AFPC ROCK Program Instructions
- AFPC ROCK samples are mailed on or about the first of each month.
- Depending on your geographical location, notify Keith Rice () if you do not receive your sample when expected. NOTE: Overseas locations may require additional time.
- When you are ready to perform analyses, open the sample packet and transfer the sample to an air tight container. Minimize exposure to the atmosphere when handling the sample.
- The sample must be analyzed “As Received”. DO NOT dry, grind or screen the sample prior to analysis.
- Analyze the sample according to your normal testing procedures.
- It is not necessary to analyze for every parameter. Be sure to enter the method code for each analysis result reported.
- Perform as many replicates as you wish for each parameter, up to a maximum of four.
- Results are reported “AS IS” without correction to moisture and NOT as “Dry Basis”
- The average of two replicates is used for statistical calculation in the final report. Be sure results are entered in the “Average” column even if only one replicate is performed.
- DO NOT modify the reporting template such as adding or deleting rows or columns, adding worksheets or moving cells.
- Be sure to enter the sample ID and your laboratory ID in the appropriate cell on the reporting form.
- Enter results in numerical form and avoid entering results such as “1.23 %” or “25 ppm”
- Report undetected results as “0” or “< MDL”. For example, “< 1”
- Prior to submitting results, verify that results were entered correctly on the reporting form and typographical errors were not made.
- Send the results as an email attachment to Keith Rice () by the 15th day of the following month. For example, the results for February 2013 sample should be emailed by March 15, 2013. If you find that you need additional time to complete analyses, let me know as soon as possible.
- The results are calculated and the final report is prepared by the end of the following month after the sample is mailed. For example, the final report for sample February 2013 is prepared by March 31, 2013. The final report is sent out as an email attachment. The final report is also available on the website.
- If you do not receive the final report or if you want the report sent to an additional person, notify me so that I can update the email mailing list.
- International laboratories may need the shipper name and TAX ID for customs. Please use:
Association of Fertilizer and Phosphate Chemists, P.O. Box 1645, Bartow Florida 33831
Tax-ID: 46-1764990
Thank you for your participation in this program.
Keith Rice