Honors Biology Lab Reports Outline

Name(Your Heading should follow this format)

Partner’s Name


Ms. Jenkins’ Class


Title of Lab Report


- Background information from lab book, class notes, text, etc. – Try to tie it together

- Key concepts, terms should be defined as part of background

- Purpose of lab activity and/or problem you investigated

- Hypothesis statement, preferably If……………then……………format

Materials and Methods:

- List of key materials that you used during the activity; usually located on 1st page of the lab instructions. Write the list as a sentence in past tense. (You are finished with the lab!)

-Include a brief, paragraph summarizing the steps of what you did to complete the lab. Make this

past tense, you are finished at this point!

- No results should be placed here


- Should be presented in a neat, concise and orderly fashion

-Data tablesif were in the lab manual should be recreated and placed here.

Tables should be numbered and have adescriptive title (i.e. Data Table 1: Reaction Rate)

- If your data is of a type that can be graphed, then graph it! Include a descriptive title, andlabel both the X and Y axis with descriptive terms (NOT “X AXIS”, but “Time (Seconds)” for the X axis, for example)

- Include appropriate units, and remember to use SI units. (This is science class!)

- No interpretations should be placed here, but you should summarize the data in a paragraph

Discussion and Conclusion:

- What did the lab results show?

-Restate your hypothesis, and whether it was supported or not.

Were they validated? Explain using examples.

-Did this have a tie in with what was being discussed in class?

-Was the purpose accomplished?

-What were your possible sources for error?Explain any uncontrolled variables or unexpected difficulties.

-Makesuggestions for further experimentation.

Works Cited:

Cite the source of any material used to support this report.

Format– Reports should be double-spaced (except for the heading), utilizing 1-in. margins and Times New Roman font (size 12).If you cannot type your lab, it should be written in ink and legible!!Include the above headings in bold.All reports should be completed using your own wording, unless otherwise directed by Ms. Jenkins.