St. Joseph’s Newsletter – 28th May 2017

Bonus Ball Winner: 37 – Kath Moore, Maria Baker

Offertory £1679.99 (inc. standing orders)

CAFOD – (next week)

Sanctuary Lamp

For all the Children in our Parish

Celebrating their 1st Holy Communion

Marian Candle

In Thanksgiving (GG)

Lately Dead

Gerard McCann, Hazel Hayde (64)

Brightlights Festival is an annual event for Catholic young adults (ages 16-30) taking place June 23rd – 26th in the beautiful grounds of Alton Castle in Staffordshire. Come and join us for a weekend of live music from artists including One Hope Project and Guvna B. To journey together in Faith through liturgy and worship. And to hear simulating input the possibilities of living life: UNLIMITED. To find out more information or book tickets, visit our website:, call 0300 075 0115 or find us on social media: T/FB/IG: BLFestival


Line Dancing - Wednesday 31st May – Barbara Forbes and Emma Kerrigan

Next Meeting on 8th June in Loreto Centre at 7.45pm – Talk by Mike Hall on Centenary Theatre.

Annual Mass – Wednesday 14th June. Coach (TBA) will leave car park at 6.15pm


Dave Cooper and Gordon Moss are walking in the Wirral Coastal Walk for Cafod on Sunday 18th June 2017. They are raising funds for the Yemen and Syria Crisis Appeal. Sponsor forms are available at the back of Church, many thanks in advance as I am sure you will give generously as always. If you would like to join them on the walk, please ring Gordon on 01925 411156.

Life and Soul +

An evening of prayer and praise before the Blessed Sacrament.

St Bridget’s, (Cinnamon Brow, Warrington, WA2 0EP) will hold an evening of praise and worship music with scripture and reflections before the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday June 7th starting at 7:00pm and ending at 8:00pm with Benediction. The evening will be led by Animate, the Archdiocesan Youth Ministry Team. All are welcome to attend.

Fr Simon Gore

Director of Youth Ministry

Message from Bishop Tesfay

We are shocked and saddened by what has happened in Manchester terror attack.
We remain united in sentiment of solidarity and prayer with the families directly affected and all the nation.
Sincerely yours,

+Abba Tesfaselassie Medhin
(Bishop of Adigrat Eparchy)

St Joseph’s Family Centre Museum Street Warrington, a registered charity, is seeking to appoint a full-time Centre Manager. The Centre offers a counselling service for children and adults and is an accredited child contact centre and provides a welfare service.

Applicants should ideally have experience in mental health services or social care fields allied to proven operational management experience.

Salary in the range of £34,000 to £39,000 per annum

For an application pack please call 01925 635448, email or visit the website

The closing date for applications is the 8th of June 2017.

Olivia McCormick & Amelia Begg from St. Gregory’s High School would like to thank parishioners for supporting the Easter Egg Raffle for their Lourdes trip. They raised an amazing £182 and are very grateful for your generosity. Fr. Malcolm drew the winning 3 tickets.

New Hotel Just Opened!

St. Joseph’s Cubs have just opened a brand new hotel at the side of the Church for bugs, spiders and other assorted creepy crawlies!! Please pay a visit and see what a fantastic job the Cubs have made of it. For reservations please call Ian Baker!

Grandparents Group

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 30th May at 7.30pm in the small Meeting Room of St. Joseph’s Parish Centre. All are welcome.

Centenary Tea Party

In aid of St. Joseph’s Family Centre at St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Club, Burtonwood on Wednesday 14th June from 2pm – 4.30pm. All very welcome.

Stations of Light

The Stations of Light is a spiritual journey with Christ through fourteen of the most important inspiring events of his life after the Resurrection. In the early church it was knows at the “Via Lucis” or the Way of Resurrection. It mirrors the Way of the Cross and shows us that our faith is of the cross of despair that turns into glory, the empty tomb that is the sign of life. Sadness turned to glory.

Join us on Wednesday 31st May leading to Pentecost at St. Joseph’s Church at 7.15pm for forty minutes on as we trace these events in music, readings and reflections.

Gospel Reflection for the Ascension

Make Disciples of All Nations

Jesus arranges to meet the eleven disciples on the mountain at Galilee. The scene is set. Jesus is about to ascend into heaven, but first he gives the disciples their all-important commission; to baptise and teach the message Jesus has taught them… to make disciples of all nations. It must have been a staggering thing for eleven humble Galileans to be told.

With the early disciples long gone, it is now up to us to carry the baton. We too are entrusted with the commission to make disciples of all nations. Perhaps we don’t feel the commission as acutely because we didn’t receive it standing on a mountain talking to Jesus face to face… but nonetheless we have inherited the commission and we have to do something about it. With so much conflict in the world, the Christian example of forgiveness and peace has never been more relevant.

So where do we begin? How do we go about making disciples of all nations? One thing is for sure; we are not all called to drop our day jobs and rush round the world being missionaries. We are each called in a different ways. Some of us are called as parents to baptise our children and bring them up as Christians. Some of us are called to bring God’s love into the lives of those who have lost direction and hope. We are all called to teach by example either in the context of our jobs or in the extra things we do. We are each challenged to work out how best we can carry out Jesus’ commission.

Yes the commission is a daunting one, but Jesus makes it clear that his ascension does not mean that he will be absent from our lives. We will always have Jesus’ help. “I am with you always,” he promises, “until the end of the age.”

World Communications Day 2017

World Communications Day 2017 is celebrated on Sunday 28 May. The theme is 'Communicating Hope and Trust in our Time' and its inspiration comes from Scripture - Isaiah 43:5 "Fear not, for I am with you."

On this day, Catholics are encouraged to pray for all those professionals who work in the field of Communications. A particular intention for prayer is for those who are responsible for communicating on behalf of the Catholic Church in this country through the Catholic Communications Network.

The CCN is the media office of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and seeks to support the Bishops in their role as teachers both of the Catholic community and the wider world. The office is the central point for media enquiries and is a key resource for national and international media professionals. It also plays an important role in developing the public profile of the Church through word and image, online and offline. In addition to this, CCN work on carefully selected proactive campaigns to promote the Catholic Faith in public life such as the

Please help us continue this work through contributing generously to the collection on the day.

World Hunger Day

28th May 2017

Did you know that, worldwide, there are 795 million people who are chronically hungry? Contrary to popular belief, the causes of chronic hunger are not limited to war and natural disaster. In fact, hunger is often a silent, invisible symptom of poverty, and is exacerbated by a host of socioeconomic causes. That’s why this year’s theme for World Hunger Day highlights the Hidden Causes of Hunger, including child marriage, climate change, lack of women’s empowerment, lack of access to clean water and sanitation facilities, and lack of education and literacy.

To do:-

Donate regularly to our Catholic Aid Agencies, CAFOD, SCIAF and Trocaire.

Continue to support small third world farmers by buying 'Fairtrade'.

Continue to develop sustainable lifestyles.

The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

31st May

After the angel Gabriel had announced to Mary that she was to become the mother of Our Lord, Mary went from Galilee to Judea to visit her kinswoman Elizabeth, soon to be the mother of John the Baptist. Elizabeth greeted Mary with the words, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb." Mary responded with the song of praise, which we call the Magnificat, beginning, "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord." We are told that even John the Baptist, still unborn, leaped for joy in his mother's womb. We are shown, side by side, the two women, one seemingly too old to have a child, but destined to bear the last prophet of the Old Covenant, of the age that was passing away; and the other woman, seemingly not ready to have a child, but destined to bear the one who was himself the beginning of the New Covenant, the age that would not pass away.


Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.

Albert Schweitzer

Mass Intentions for week commencing 29th May 2017

Monday 29th 10.00am Pete Perry

Tuesday 30th 9.30am Cecil Cooke

Wednesday 31st 9.30am Ger Lawler

Thursday 1st 9.30am Parishioners

Friday 2nd 9.30am Tommy Donegan

Saturday 3rd

Sunday 4th 8.30am Joan & Brian Nuttall

10.30am Kevin Reaney

4.00pm People of the Parish


There will be a Requiem Mass on Wednesday 7th June at 11.00pm at St. Joseph’s for Gerard McCann.

There will be a Funeral Service for Hazel Hayde on Monday 12th June at 12 noon at St. Joseph’s.

Please remember in your prayers all the parents’ and their little ones who are making their 1st Holy Communion this week. God Bless Them All.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place at St. Joseph’s on Wednesday and Friday this week from 8.30am until 12 noon.