Transcription of August 5, 2015, Team Call “Six-Figure Earner Checklist” with Mindy Wender
[Beginning of Recorded Material]
00:00:01Jenelle:I'm really excited to start doing it this way. We've been
doing it through Just Call and it, as you know if you're on the team and been listening to team trainings we've had some issues, so hopefully this will help solve some of those issues. And I'm really excited that today we have Mindy Wender as our guest speaker and I see that Mindy's on. Hey Mindy. We can see you. So I'm going to go ahead and just go through some things real quick. I want to give it a second because I'm not saying that viewers are on yet or maybe that's not going to show me on my end. I show were recording so I'm going to go ahead and roll with it. Text me if you can't hear me. I'm going to message Hannah real quick. Whoops, it takes a minute but they'll get on. Okay. Cool. Thank you. All right, so we are good to go. So today is Wednesday, August 5, already. I can't believe it. It's already like partially into August. So if you're not focused on your business right now and you're getting the kids ready for school, I know that's a mode we’re in.
We've got school starting in a couple weeks already. I know it's tough. I know it's tough. Life, you know, life gets in the way. Family is first, but if you can just find those little, you know, pockets of time, carve out, you've got to create that time in your schedule to continue working your business because this is a key time. As fall comes around and people once they get into their schedules, they're going to want to know who that go-to person is and you want to be that one that’s visible, that is continually posting, and sharing your story, sharing your struggles, blah blah blah. So just a reminder to check always your coach online office “the breaking news section.” So when you log into if you're new, by the way if you’re new, welcome, when you log into over to…first you have to click “coach,” “coach online office,” and then over to the top right you'll see “the breaking news.” I'm not going to go through all those announcements because I want you to hear from Mindy and I know some of you are on your lunch hour for these trainings and I want to get the content in. So I'm good to go ahead and introduce Mindy, I may even block myself and mute myself so that you can't hear any of the chaos that goes on in my house during the day. So I'm going to go ahead and introduce her and then when she's done speaking, I’ll get back on and close out the call, but Mindy is one of my very top coaches. I just adore her. I don't want to go on and on about it but if you guys know me, you know I just think the world of Mindy. To so many of my coaches I'm like, “You've got to be following Mindy Wender. She's such an inspiration.”
What she's done with this business and where she started and where she is now just incredible and I do hope she shares a little bit of that before she goes into her “Six-figure Earner Checklist.” Some Mindy is a mom, a very devoted, dedicated mom. First priority is family for her. She's a wife, she's a Disney fan…freak you might want to say. She is, like I said, one of my very top coaches. She's a Super Star Diamond and a first business center so that means she's a 15-Star Diamond and her first business center. She is a Seven-Star Diamond officially in her second business center. She's qualifying Six-Star Diamond in her third business center and she has a fourth business center as well. So, needless to say, Mindy is absolutely crushing it and she is also in the Millionaires’ Club, of course. So she's absolutely the one that should be speaking on this topic. I'm excited to have her and with that, Mindy are you able to chime in?
00:03:31Mindy:Yes. Can you hear me okay?
00:03:33Jenelle:Yes. Now is there any way I can make you bigger and
make me smaller?
00:03:38Mindy:Yeah. If you just mute your mike, it'll automatically go to
the person that's making noise, I believe. So I think we should be good. So thank so much Jenelle for asking me to speak on your call and for that awesome introduction. I'm going to talk about how amazing you are probably this entire call. So let me just share a little bit about my story and how I got started and how Jenelle played such a huge role on me getting over my doubts and fears and everything because I wasn't one of those coaches, you guys, that was like Diamond overnight. I think it was like three months before I recruited my first couple coaches - two to three months. It wasn't like, you know, I was just not one of those rock stars. I had to do a lot of work with my mindset and getting over my fears and I'm from a small town and look it - I even have my U. P. of Michigan shirt on because I'm so proud. So yeah. So a little bit about me, I'm from a super small town up here, not Michigan. Not the regular Michigan. I'm up here, like by Canada. And so when I started I was working over time, like 50 hours a week - 40 to 50 hours a week - because I had to take those overtime hours because my husband was recently laid off from his job. So everything was on me. So it was
00:05:00only my income paying the bills, doing all those things.
And why that was such a huge deal, it wasn't just me and Brad. We just had a baby. And I think he got laid off from his job after…just Lane was a couple months old. So I mean…it was…we were stressed. We were very, very, very stressed. So starting a business probably wouldn't be like on somebody's top priority list when are already working, they have a baby, I was planning my wedding, we had like all this stuff going on in our lives, right?
But there was something about this business. Even though I was scared, I was super, super shy, you guys, like I remember sharing this with Jenelle, and Jenelle, sharing her vulnerability with me was the one reason why I got over my doubts and fears and joined, of being shy. I thought being a network marketer or being a Beach Body coach meant that…hang on one second guys. Hey Lane, don't play with that because I'm doing a webinar, okay? Okay, but don't, make sure that it doesn't turn on. He has like a claw machine that's super loud so I just want to make sure that didn't happen for you guys. So I shared with her. I got on a webinar she shared about coaching and the one I said, I was like, “Oh I'm shy, I can't do this.” And you want to know what she said to me? She’s like, “Dude. I'm shy too and if I can do this, you can do this.” And there was a lot of other things that were going through my mind and she's like…being from a small town and all this stuff, and she's like, “Oh no, no, no. I do everything on social media and I'll teach you how to do it.” So I just ensure that because a lot of the things we're going to go over on the “Six-figure Checklist” are going to be about building a team and maybe inviting people to your challenge group and all these things. And you're going to get people that are like me. That are going to come back and say, “Oh, I could never that because of this.” Or, “I could never do that.” And a lot of coaches will say to that person, “Oh, okay, this persons not interested,” and they will rule them out. So Jenelle easily could've ruled me out, but she just saw something in me before I even saw something in myself. So that is something that you need to work on if that's not where you're at with your team as a leader yet or maybe you're a brand-new coach and you don't have any team members yet. It doesn't matter because you're going to be helping people.
So as a coach, even if you signed up yesterday, you are in a position where you have a responsibility as a coach to serve other people and add value and if you have a team or a team you will have in the future, you are a leader to that person. People are now looking to you as a leader, as somebody to guide them, okay? So you just got to…if somebody shares those things, be vulnerable with them. Tell them you get it, you know, because that was really, I was like, “Oh,” I didn't expect her to say that. I expected her to say, “Yeah, right.” I mean not that she's rude or anything, but I expected her to just kind of be like, “Well this is kind of what it is, so you're going to have to get over it, and you're going to kind of have to just do home parties.” And I was like, “Okay. I'm never doing a home party.” So anyway, I joined obviously and, like I said, I wasn't one of those people that went Diamond in two seconds. I wasn't like one of the top recruiters. I wasn't one of Jenelle’s super like star coaches or anything like that. There's definitely been so many coaches in this business that have out done what I've done and especially in the beginning. I know that I have coaches on my team that went Diamond in 30 days. But the thing about me and I want to share with you, because I feel like my story is more relatable than people who go…and not that that's…I'm not taking anything away from them, but I just feel like I'm more than no norm. Like it's not like everyone goes Diamond and 27 days or something like that, you know?
So that's kind of why I want to share and its kind of going to lead me into the thing I'm going to talk to you about today, but there was that two to three month time period where I just didn't get it. And the things that were holding me back was myself and the fact that I was scared I had people on my friend’s list on Facebook from like high school or college that I was…there's like a couple of people that I was just like, “Oh my God, if I post about this, I'm going to get attacked. I'm going to get made fun of. I don't know what people are going to think about me. I don't know anybody. I'm not a fitness…I mean I don't have a transformation. I've always been thin.” So I shared that with Jenelle too. That was one of my concerns that people aren't going to want to go to me because I'm not some super fit person. I've always been thin and people know that about me. So I had all these things, you know, that were holding me back. And then also I just didn't believe in myself and the biggest thing, I feel, was that I thought I was doing what I needed to do and I wasn't. And so it wasn't until Jenelle sent out an email and it said something about an accountability group. Light kind of like a coach basics group now, but it was before coach basics groups came out. Jenelle like pretty much invented that idea. So we were in this accountability group and Meg was in there I think, Trina Gray was in
00:10:00there, I mean there are so many people that I could
name that were in there that you probably know on Jenelle's team, and I just remember thinking, “Oh that's not for me. I'm too scared. I can't get on a call.” I was that shy that I didn't want to get on a call to present my progress and tell people what I did not do that week or did do or whatever. And so finally I'm just like, “Oh my God. This just isn't working for me. Everything I'm doing…I’m doing everything Jenelle says and nothing’s working. And I messaged her when she talked about that group in the email and I said, “Hey Jenelle, what is this all about? Like I don't even know what the fast-track team is, and blah blah blah,” and she's like, “Well, I send it in every email. Like once a month I do an email and it explains in detail what it is.
So are you not getting my emails?” Like she was genuinely concerned like whatever. And I was like, “Uh, no I'm getting your emails,” but that right there was my reality check. Like I'm not even reading Jenelle's emails thoroughly to even know what this group is. And so when she said that back to me I kind of was embarrassed of myself. Like I need to give myself a reality check. I think I'm doing all these things and I'm like making myself a victim, this isn't working for me. Beach body doesn't work, blah blah blah blah blah. It only works if you're this, that and the other thing. It's because I had these things, okay? I had a horrible mindset and had to work through a lot of those things. And so I wrote her back after thinking about it. I was like, “You know what? I just want to do it.” And I'm kind of impulsive like that. So I'm just like, “You know I want to do it. I want to join this team.” So I joined the team and then I said to Jenelle, “I need to make this work.” It was just like my draw-the-line-in-the-sand start date for my business, that day. And I was just like, “I need to make this work. Like I got home and I had a horrible day. There was bills stacked up everywhere. There was, you know, I'm not able to spend as much time with my son as I would love to.” If you guys are moms and you guys are going to work, hello? You get me. And so I was just like, “This is not the freaking life that I want to live. I'm unhappy. I am stressed and I need a change and so I have to make this work.” And so she said…I said, “Tell me what I have to do and I will do it and I want to join this team. And I'm all in.” And so she told me what I did… What I had to do and I believe in her next month email and this like made me feel so special. Like in her next month or two emails, she wrote this thing and I was on the picture on the side bar. And it was my picture with like a story about, “Tell me what I have to do in all do it.” Like she's told that story to the team and said like, you know, was just sharing like, “Look at what Mindy's doing. After she made this commitment she got on my accountability team. She said, ‘I'm going to do this,’ and just ran with it.” And I was like one of her top producers or top whatever it was, I don't remember now. But that really made me feel super special. Like I'm making a difference.
Like I'm…out of all Jenelle's coaches I was featured in her newsletter. So I hope that from this story, and I never slowed down obviously since then, but I hope sharing this story kind of sets you up with “Here’s some things that you can do,” kind of like when I told Jenelle, “Tell me what to do to be a six-figure earner, and I will do it.” So I going to go through this list of things to share, kind of like Jenelle did with me and I hope that you take notes and I hope that when you heard this story you kind of…there was like little breadcrumbs of…like her sending out that email…recognition means a lot to your team. Every single human being, me, Jenelle, even though me and Jenelle are shy and don't like the attention on us, there's still as human beings…there's something that we like to be appreciated or recognized or just a pat on the back to say were doing something good. Like it's just human nature. So remember that for your coaches, your challengers, people that you’re meeting on the street, your grandma, anybody. Make everything about them. It's not about you, it's about the other person. When you're having a conversation with somebody, make it about them. Ask them questions. What are their interests? And that will go a long way. So that's one thing: recognition, appreciating people, letting them know that your team, your challengers are doing a good job, believing in your coaches or your challengers before they believe in themselves. I went to Jenelle many times saying, “Oh this isn't working, this isn't working.” Instead of her getting annoyed with me or anything like that, she always tried to build me up, understand where I'm coming from, build me up, and give me a pep talk. Because, I mean, this is why and here today. I could have quit, easily could have quit. I quit everything else in my life so why wouldn't I quit this? That would be the norm, right? So you are a coach with
00:15:00the responsibility now and you have this gift that you
might be the only person and that person's life, your coach, or challengers, or whoever, that actually believes in them. So take ownership of that and really, I mean that’s special. That's what we do as coaches as a responsibility to add value.
Okay, so now I'm going to go through and give you a list. “Tell me what I have to do Mindy and I'll do it.” Okay, here's your list. I'm going to do that. Now before…there’s a list about like 50 things and I'm going to provide this list but I still want you…I didn't even know if I should tell you that I'm providing this list but, you know, I just…because there are so many things I'm going to, but I still want you to take notes because that's what I did when Jenelle told me. I wrote it all down. I had a dry erase board on the back of my, or I mean on the front of my computer. I had a desktop…like seriously it was in my bedroom, my dresser, clunky desktop computer, behind my computer I had a dry erase board that had these things that I had to do every single day, like my daily to-do list, my “power-hour” to-do list and I had that there. So I want you guys to do that. Think of whatever would get you inspired to do this stuff every single day because the secret is consistency. So take notes during this, but I will provide this list. And then the other thing to think about before you go into like, “Okay, I'm the type of person that needs tangible to-dos to get the job done.” We get it, like I totally get it, but just one thing I want you to think about is think of me. The two to three months before I even started this, that whole time I was slowly working on my mindset. I was slowly surrounded by people like Jenelle and her team members. So I was slowly changing from my old mindset that was negative and insecure and not believing in myself and I flopped it. And it took me two months to do that and I was working on my personal development. So before you can…even if you do all of these things, if you don't master your mindset and believe in yourself and believe in this company and this business and the fact that you seriously, every single one of you, can totally 100%, and I hope you feel that with me because I'm nothing special whatsoever. So I hope that you believe that you can be a six-figure earner because this business does not play favorites, okay? So just know that. Like and I hope that sinks into your heart because this business totally doesn't play favorites because I would definitely not be successful at this if it did. Because I'm nothing special; I had everything working against me, okay? You just have to change your mindset and believe and do the work. And one thing I want to say to you and I understand if you’re a new coach and you’re just learning the ropes - totally get it - shell, let it sink in, don't feel overwhelmed, but you're going to because that's how all new coaches feel. I felt the same way too. But I just want to leave this one thing with you is if you want this bad enough, you find a way. And if you don't, you find an excuse. And that's plain and simple.