January 2006 Conference

Clearwater Beach, Florida

Thursday, January 5:

5:00-7:00Registration (Lobby 3)

7:00-9:00Roundtable Discussion (Island Room 2)

Title: U.S. Policy, at Home and Abroad

Chair: Chris Cuomo

Participants: Joan Callahan (University of Kentucky); Virginia Held (City University of New York, Graduate School); Bonnie Mann (University of Oregon); Abby Wilkerson (George Washington University).

Friday, January 6:

8:00-5:00Registration and Book Display (Lobby 3)

8:00-10:00Coffee (Lobby 3)

9:00-11:40Concurrent Sessions:

Session A: On Kristeva, Arendt and de Beauvoir (Bay Room)

Chair: Marcia Cohen

9:00-9:40Karin Fry (University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point), “Beyond Interpretation: Kristeva on the Life and Work of Hannah Arendt”

9:40-10:20Serena Parekh (University of Connecticut), “Gender, Oppression and Human Rights”

10:20-11:00Andrea Veltman (York University), “Transcendence and Immanence in the Ethics of Simone de Beauvoir”

Session B: On Care (Island Room 2)

Chair: Jocelyn Boryczka

9:00-9:40Allison Weir (Wilfrid Laurier University), “The Global Caregiver: Imagining Women’s Liberation in the New Millenium”

9:40-10:20Sarah Clark Miller (University of Memphis), “The Revolutionary Potential of Global Care”

10:20-11:00Maurice Hamington (University of Southern Indiana), “Socializing Care at Hull-House”

11:00-11:40Maureen Sander-Staudt (Arizona State University), “The Unhappy Marriage of Care Ethics and Virtue Ethics”


Lunchtime Meeting to Discuss Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute (PIKSI) (Island Room 2). Please purchase your lunch (within the hotel) ahead of time to bring to this meeting.

Philosophy in an Inclusive Key, organized by the FEAST Diversity Collective, will be a summer institute for undergraduates from under-represented groups from across the country with an interest in further work in philosophy. The Diversity Collective would like to gather ideas and suggestions from FEAST members regarding this program. Please join us for this lunchtime meeting.

1:45-3:00Keynote Address (Island Room 2)

Title: “Truth in a Time of Terror”

Chair: Barbara Andrew

Speaker: Bat-Ami Bar On (Binghamton University)

3:00-3:30Break (Lobby 3, refreshments provided)

3:30-4:50Concurrent Sessions

Session C: Transnational Feminism (Bay Room)

Chair: Saba Fatima

3:30-4:10Ofelia Schutte (University of South Florida), “Feminist Ethics and Transnational Injustice: Two Methodological Suggestions”

4:10-4:50Hye-ryoung Kang (University of Colorado, Boulder), “Rethinking ‘The Circumstances of Global Justice’ from a Transnational Feminist Perspective”

Session D: Feminist and African-American Bio-Ethics (Island Room 2)

Chair:Eva Kittay

3:30-4:10Hilde Lindemann (Michigan State University), “Feminism in an Age of Bioethics”

4:10-4:50Annette Dula (Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care; University of Pittsburgh Center for Bioethics and Health Law; University of Colorado at Boulder), “Whitewashing Black Health—Lies, Deceptions, Assumptions, and Assertions: and the Disparities Continue”

5:00-7:00Dinner (on one’s own)

7:15-8:30 Keynote Address (Island Room 2)

Title: “Radical Multiculturalisms and Women of Color Feminisms”

Chair: Lisa Tessman

Speaker: María Lugones (Binghamton University)

8:40-9:30Business Meeting, open to all (Island Room 2)

9:30-11:00Reception, refreshments provided (Island Room 1)

Saturday, January 7:

8:30-3:30Registration and Book Display (Lobby 3)

8:00-10:00Coffee (Lobby 3)

9:00-11:00Concurrent Sessions:

Session E: Critical Understandings of Disability and Dependency (Bay Room)

Chair: Julie McDonald

9:00-9:40Sophia Wong (Long Island University Brooklyn Campus), “Gender, Mental Retardation, and Autonomy in the Family”

9:40-10:20Anita Ho (College of St. Catherine), “Reproductive Autonomy and Women with Cognitive Disabilities”

10:20-11:00Zahra Meghani (Michigan State University), “Developing a Cosmopolitan Dependency Critique of Liberalism”

Session F: On Economic Inequality (Island Room 2)

Chair: Shay Welch

9:00-9:40Christine Koggel (Bryn Mawr College), “Globalization and Inequalities in Wealth: Local and Global Perspectives”

9:40-10:20Sabrina Hom (Stony Brook University), “Organizing Feminized Labor: The Politics and Morality of Paid Housework in Haraway’s Homework Economy”

10:20-11:00Peter Higgins, Audra King, and April Shaw (University of Colorado, Boulder), “What is Poverty?”

11:10-12:30Concurrent Sessions:

Session G: Normalizing Woman:

Feminist Applications of Foucault’s Analytics of Power (Bay Room)

Chair: Selin Gürsözlü

11:10-11:50Dianna Taylor (John Carroll University), “Monstrous Women”

11:50-12:30Ellen K. Feder (American University), “The Dangerous Individual(’s) Mother: Biopower and the Production of Race”

Session H: On Agency (Island Room 2)

Chairs: Amanda Moon and L. Ryan Musgrave

11:10-11:50Nancy Holmstrom and Anna Stubblefield (Rutgers University-Newark), “Gender Oppression and Women’s Rational Agency”

11:50-12:30Melissa Burchard (University of North Carolina, Asheville), “Slippery Agency: Sex, Fluidity, and Paradigms of Control”

12:30-1:45 Lunch (on one’s own)

1:45-3:00 Keynote Address (Island Room 2)

Title: “The Poorest of the Poor: Justice and the Feminization of Global Poverty”

Chair: Virginia Held

Speaker: Alison Jaggar (University of Colorado, Boulder)

3:00-3:20 Break (Lobby 3, refreshments provided)

3:20-4:40Concurrent Sessions:

Session I: The Ethics and Politics of Mothering (Bay Room)

Chair: Carmela Epright

3:20-4:00Bonnie Mann (University of Oregon), “Heterosexism and Lesbian Mothering”

4:00-4:40Amy Mullin (University of Toronto), “Trust, Social Norms and Motherhood”

Session J: Papers on individual topics (Island Room 2)

Chair: Anna Gotlib

3:20-4:00Alison Bailey (Illinois State University), “Purity and Ignorance in Mills’s The Racial Contract”

4:00-4:40Jackie Gately (Arizona State University West), “Recognizing Group Oppression through Its Invisibility”

4:50-6:50Concurrent Sessions:

Session K: Reproductive Ethics and Politics (Bay Room)

Chair: Suzanne Jaeger

4:50-5:30Susan Berkhout (University of British Columbia), “Buns in the Oven: Objectification, Surrogacy and Women’s Autonomy”

5:30-6:10Carolyn McLeod (University of Western Ontario), “Demanding Referrals in the Wake of Conscientious Objection to Abortion”

Session L: Papers on individual topics (Island Room 2)

Chair: Louise Collins

4:50-5:30Karen Wendling (University of Guelph), “Mapping Feminisms”

5:30-6:10Marguerite Deslauriers (McGill University), “Plato on Sexual Difference and Sexual Reproduction” (In Memory of Susan Moller Okin)

6:10-6:50Lynne S. Arnault (Le Moyne College), “Praying for a Godly Fumigation: Disgust and the New Christian Right”

7:00-8:30Dinner (on one’s own)

8:30-11:00 Reception (Poolside grass, or in Island Room 2 in case of rain)

Sunday, January 8:

8:00-10:00Coffee (Lobby 3)