University of Bradford
Allegation of Academic Misconduct: Summative Work
Student’s Name:UB Number:
Student’s email address:
Faculty of Registration:
Faculty/Division in which alleged breach occurred:
Degree Course:
Module Title:
Module Number:
*Attempt Number:
(This section must be completed)
*Is this the students final Attempt?
(This section must be completed)
Stage of Study:
Component Under Investigation:
Date of Submission by student:
Proportion of the Module Assessment the Work Represents (E.g. 30%) / Credit Weighting
Has the student completed the Plagiarism Avoidance Course either within a module or as a stand-alone course?
Name of Examiner:
Please provide details of the
allegation:(continue overleaf or on a separate page if necessary)
Please place a tick in the box against the appropriate score and assign an overall points total here:
Total Points:Points have been assigned to this allegation on the following criteria:
1st Offence / 100 points2nd Offence / 150 points
3rd Offence + / 200 points
Amount/Extent of Offence
- Below 10% but with critical aspects* plagiarised
- Disturbance within an examination (e.g. mobile phone)
- Unauthorised departure from an examination
- Between 10% and 20% OR more than 2 sentences but not more than 2 paragraphs
- As above but with critical aspects* plagiarised
- Between 20% and 50% OR more than two paragraphs but not more than 5 paragraphs
- Bringing unauthorised material into an examination
- Plagiarism or unauthorised collaboration or communication within an examination
- Refusing to obey the instructions of an Invigilator
- Removal of question papers from an examination
- As above but with critical aspects* plagiarised
- Above 50% OR more than five paragraphs
- Impersonation by a third party **
- Submission of a purchased from an essay mill or ghost writing service or the inclusion of such in part or in full anywhere within the assignment ***
* Critical aspects are key ideas or sections of text central to the assignment
** A case of impersonation by a third party will always necessitate consideration by an Investigating Committee and will normally result in exclusion from the University regardless of the point value of the case.
*** Submission of an assignment from an essay mill or ghost writing service will always necessitate consideration by an Investigating Committee and will normally result in exclusion from the University regardless of the point value of the case.
Please include details of the critical aspects that have been plagiarised (please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Please supply the name and email address of the person within the Faculty who confirmed the critical aspects of the plagiarised material
Level 1 / 70 pointsLevel 2 / 115 points
Level 3/Postgraduate / 140 points
Value of Assignment
Standard module / 30 pointsFinal year or Masters project, dissertation or thesis / 100 points
Additional Characteristics- please provide further written information in the blank box below should this section be relevant to this case:
Additional characteristics might include evidence of a deliberate attempt to deceive or to disguise plagiarism by changing words, sentences or references to avoid detectionAnd/or
Retention of secondary references within text plagiarised from an unattributed source / 40 points
Please attach the following to this allegation sheet:
- A Turnitin report
- The source article(s)(Not required where a Turnitin report is submitted)
- Where no Turnitin report is available, The assignment concerned marked up to show the source of the source of the unattributed articles
Where marked up documents are required, please draw a line beside the copied passage(s) in black pen and allocate a number or letter to each copied passage. Mark up the source documents with the corresponding letter or number against each source passage.
Please do not use a marker pen as the evidence will be photocopied or scanned for the student and the Investigating Dean - most highlighting and/or markings in blue pen etc do not show up.
**Please complete this form and send it electronically, together with all the evidence to support the allegation to your Faculties Administrator in the first instance, the Administrator will thenlog the allegation on to evision and send the case centrally for investigation.
Student Casework Team
lephone 01274 235108
Last updated September 2017