AgendaDate: 13 September 2018

Enquiries to:Lynn Godsell

Direct Line:01592 643355 x 28138


Chairman–Dr I Lowles

/ Welcome and Introductions
Welcome: Dr Scott McLean, Executive Director of Nursing, NHS Fife
Mr Allan Burns, Chairman, NHS Fife
Mr David Livingstone, Infection Control Manager
Dr Gordon McLaren, Consultant in Public Health Medicine
(for Dr E Coyle)
Mr Andrew Verrecchia, Staff Side Representative
In Attendance:
/ Apologies for Absence:
Dr E Coyle, Director of Public Health
Mr J Wilson, Chief Executive, NHS Fife
/ Declarations of Interest
  1. 6
/ Unconfirmed Minutesof NHSF CGC Meetings:
14th August 2013 / Attached
/ Matters Arising
(a) / Action List / Attached
/ Executive Leads’ Clinical Governance Reports
(a) / Minute of Kirkcaldy & Levenmouth CHP Clinical Governance Group of 26 September 2013) (N Connor) - not available – c/f to Dec 2013 / N/A
(b) / Unconfirmed Minute of Dunfermline & West Fife CHP Clinical Governance Group 17 September 2013 (S Manion) / Attached
(c) / Confirmed Minute of Glenrothes and North East Fife CHP Clinical Governance Group of 19 August 2013 (E Wallace) / Attached
(d) / Confirmed Minute of the Operational Divisional Clinical Governance Committee Meeting 11 September 2013(I W Campbell) / Attached
(e) / Minute of the Public Health Governance Group of 4 September 2013 (Dr E Coyle) / Attached
(f) / Unconfirmed Minute of the Quality Safety Governance Group of 29 August 2013 (Dr S McLean)
Meeting cancelled – N/A / N/A
  1. 7
/ Governance Items
(a) / Balanced Scorecard Review(Dr B Montgomery/Dr S McLean/Dr E Coyle) / Attached
(b) / Clinical Governance Risk Report (Apr13 – Jun13) (Dr S McLean) / Attached
(c) / Incident Report (Apr12 – Jun12) (Dr S McLean) / Attached
(d) / Corporate Risk 3042 (Infection Control) (Dr G Birnie) / Attached
(e) / Corporate Risk 922 (Child Protection) (Dr S McLean) / Attached
(f) / Corporate Risk 3036 (Information Governance) (Dr E Coyle) / Attached
(g) / NHS Fife Prevention and Control of Infection Annual Report 2012/13 (DLivingstone)– b/f from August 2013 / Attached
(h) / Management of Controlled Drugs Update (Jan – June 13) (Dr B Montgomery) / Attached
(i) / Deaths in Delay 6 monthly update (Jan – June2013) (Dr G Birnie) – b/f from August 2013 / Attached
(j) / Scottish Dental Practice Annual Report 2011/12 (Andy Yuill)
c/f to December 2013 / N/A
(k) / OHSAS Clinical Governance Report 2012 (Dr R Malcolm)
Report not yet published – c/f to December 2013 / N/A
/ Items for Discussion
(a) / NHS Fife Clinical Governance Work Plan 2013/14(Mrs E Muir) / Attached
(b) / List of Outstanding Items on Clinical Governance Map 13/14
(Mrs E Muir) / Attached
(c) / NHS HIS Update (Mrs E Muir) / Attached
/ Minutes from Linked Committees
(a) / Infection Control Committee - 7 August 2013 / Attached
(b) / Information Governance Group – 15 August 2013
Meeting cancelled – N/A / N/A
(c) / Patient Safety Implementation Group – 20 June 2013 – c/f from August 2013 & 8 August 2013 (meeting cancelled) / Attached/
(d) / Fife Research Governance Group – 18 September 2013
Meeting cancelled – N/A / N/A
(e) / eHealth Board – 18 September 2013
Meeting cancelled – N/A / N/A
/ Items for Chair to Raise with NHS Fife Board (I Lowles)
/ Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 11th December 2013 at 2.00 p.m. in the Board Room, Hayfield Clinic, VHK, Kirkcaldy


Members: / In Attendance:
Mr Ken Cochran / Dr Gordon Birnie / Ms Heather Knox / Mr Andrew Verrecchia
Mr Simon Little / Mr Allan Burns / Mrs Susan Manion / Dr Ed Wallace
Dr Ian Lowles / Prof Ian Campbell / Dr Alan McGovern / Mr John Wilson
Mrs Evelyn McPhail / Dr Stella Clark / Dr Scott McLean / Mrs Helen Woodburn
Cllr Andrew Rodger / Ms Nicky Connor / Dr Brian Montgomery / Mrs Mary Porter
Dr Edward Coyle / Mrs Elizabeth Muir / Ms Lynn Godsell
Mrs Vicky Irons
NHS Fife Clinical Governance Committee / FINAL / Date: 270913
Medical Director’s Directorate / Page 1 of 3 / Review: N/A