization:
Please provide details of the organization.
Job Title / Dates of employment / Duty Station / Monthly Salary / Reason for leaving the organization
From / To
Designation / D/M/YYYY / D/M/YYYY / City Name / In figures / Brief details
Tasks/Duties Performed / Please provide details of the tasks performed
Name & Introduction of organization:
Please provide details of the organization.
Job Title / Dates of employment / Duty Station / Monthly Salary / Reason for leaving the organization
From / To
Designation / D/M/YYYY / D/M/YYYY / City Name / In figures / Brief details
Tasks/Duties Performed / Please provide details of the tasks performed
Computer & IT Skills : (insert more rows if required)
(Please write your level of usage for each software package) ( Not Used / Fair / Good / Expert )
Achievements, Personal Qualities & Skills
(List experience, achievements, knowledge, personal qualities and skills which you feel are relevant to development and emergency work. You may include formal and informal, paid and unpaid work)
Personal Statement
(Please describe the main reasons for your application and what you believe you can offer Islamic Relief.)
Language Skills (insert more rows if required)
(Please list your knowledge of any languages, indicating the level of fluency against each of the following)
( Basic / working knowledge / fluent )
Language / Read / Write / Speak / Understand
(Please note here your leisure interests, sports and hobbies, other pastimes etc.)
Referees (insert more rows if required)
(Please share details of two referees who have known you for at least two years, and who are not relatives. One of them must be your current or most recent employer. )
Name / Relationship
(Line Manager/ Colleagues/Friend) / Organization / Cell/Telephone / Email
(Official will be preferred)
Human Resource Department Contact Details:
(Please share details of your last/current organization’s HR representative)
Name / Designation / Organization / Cell/Telephone / Email
(Official will be preferred)
Availability for Interview & Appointment
Please give any dates when you are NOT available for interview.
(We cannot undertake to avoid these dates, but will try to do so)
If appointed, when could you take up duty?
1.  I agree that any offer of employment is subject to satisfactory references
2.  I agree that the organization reserves the right to ask me to undergo a medical examination. (Should we require further information and wish to contact your doctor with a view to obtaining a medical report).
3.  I confirm that the above information is complete and correct and that any untrue or misleading information will give my employer the right to terminate any employment contract offered without notice period.
4.  I agree that information contained within this application and supporting documents is true.
5.  Signatures in soft are acceptable.
Signatures : / Date: