OUS Payroll Process Workshop

7 Wastes


  • Running multiple payrolls at a university (multiple ID’s, multiple manual checks)
  • Printed checks
  • Time spent producing earning statements that only half bother to look at
  • Create auto-pay/errors go to manual check
  • Too many in the “approval” chain even for the most simple task
  • Changes received after production starts
  • Over – table control
  • Multiple cycles from the PHPTIME through PHPCALC resulting in employees being re-extracted to correctly apply payroll
  • Multiple process runs
  • No lag payroll – forecast pay
  • Manual checks
  • Should be using an automated process every few days
  • Manual payments and too many, too often
  • Receiving too early, most likely changes again before final
  • Risk adverse discussions where the outcome is enforcement of a policy/procedure resulting in too much effort applied to an issue in contrast to actual risk. We spend a lot of time doing something to protect a part of the process when effort could be spent elsewhere.
  • Early creation of checks – sometimes have to be taken out due to other processes.
  • Early production of check/payroll might not be accurate
  • Early production = more checks done manually = more errors

Waiting Time

  • Wait to process while T/S being entered on checks created
  • Wait while others are auditing
  • Have to open time while jobs are input into Banner
  • Late forms & approvals
  • Timesheet approvals
  • Long time period for Department entering time data (time entry period)
  • Records locked in system cannot continue data entry while payments in process (relates to certain Banner forms)
  • Lock-out period
  • Log payroll
  • Between 10th doc deadline and 18th payroll start
  • Waste of time waiting for time sheets / need automation
  • Documentation
  • Student payroll cycle results in students potentially having to wait up to 6 weeks before seeing first paycheck.
  • Automated payroll once a month / all other payments done manually.
  • Waiting for paperwork from Departments (timesheets, pay authorization)
  • Too much manual paperwork
  • Documentation getting where it needs to be.
  • Late paperwork from employees & departments
  • Approvals – receiving contracts
  • Waiting for all timesheets to come in.
  • Waiting for paperwork to be generated/signed.
  • Waiting for a manual check to be produced.
  • Waiting for new employee records to be created.
  • Missed deadlines cause waiting time for full aggregation.
  • Waiting for data delays reconciliation


  • Decentralized hiring process. People and forms need to walk all over the campus.
  • Moving materials….too many hands involved.
  • Production of some pamphlets done online and ten sent out in campus mail.
  • Papers going back & forth between Payroll & HR (employment authorization….waiting in baskets….getting lost in transition.
  • Waiting for data.
  • Hard copy checks & statements.
  • Campus mail.
  • Checks going through the mail.
  • Documentation where it needs to be.
  • Lack of mandated direct deposits.
  • Routing of new hire paperwork from Dept to budgetto HR to Payroll.
  • Sending payroll data bank files to CO Payroll by FAX.
  • Payroll paperwork from Depts/or from HR to Payroll office
  • Timesheet/hire documents on paper – should be paperless, with electronic approvals.
  • Upload ACH/W-2 files. Upload aggregate p/r files.
  • Paperwork routed through numerous departments.
  • Check/earnings statement delivery is resource intensive.
  • Paper in transit for approval signatures.
  • Interoffice mail
  • Timesheets & Leave rosters transit to Payroll
  • T/S & LR to Research accounting &/or Foundation -> Payroll


  • Card stock
  • Paper – still a lot of reports that need printing.
  • Lots of time sheets.
  • Forms for hiring.
  • P/R check stock??
  • Time sheets printed
  • Retention of “paper” for years – filing or imaging?
  • Check stock
  • Printing checks
  • Check stock/envelopes (specialized stock?)
  • Check stock/paper
  • # of timekeepers who must be trained or retrained in order to handle data entry from paper timesheets.
  • Large number of forms to address
  • Multiple ways of hiring & paying people
  • Printer availability
  • Checkstock
  • Should mandate paperless entry statements. Reduce paper/printing/ink.
  • Green paper & envelops.
  • # of physical paper time cards used vs. electronic


  • Keying time entry
  • Correcting dept. errors
  • Too many forms. Not enough online processes.
  • Printing manual checks
  • Key punching
  • Key in times sheets
  • Time sheets (manual) to others for approval.
  • Multiple approvals
  • Spend lots of time keying
  • Lots of time auditing to key
  • Movement of individuals through the hiring/pay
  • Process involves numerous offices & individuals
  • Effort to file or image paper unnecessary with current technology available.
  • Time & attendance –should be automated instead of manual calculations
  • Physically distributing actual earnings statements or checks
  • Hand delivering earnings statements
  • Having to recalculate DDE pay into hrs


  • Reports don’t catch errors = rework
  • Human miss reported errors
  • Payroll adjustments
  • Aggregating bank data?
  • Extra processes for aggregation.
  • Manual checks outside regular process
  • Cycle causes many manual checks.
  • Payroll cycles
  • Printing paper docs
  • Manual pay/late pay
  • Manual checks – excessive # outside regular monthly processes
  • Manual checks. Direct deposit process needs to be run through CO. Adds extra day.
  • Processing time can be lengthy & in some cases gathers similar information
  • Need to have defined procedure for handling exceptions – such as when a particular report has error or there are rejects.
  • Payroll doing all time entry by hand.
  • Start on campus, finish at CO.
  • Manual checks/direct deposits
  • Identifying discrepancies.
  • Rigidness of system during processing, get out of order & can break process.
  • Need help from OUSS Programmer to fix before starting again. No “undo”.
  • Time lines
  • Many processes performed. We are not aware of outcome.
  • Waiting for signatures.


  • Computer/software problem
  • Software
  • Campus wait on OUS, OUS wait on SCT
  • Incorrect paychecks due faulty time & attendance data
  • Person backing up may not know the system/process well enough
  • Lost paperwork
  • Lack of training & understanding
  • Hourly paid like salaried
  • Too long to hire employees
  • Lack of institutional technical support
  • Modifications to NBAJOBS
  • Limits electronic approvals in Banner
  • Late payroll – failure to get inputs in system at right time
  • Banner defects during systems upgrade
  • Lack of attention to detail
  • Finding defects that have no solution with current system
  • System ability to h
  • Lost sight of where handle current – paid payrolls
  • Manual checks something resides within the whole process
  • Errors = rework
  • Time sheets
  • On jobs
  • On paychecks
  • Returned bank items (closed accounts, bank account numbers)
  • Process failure
  • Inaccuracy
  • # of inaccurate timesheets
  • # of incomplete payroll (delta) documents


  • All the committee time waiting for management buy-in
  • Reduce the time fir paperwork to flow from one department to another
  • Put everyone on direct deposit
  • Better payroll training for staff
  • Inertia of “how we always have done it”. “One size fits all”.
  • Lack of resources to implement
  • Self service
  • Lack of time to implement ideas
  • Time pressure stifles
  • Stifled due to lack of IT support
  • Trying to have done size fits all. Perhaps goal shouldbe several “payroll process models” NOT just ONE perfect payroll process (maybe it should be plural)
  • No time to think about improvements
  • Have technical staff sit with & observe process to facilitate better understanding & better programs.
  • No opportunities for info/ideas to be passed up! (passed up the chain of command? – Greg’s interpretation)
  • Fear of being rejects or reprimanded
  • Time it takes to try to take advantage of technology sometimes prevents IT from moving forward.
  • If we ran an additional payroll per month, would this save money overall the manual check production?
  • Lose momentum to produce payroll/payroll week=all hands on deck & no progress on projects
  • “Banner doesn’t do that”


December 6, 2010