Santa Monica College

Course Outline For

Course Title: Nursing 15L – Nursing Fundamentals Units: 2


Date Submitted: Fall 2002 CSU GE Area:

Updated: Fall 2006 Transfer: CSU

I. Catalog Description:

Prerequisite: Nursing 10, Nursing 10 L & Nursing 36

Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in Nursing 15 is required

The focus of this nursing laboratory course is to provide the continuing student with the opportunity for application of theoretical knowledge to the provision of client care in the clinical setting. Students will begin to utilize critical thinking skills as they apply theoretical concepts to clinical practice while implementing nursing care for adults and older adults. Nursing care will be provided to adults and older adults in acute or non-acute environments. This course will be taken concurrently with the theoretical companion course, Nursing 15.

II. Required Text and References: (*previously purchased for Nursing 10)

1.  Deglin, J.H., & Vallerand, A.H., (2000), Nurse’s Med Deck (boxed version),

7th eEd., (or any current drug handbook)

2.  Fishbach, F., (2003), Manual of Laboratory Tests, 6th ed., Lippincott

3.  *Perry, A.G., & Potter, P.A., (2005), Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques, 6th ed., C.V. Mosby

4.  *SMC Nursing Student Handbook, current edition

Recommended References:

  1. Smeltzer, S.C., & Bare, B., (2004), Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 10th ed., Lippincott
  2. Thomas, C.E., (2001), Taber’s Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 19th ed., F.A. Davis, Philadelphia
  3. Doenges, M., & Moorhouse, M., (2000), Nurse’s Pocked Guide: Nursing Diagnoses with Interventions, 7th ed., F.A. Davis
  4. McCance, K. & Huether, S., (2002), Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults & Children, Mosby

III.  Course Objectives:

Upon completion of Nursing 15L, students will be able to:

1. Utilize the nursing process and Orem’s Self-Care Model as an organizational

structure and framework to promote self-care and/or health maintenance of patients.

2. Demonstrate critical thinking strategies when planning, implementing, and

evaluating patient care in the assigned clinical setting.

3. Perform course related psychomotor skills to established nursing standards.

4. Incorporate concepts of professional role development through the assessment

of leadership styles, awareness of unique patient teaching needs and

opportunities, and self-assessment of communication abilities.

IV.  Clinical Objectives:

Upon completion of Nursing N15L, students will be able to:

1. Utilize the nursing process and Orem’s Self-Care Model as an organizational

structure and framework to promote self-care via the creation of care plans and

concept maps.

2. Provide a rationale for nursing interventions and decisions made while

while providing client care.

3.  Identify members of the health care team and interact as needed to enhance patient outcomes.

4.  Evaluate the leadership style and its effectiveness as demonstrated by the charge nurse, instructor, and self.

5.  Evaluate the effectiveness of your communication in interactions with assigned patients, peers and staff.

6.  Utilize appropriate communication techniques to elicit data during an interview with a patient/client to obtain a nursing history.

7.  Identify the need and plan strategies to communicate with the patient experiencing sensory deprivation.

8.  Report significant patient data to appropriate members of the health team in a timely manner.

9.  Identify patient teaching needs and implement a teaching plan to meet the need

10.  Incorporate standards of nursing care related to medication administration.

11.  Locate appropriate sites and landmarks utilized in the administration of IM, SQ, and ID injections.

12.  Perform all course related psychomotor skills to reflect standards of medical and surgical asepsis when providing care for assigned patients/ clients.

13.  Perform a head-to-toe physical assessment for a patient/client who is experiencing a health deviation.

14.  Interpret the significance of selected laboratory values associated with the perioperative patient or the patient experiencing fluid balance deviations.

15.  Identify and incorporate nursing interventions to minimize fluid and/or electrolyte deviations.

16.  Incorporate results of laboratory values in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of assigned patients.

17.  Incorporate cross cultural needs and/or influences when planning patient care.

18.  Perform an assessment of a client’s spiritual well-being and assess for spiritual distress utilizing established tools.

19.  Demonstrate nursing interventions designed to promote spiritual health.

20.  Identify safety issues involved in the administration of oxygen utilizing a variety of delivery systems.

21.  Demonstrate proper use and understanding of incentive spirometry equipment

22.  Demonstrate use of equipment and understanding of pulse oximetry.

23.  Implement nursing interventions to anticipate, prevent, or minimize perioperative complications.

24. Perform a physical assessment of a client with hypoxia and report findings to the appropriate health team member.

25. Utilizing the nursing process, establish a plan of care for the client with a genitourinary disorder.

V. Methods of Presentation:

Patient assessment and care opportunities in the clinical setting, demonstration and return demonstration on selected nursing skills in the college laboratory, audio-visual material, discussion, practice and self-assessment, concept mapping, nursing care plan, video taping of techniques utilized in patient care delivery.

VI. Course Content:

Coverage Topic

6.25 Medication Administration

6.25 Nursing Process

6.25 Client Education

6.25 Communication

12.5 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

6.25 Health promotion

6.25 Genitourinary System

6.25 Medical and Surgical Asepsis

12.5 Perioperative Nursing care

6.25 Oxygenation

6.25 Physical Assessment

6.25 Complementary/Alternative Therapies

6.25 Introduction to Leadership and Management

6.25 Older Adult

VII. Methods of Evaluation:

1.  Methods of evaluation include: observation, pre and post conference participation, attendance, punctuality, and compliance with college, program, and health care facility policies.

2.  Students must pass BOTH Nursing 15 (theory) and Nursing 15L (clinical) in order to successfully pass N15 Nursing Fundamentals. Students must earn a grade of C or better in theory portion of the course. Below 75% is considered failing in the SMC ADN Program.

3.  The student must successfully demonstrate and pass the assigned skills under instructor supervision in the Health Sciences Learning Center and/or the clinical area by the stated guidelines.

4.  Compliance with attendance requirements, confidentiality standards, and the

and the uniform policy is required for completion of Nursing 15L.

Clinical Grading Scale:


Failure in the N15L laboratory course constitutes an “F” grade in N15 (theory) regardless of theoretical grade achieved.

VIII. Exit Skills N15L

Upon completion of Nursing 15 L, the student should be able to :

1.  Satisfactorily perform all course related nursing skills based on established critical criteria.

2.  Apply principles of medical and surgical asepsis in the care of every patient.

3.  Administer medication by a variety of routes (except intravenous) to assigned patients.

4.  Assess all assigned patients and incorporate nursing interventions to minimize fluid and/or electrolyte deviations.

5.  Evaluate the effectiveness of your communication in interactions with assigned patients, peers, and staff.

6.  Report significant patient data to appropriate members of the health team in a timely manner.

7.  Evaluate the effectiveness of leadership styles demonstrated by the charge nurse, instructor, and self.

8.  Implement nursing interventions to anticipate, prevent, and/or minimize perioperative complications.

9.  Submit evidence via written plans of care to reflect integration of core concepts influencing patient behavior including: sexuality, spirituality, and cultural considerations.

10.  Identify patient teaching needs and implement a plan to meet the need.

11.  Identify members of the health care team and interact as needed to enhance patient outcomes.

12.  Assess, plan, implement, and evaluate nursing interventions based on the respiratory status of each assigned patient.

13.  Provide nursing care to patients experiencing genitourinary dysfunction.

14. Incorporate results of laboratory values in the planning, implementation, and

evaluation of patient care. .