Club de golf Cowansville
Cowansville, Québec
June 10–12, 2013
Play is governed by the 2012-2015 Rules of Golf of the Royal Canadian Golf Association, the 2012-2013 Royal Canadian Golf Association Decisions on the Rules of Golf, the 2013 Standard Local and Conditions of Competition, and where applicable, by the following Conditions and Local Rules.
Unless otherwise noted, penalty for breach of a Local Rule or Condition is two strokes.
Rules on the local (club) scorecard do not apply.
Tees - White CN Tee Blocks
NOTE: Distance measuring devices are NOT permitted (Penalty: Disqualification – Rule 14-3 applies)
- DESIGNATED PRACTICE AREAS - Practice is permitted in the following areas identified by white rope:
- Practice range behind the parking lot
- Practice putting and chipping green behind the parking lot
- Practice putting green behind the clubhouse
Note: The penalty for practicing on the competition course before and between competition rounds is DISQUALIFICATION.
- OUT OF BOUNDS - Defined by white stakes and perimeter fences along property lines of the golf course.
- The parking lot and driving range are out of bounds
- TEMPORARY IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS - Starting and Scoring Tents located on the golf course are temporary immovable obstructions as defined in Appendix 1, Part B, Section 7 of the Royal Canadian Golf Association Rules of Golf.
- ANIMAL FORAGING DAMAGE - Areas of the golf course recently damaged by foraging animals may be declared Ground Under Repair only by a Golf Canada Canada Rules Official.
- FLOWER BEDS AND CULTIVATED AREAS – Flower beds or cultivated landscaped areas are deemed to be through the green. Relief without penalty is not available. Exception: Flower beds or cultivated landscaped areas completely encircled by an obstruction are part of the obstruction.
- STONES IN BUNKERS -Stones in bunkers are movable obstructions (Rule 24-1 applies).
- STAKED TREES – Staked trees on the course can be identified by a metal stake and wire attached to the tree. If the stake or wire interferes with a player’s stance or the area of intended swing, the ball may be lifted, without penalty, and dropped in accordance with the proper procedure prescribed in Rule 24-2b (Immovable Obstruction).
- PLAYOFF - A tie for the championship will be decided by a hole-by-hole playoff on hole 18, 9, 18, repeated as necessary, until a winner is decided.
Committee in charge of the Competition: Barbara Allan (Golf Canada Tournament Chair), Adam Helmer (Tournament Rules Chair) & Madeline Small (Tournament Director)
Rules Committee: Adam Helmer (Tournament Rules Chair), Jean Stone Seguin, Jacques Nols, Jim Davidson, Francois Gagnon, Michel St-Laurent, Madeline Small (Tournament Director)