Supplemental and Intervention Program Usage Guidelines
Program: __Touchphonics______Date of Publication: __1999__
Publisher: ___Educators Publishing Service
Grade Level / K.0 K.5 K.9 / 1.0 1.5 1.9 / 2.0 2.5 2.9 / 3.0 3.5 3.9Most Appropriate Use of Program
Recommended Use(s) of Program:
___ Supplemental to enhance the core program for all students
_X_ Supplemental to prevent/remediate skill deficits for students in the core who are somewhat below grade level
___ Intervention to prevent/remediate skill deficits for students in the core who are somewhat below /significantly below grade level
___ Intervention to replace the core program for students substantially below grade level
Essential components targeted Oregon Reading First Review:
by program:
___ Phonemic Awareness _
_X_ Phonics
__ Fluency
_ _ Vocabulary
___ Comprehension
Program length, time requirements, grouping recommendations:
Number of levels: One
Number of lessons:74
Presentation time per lesson: 15-20 minutes a day, 3-days a week
Recommended number of students per group: Small group instruction
Placement tests: Screening Test
Progress-monitoring assessments: Yes
General Overview of the Program:
Touchphonics is a supplementary phonics program that uses manipulatives and a multi-sensory instructional system to provide instruction in phonemic awareness; sound-to-symbol correspondence; and sound substitution, segmentation, and blending.
Touchphonics lessons include systematic, sound-by-sound decoding activities along with instruction in structural patterns to help students understand how sounds and spellings vary depending on the letter-combination patterns within words.
Touchphonics can be used with students somewhat below the core (strategic) who have skill deficits in alphabetic principle. In addition, it may be used to enhance a core program that is lacking explicit phonics instruction. Touchphonics is not an appropriate program to use with students who are intensive.
The strategy used in Touchphonics is pattern-based rather than rule based. The program divided into 9 parts:
1. Build the word
2. Touch and sound the units
3. Blend the sounds into a word
4. Cover and spell the word
5. Cover and write the word
6. Change the word/ Shake and Make
7. Read the word in isolation
8. Read the word in print
9. Write the word in print
Professional Development Recommendations:
Recommend an inservice prior to using the program.
Guidelines for using the program as a supplemental program to enhance the core program for all students:
Not recommended for this use.
Guidelines for using the program as a supplemental program to prevent or remediate skill deficits for students in the core program, but who are somewhat below grade level.
Program should not be used in isolation. Program is designed to be used as a supplemental program.
Guidelines for using the program as an intervention program to replace the core program for students well-below grade level:
Not recommended for this use.