Volume 39 Issue Number 1
Copyright 2015 Nightcliff Orchid Society
Rlc. Toshie Aoki x B. nodosa [owned by Di Dowling]
I would like to join / continue my membership of
the Nightcliff Orchid Society
Please find enclosed the amount of $………. being the annual membership fee.
Fees are as follow (please circle choice):
Individual $20 Family $30 Junior /Pensioner $15
plus a joining fee of $15.00 for new members
Name: Mr/Mrs/Ms …………………………………………………
Home Address: …………………………………………………
Postal Address: …………………………………………………
Telephone No: ……………………… (Home)
……………………… (Work)
……………………… (Mobile)
Email Address: ………………………………………………
On becoming a member, I agree to abide by the Constitution, Rules and By-laws of the
Nightcliff Orchid Society. (Please ask the Secretary for a copy of these documents
if you require them.)
Signed: ……………………………….. Date: ………………..
For Use By Treasurer
Received By: …………………………………………………
Official Receipt No: ……………………………. Date: ……………………..
MONDAY 10th November 2014
Meeting opened 7.55pm
Welcome to new members/visitors Irene
Present As per Attendance Book
Apologies As per Attendance Book
Minutes of Previous Meeting Not Accepted
Amendment No financial figures in Bulletin
Moved Wendy Edison Seconded Di Dowling
Correspondence In: LOC Bulletin
OSSEA Bulletin
TOC Bulletin
Returned letter from Helga’s pet resort
ROC [email]
Correspondence Out: Nil
Moved Marilyn Galt Seconded Ron James Carried
Treasurer’s Report Auction was successful and the figures were delivered to the meeting]
Moved Wendy Edison Seconded Greg Davis Carried
General Business
1.Spring Show 2015
3rd – 5th September. Booked for Tracy Village again. Discussion regarding deposit payment. WE to negotiate changing payment dates
2.AOC Show Mackay
WE has forms for interested people.
3.Christmas party
$20 for members, $15 subsidy by NOS. Venue Casuarina Club. 6th December. If you need to cancel before payment deadline, please ring Marilyn in order that numbers may be modified so that NOS doesn’t have to pay the extra $15.
Meeting agreed that $50 be donated by the club to augment hamper contributions.
a.Events for 2015? Members please think about what they would like to do and present them at the January meeting .
b.Thanks to Denis, Wendy, Anthony, Lindsay for assisting at the auction and also everyone who brought in plants
Popular vote. Anthony Fuller Dendrobium (Blue Sparkle x taurinum) x canaliculatum
Lucky door Kerryn Steward
Raffle 1 Greg Davis
Raffle 2 Di Dowling
Raffle 3 Sigrid Evans
Thanks are due to Joan Fong and Mark Ryan for providing a delicious supper.
Orchid Focus
1. Anthony Fuller gave a short talk about some of orchids displayed, including the popular vote winner which was his own plant.
2. Mark Ryan gave an interesting slide presentation based upon his recent trip to Melbourne for the OSCOV [?] show
The meeting closed at 9.40
No committee meeting for November so no minutes
Since the last magazine went out in November, things have been reasonably quiet on the Orchid Front. The Christmas Party, organised brilliantly by Marilyn Galt and family was a big success and the function at the Casuarina Club was well attended with approximately 35 people present. The majority of people thought the food was good and there was certainly plenty of it. The Cas Club had organised our own reasonably private section so that members could feel that they were part of their own function. As usual, when it came to the Kris Kringle part of the evening, emotions ran high with a great deal of ‘piracy’ going on. Anyone unfortunate enough to ‘win’ a Bunnings voucher, soon had it kidnapped although several other gifts were also regularly ‘stolen’ as well.
A big thank you to all members who contributed towards the hamper contents and lucky door prizes.
Dendrobium fimbriatum
Little seems to have been happening in members’ shade houses apart from a lot of apparent rotting of new shoots and of flower spikes on vandaceous plants. At the time of writing, the monsoon seems to have arrived and the subsequent lowering of temperatures may have stopped this. Nevertheless, it may pay to be ready with fungicide. Many members recommend Mancozeb either applied as a paste or sprinkled into growing points to help combat this problem.
It is great to acknowledge the contributions received from members for inclusion in this magazine. Alasdair McGregor sent through the pictures of orchids and strange names, and Brendan and Sue McKeon along with Anthony Fuller forwarded orchid photographs.
At this point in time, nothing has been organised on the social side for 2015. Not many social activities took place in 2014 so it would be really great if members came up with some ideas of what they would like to do throughout the year; even better, organise something and club members can sign up.
Events to perhaps start thinking about for later in the year include:
Mother’s day weekend [8th -10th May] will see the Litchfield Orchid Club’s annual Orchid Spectacular at the Showgrounds
The Royal Darwin Show will take place over July 23rd -26th
September 4th – 6th weekend, including Father’s Day will see Nightcliff Orchid Society run its Spring Show at Tracy Village for the second year.
For those willing to venture farther afield, September 18th – 23rd will see Mackay hold the Australian Orchid Council Conference and Show. Early bird registration for this closes at the end of January [$200 instead of $250]
Dendrobium nobile
Sue and Brendon McKeon’s orchids
Sue and Brendon had these beautiful orchids flowering towards the end of 2014. The plant below is Dendrobium farmeri. This is an excellent specimen of a plant that grows well in the Top End. It is commonly known as the fried egg plant because of its resemblance to a [surprise!!] fried egg.
This plant superficially resembles Dendrobium farmeri , but is actually Dendrobium Floralia, a hybrid formed by crossing Den. farmeri x Den.Mousmee
These 2 photographs are of Coelogyne Burfordiense, a primary hybrid using the 2 species Coelogyne pandurata and Coelogyne asperata. The flowers are large, fragrant but unfortunately, fairly short lived
Vanda merrillii var. compacta
This is a first flowering of a plant owned by Anthony Fuller. While it may be lacking in quantity of flowers, the one that it has is delightful, with a deep lustre that the photos do not do justice to. The plant is only about 12cm tall.
A big Thank You to Alasdair McGregor for the following series of photographs
The Dove Orchid, Peristeria elata
The Swaddled Baby Orchid, Anguloa uniflora
The Monkey Face Orchid, Dracula simia
The White Egret Orchid, Habenaria radiata
The Laughing Bumble Bee Orchid, Ophrys bombyliflora [perhaps]
The Angel Orchid, Habenaria grandiflora
JANUARY 2015 General meeting Monday 11th
Committee meeting Monday 18th
FEBRUARY 2015 General meeting Monday 9th
Committee meeting Monday 16th
MARCH 2015 General meeting Monday 9th
Committee meeting Monday 16th
APRIL 2015 General meeting Monday 13th
Committee meeting Monday 20th
MAY 2015 General meeting Monday 11th
Committee meeting Monday 18th
Orchid Spectacular 8th -10th
JUNE 2015 General meeting Monday 8th
Committee meeting Monday 15th
JULY 2015 General meeting Monday 13th
Committee meeting Monday 20th
Darwin Royal 23rd – 25th
AUGUST 2015 General meeting Monday 10th
Committee meeting Monday 17th
SEPTEMBER 2015 General meeting Monday 14th
Committee meeting Monday 21st
Spring Show 4th – 6th
OCTOBER 2015 General meeting Monday 12th
Committee meeting Monday 19th
NOVEMBER 2014 General meeting Monday 9th
Committee meeting Monday 16th
Annual Auction
DECEMBER 2014 No General Meeting
Christmas party – date to be confirmed
Bulbophyllum Tsiku Taurus
Remember, the bulletin always requires articles and photographs for inclusion into next month’s bulletin. E mail to
Calearia major The Flying Duck Orchid
The next meeting of the Nightcliff Orchid
Society will be held at the
on Monday 12th January 2015
commencing at 7.30pm
Contact the Secretary, Marion Davey on ph 8927 8198 for any further information
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