Press Release

Lustenau, 09/02/2016

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Brilliant light

LEDONBrilliant Light with Swarovski crystals

Crystal chandelierssparkleandshine in particularlybeautifulwaysbecauseofthe light thatsurroundsthem. Untilnow, light providedbyincandescentlamps was themeasureofallthings in termsof light sourcesfitted in upmarketchandeliers. LEDON'snewBrilliant Light LED candlerevolutionisesthis type ofillumination. Its light shinesthrough a high-grade luminaireheadmadeof Swarovskicrystals.

Fascinatinginterplayof light

A chandelier'sspecialappeal lies in thecombinationof light sourceandelementsthatrefract light, such asglass, gemstonesandmetal. Not only do theyintensifythelightingeffect, but theirinterplay also highlycontributestotheeffectofthewholeluminaire. The combinationof LED light sourcesandcrystalsexclusivelyprovidedby Swarovski in thenew LEDON Brilliant Light candlecreates an especiallyfascinatinginterplayof light andshadow. This results in a very elegant andexclusiveappearanceofboththeluminaireandtheilluminatedrooms.

Various light coloursavailable

Twoversionsofthenew LEDON Brilliant Light LED candleareavailablewith different light colours. The versionwith 2700 K colourtemperatureprovides warm white light similarto an incandescentlamp. Ithas a luminousfluxof 250 lm. The 2000 K model, on theotherhand, creates a particularly warm lightingambiance. Itremindsofthe light providedby a dimmedincandescentlampor a candle. Nevertheless, itshineswith a brightnesslevelof 200 lm. Thankstotheirreducedshaftdiameter, LEDON Brilliant Light candlesarecompatiblewithstandardchandelierE14 lampfittings. The onlythingthatneedstobeconsideredisthatthe LED luminairerequires an adequatemountingdepth.


LEDON Lamp GmbH from Vorarlberg, Austria, developsanddistributes innovative LED lampsassubstitutesforconventionallighting. Thankstoitssuperiorlightingproductsandadvanced LED technology, thecompanyranksamongthefirstandleadingsuppliersof intelligent lightingsolutionsworldwide. Further information is available at

Formoreinformation, pleasecontact:

Erik Nielsen

Head of Communications & Advertising


Millennium Park 6
A-6890 Lustenau

Tel. +43 5577 21550 327

Fax +43 5577 21550 999


LEDON Brilliant Light in crystalchandelierofLobmeyr.

Date: 09/02/2016

Photo: LEDON

LEDON Brilliant Light withitsluminaireheadmadeof Swarovski crystals.

Date: 09/02/2016

Photo: LEDON