The Truth Project / Lesson 5: Part 2


Lesson 5 – Science: What is True? (Part 2)

I.  Testing Carl Sagan's Statement – "Evolution is a fact amply demonstrated by the fossil record and contemporary molecular biology."

A.  Contemporary Molecular Biology – testing Darwin's statement that his theory would absolutely break down if it could be demonstrated that a complex organism could not come into existence without numerous, successive slight modifications

1.  In the 19th century, the cell was viewed as a simple glob of plasma, a black box; today, micro technology reveals a cell filled with exquisite machinery

2.  Irreducible complexity – The cell cannot exist if one component of the machinery is missing – Examples: mouse trap and the flagellum motor

3.  It is in the realm of molecular genetics where we see the most compelling evidence of design on earth – evolution fails Darwin's test

4.  The cell- a fantastic factory of machines working together in the intricacies of a cell

B.  The fossil record – testing Darwin's statement that if one can't find all of the fine, graduated evolutionary steps in the fossil record, then one can rightly reject the theory

1.  If speciation requires many thousands of morphological changes, there should be some fossil evidence of those changes – Darwin agreed they weren't there, but only because we hadn't dug up enough fossils

2.  120 years after Darwin's time we have a lot more fossil evidence than he did, but we have even less support for his evolutionary theories

3.  Theory of punctuated equilibrium – offered by evolutionist Gould because of the lack of evidence in the fossil record; purports immediate speciation to account for the missing links

4.  Icons of Evolution – used for years as "proof" of evolution – all are inaccurate and outdated

5.  Theory of directed panspermia – purports that the first living cell was sent to earth from another planet – offered by Dr. Francis Crick because evidence was overwhelmingly against spontaneous generation

6.  Evolution again fails Darwin's own test

C.  Lovtrup: "I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science"

D.  This is a worldview battle – a battle that is much deeper than a scientific theory - Evolution destroys any foundation for a standard of ethics or morality – man has exchanged the truth of God for a lie (evolution) so that he may be free to follow his inner desires

II.  Conclusion

A.  G. Richard Bozarth, American Atheist, “Evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason Jesus’ earthly life was supposedly made necessary. Destroy Adam and Eve and original sin and in the rubble you will find the sorry remains of the Son of God….and if Jesus was not the redeemer who dies for our sins, and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing.”


1. Darwin: Black Box, by Michael Behe

2. “Unlocking the Mystery of Life” video series

Lesson 5: Science~ What is true? (Part 2)

Study Guide

Before you begin each day of studying, position yourself to receive from the Lord. Invite the Holy Spirit to encounter you. Speak out the declaration daily.

Day 1: The Womb is God’s Creative Space(Psalm 139:13-16)

I ~ Investigate the facts. This is finding out the WHO, WHAT and WHERE. This is the reporting section.
M ~ Meaning. What is the meaning in the Bible Culture. Are there any clues about the culture?
P ~ Principle Learned. Is there a principle or lesson in this Bible text; something you can learn about God’s character?
A ~ Apply. How can I apply this principle in my life? What is God showing me?
R ~ Respond. Respond to the Bible lesson. What is the Lord showing you to do through this lesson?
T ~ Teach. How can you share this message with others.
How was God’s Glory unveiled in this passage? What do you see about God’s character?

Declaration: I live in radical obedience and love for Jesus and the purposes of God in my generation. I draw a line in the sand and take a stand for the Truth of God’s Word. I will hear what the Spirit is saying to me and will be an unmovable voice to speak clearly in the midst of much worldly confusion. I make this confession that I am God’s messenger.

Memory Verse for lesson 5: The heavens declare the Glory of God; the skies proclaim the works of His hands; day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge,” Psalm 19:1- 2

Day 2: Jesus Holds All Things Together

Before you begin, position yourself to receive from the Lord. Invite the Holy Spirit to encounter you. Speak out the declaration daily.

Read Colossians 1:15-18. What is the Lord showing you in this passage?

Today we have new evidence pointing to God’s design of the universe.

1)  Explain in your own words what has been discovered about the inner workings of the cell and the information contained in DNA. How is this like finding a wristwatch in the field while out on a walk?

2)  What are other evidences of design that impress you or make you want to investigate further?

Day 3: The Blind Eye and Deaf Ear

Before you begin, position yourself to receive from the Lord. Invite the Holy Spirit to encounter you. Speak out the declaration daily.

Read Acts 14:16-17. What is the Lord showing you in this passage?

Modern science refuses to follow the evidence where it leads and instead treats alternative theories about the universe as fact.

1)  How do you feel about scientists who are driven more by their religious or philosophical worldview than by scientific data?

2)  Suppose you were talking to someone who thought Darwin’s theory of evolution explained life on earth. What evidence (or lack of evidence) in modern science would you mention to call evolution into doubt?

Day 4: Intelligent Design

Before you begin, position yourself to receive from the Lord. Invite the Holy Spirit to encounter you. Speak out the declaration daily.

Read Psalm 102:25-26. What is the Lord showing you in this passage?

“Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed, but rather evolved,”

Francis Crick

1)  What are some ways that scientists have responded to evidence for intelligent design in the cell? How might you review or study the evidence further so you can share it with others?

2)  What is your response to the video clip that was showed was with a little girl explaining how the blood clots? In what ways does God’s creative design of the human body fill you with wonder?


Before you begin, position yourself to receive from the Lord. Invite the Holy Spirit to encounter you. Speak out the declaration daily.

Read Hebrews 11:1-3. What is the Lord showing you in this passage?

1)  From our Declaration: “I DRAW A LINE IN THE SAND & TAKE A STAND FOR THE TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD”. How does this statement by G. Richard Bozarth cause an uprising in your spirit to stand for the Truth of God’s Word? Explain. What might be the consequences of taking a stand for the Truth?

“Evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason Jesus’ earthly life was supposedly made necessary. Destroy Adam and Eve and original sin and in the rubble you will find the sorry remains of the Son of God….and if Jesus was not the redeemer who dies for our sins, and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing.”

10 Statements about What I Believe About Creationism (A Divine Designer):

1.  I believe in Creation because I believe God.

2.  I believe in Creation because I believe God’s Word is Truth. (Genesis 1:1)

3.  I believe that God will give me an understanding of His creative work because I am His and He loves to share His secrets with His friends. (Hebrews 11:3a; Ps. 25:14)

4.  I believe in Creation because God give evidence in nature that His Word and His creation are in perfect agreement. (Romans 1:20)

5.  I believe that God began His creative work with nothing but Himself using words and actions. (Genesis 1:3a,6; Psalm 33:6,9; Hebrews 11:3b) & unlike man God did not need materials to begin. (Gen 1)

6.  I believe that as we study the natural world, we see much evidence that God created it. (Psalm 19:1)

7.  I believe that God created mankind in His image, with God’s Divine imprint; separate from other living things. (Genesis 2:7)

8.  I believe that God gave all things the ability to reproduce within their own kind & that God gave the potential for variety within a specific kind. (Genesis 1:11)

9.  I believe that God stopped creating at the end of 6 days & He is now preserving His physical creation~ the 1st law of thermodynamics describes this truth. (Genesis 2:1 & Nehemiah 9:6)

10.  I believe that the physical creation is gradually wearing out. This process started when Adam & Eve disobeyed God and their sin brought a curse upon all of creation. The 2nd law of thermodynamics describes this truth. (Psalm 102:25-26)

*1st law of thermodynamics states~ Matter and energy are interchangeable and can be neither created nor destroyed.

*2nd law of thermodynamics states~ The total amount of energy in the universe remains unchanged, but some energy is always becoming unavailable for useful work.

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