Algebra 1 2017-2018

Teacher Contact Information

Teacher: Holly McCoy

Room: 2823

Conference: 5th period

Phone: 832-668-7300 ext: 73823


Online Text: Pearson Algebra I


Sequence of Course

Fall Semester /

Spring Semester

Equations and Inequalities / Exponents
Relations and Functions / Polynomials
Describe Data Using Linear Functions / Factoring
Writing and Graphing Linear Equations and Inequalities / Quadratic Functions
Systems of Equations and Inequalities / Exponential Functions
Grading Policy

·  60% - MAJOR GRADES: Bundle Tests, Interactive Notebook, Major Projects, etc.

·  40% - MINOR GRADES:

o  20% Daily Assignments - Homework, Warm-Ups, Classroom Activities, etc.

o  20% Quizzes

Suggestions for Success:

·  Participate in class and small group activities.

·  Materials for Class:

o  Pencils and Eraser

o  IPad

o  Stylus (Optional)

o  1- Spiral Notebook (Optional if you bring your IPad)

o  4-AAA Batteries (Required! These need to be turned in to me as soon as possible)

o  1 bottle of Hand Sanitizer

o  1 box of Kleenex

·  Tutorials are available if you need individual or small group help.

o  M, T, Th: 8:05 - 8:40 am

·  Re-testing

o  Reteaching activity - A reteaching or tutorial assignment must be completed before retesting.

o  Retests will be available to all students and the grade will be averaged with the original test.

o  Retests must be scheduled with the teacher.

·  Make-up Work (see student handbook) - When absent, make sure you get your make up assignments from your teacher. Complete them and turn them in as soon as possible so you stay caught up with your peers.

o  Work assigned when a student is present is due when returning to class following an absence unless there are extenuating circumstances as determined by the teacher.

o  Work assigned when the student is absent is due within five days after his/her return to class. The teacher will determine the length of time needed (up to five days) to complete the assignment.

o  Make-up work is the responsibility of the student, and should be discussed with the teacher.

o  **If students are absent (only ONE day) the day before a test, this does NOT excuse them from testing the day they return.

o  If you are absent for extra-curricular activities, you must request the work in advance and it is due the day you return to class.

·  Late Work Policy

o  Late work will be accepted, but with a penalty.

·  Extra credit

o  Extra credit points can be earned towards your nine weeks average.

o  See attached sheet with extra credit options.

STAAR Preparation for the End-of-Course Algebra I Exam (2nd week of May, 2018)

There will be four curriculum based assessments (CBA) taken during the school year. A mock STAAR- EOC will be taken March 7, 2018. These assessments are taken in preparation for the state STAAR test. The data collected from these tests will help students, parents, and teachers identify areas of strengths and concerns in algebra. Review and tutorial sessions will be offered periodically throughout the year. Other review information can be found on the TEA website: . Passing the STAAR EOC for algebra is a graduation requirement for the incoming freshmen of 2017-18.

EXTRA CREDIT OPTIONS - Extra credit can be earned towards your nine weeks average. You may take advantage of extra credit opportunities each six weeks; however, you will need to pick different options every nine weeks (no repeats). Extra credit for the nine weeks is always due the Thursday prior to the end of the grading period.

1.  Newspaper articles – about a math related topic – up to 3 points

®  Include: name and date of article. Include the article (paste, tape), if this is a lengthy article, discuss with your teacher.

®  include a summary of critique of the article

®  up to ½ - 1 point per article

2.  3-Dimensional Model – of a mathematical concept or fact - up to 4 points (if outstanding)

®  should be neatly labeled and include a legend

3.  Board Games – algebra related subject - up to 3 points

®  make your own game!

®  include playing pieces, game board (original), cards (if applicable), directions, objective, KEY, etc.

4.  Read a Book – get suggestions & approval from your teacher! - up to 5 points

®  write a paragraph telling where the book got its name

®  write 5 additional paragraphs discussing 5 things you learned

®  include bibliographical information

5.  Teaching Triboard–representation of algebraic - up to 5 points

®  interactive, manipulative

®  no pencil, visually appealing

®  neatly put together and labeled

®  include legend as needed

6.  i-Pad Apps – up to 3 pts

®  Review and critique (algebra related disciplines) i-Pad apps (3 apps = up to 1 point)

®  Describe the apps’ potential in an algebra classroom and what a student would learn by playing the app

®  Make an appointment, before or after school, with your biology teacher to show them the apps you critiqued explaining their value

7.  Show Me or Educreation – up to 4 points

®  Original work

®  Create an instructional video that teaches part/all of a readiness standard in algebra using Show Me or other similar app.

®  Make sure you can email your teacher the final product.

8.  TI Graphing Calculator Projects - See teacher for projects if interested

®  Beginner Project completed based on project instructions (up to 3 points)

®  Intermediate Project completed based on project instructions (up to 4 points)

®  Advanced Project completed based on project instructions (up to 5 points)

9.  KHAN Academy tutorials – up to 5 points

®  See your teacher about a specific set of videos to watch and/or practice problems to complete

®  Must show proof of watching the videos or doing the practice problems. (See teacher for details.)

10.  Homework passes –maximum of 2 (only at the beginning of each 9 weeks!)

Ø  Box of Kleenex

Ø  Bottle of hand sanitizer

**NOTE: All extra credit material turned in is subject to becoming the property of the math department to be used as teaching aids for classes. Please do not turn in projects that you would not be willing to part with.

HOMEWORK: Return by September 1st and receive a 100.

I, ______, have read Mrs. McCoy’s Algebra 1 syllabus and understand the rules and procedures listed.

Student Signature ______Period _____

Parent Signature ______Parent Signature ______

Email ______@______Email ______@______

Phone (____) ______-______Phone (____) ______-______

Revised – August 2017