Assistant Pastor: Rev Norman Mills

Circuit Moderator Rev Dr Cawley Bolt

Telephone: 926-8272/960-5658 General Office - 929-6245 - Pharmacy

929-0211 [ FAX] Office 906-9976 [FAX] Pharmacy

929-3160 Canteen 929-6979 – Clinic/Counselling

908-3120 Cyber Centre 754-6634 – Bethel Thrift Coop [BTC

1-888-429-5772 Prayer Line [Mon – Fri – 5:00 p.m – 7:00 p.m.]

Prayer line – email –

E-mail bethel


Church Theme – October 2017 – September 2018

Being God’s People in God’s world – living the Sacrificial Life –

Committing anew to faithful Stewardship

God of all ages,

you have travelled with your people through the years.

You have shared moments of joy

and times of despair.

Be with us now

as we, like those faithful believers who have gone before us

and those who will come after us,

join to praise your name.


‘In the years ahead, let us remain open to what God is calling us to do,

when, where, and how to do it.’ [B K Taylor – 2004]

Officers on Duty

7:00 a.m J Anderson / H Scott

10:15 a.m. W Williams/ G Roper

6:00 p.m. B Roper

Counsellors on Duty:

7:00 a.m. V Stevenson/ C Granville

10:15 a.m. E Henry-Savage/ M Plummer

Order of Service

7:00 a.m.

November 12, 2017




HYMN OF PRAISE – No. 1 – Holy God, we praise Your name

1. Holy God, we praise Your name; 3. All apostles join the strain
Lord of all, we bow before You; as Your sacred name they hallow
all on earth Your scepter claim; prophets swell the glad refrain
all in heaven above adore You. and the blessed martyrs follow
Infinite Your vast domain; And from morn to set of sun
everlasting is Your reign. through the church the song goes on.
2. Hark the glad celestial hymn 4. Holy Father, Holy Son
angel choirs above are raising; Holy Spirit: three we name You
cherubim and seraphim, while in essence only one;
in unceasing chorus praising, undivided God we claim You
fill the heavens with sweet accord: and adoring bend the knee
Holy, holy, holy Lord. while we own the mystery.
[Ignaz Franz, Trans. by Clarence Walworth -[GROSSER GOTT, WIR LOBEN DICH] 78.78.77]


RESPONSIVE READING: No. 657 [Psalm 16]

Leader: Preserve me, God, I take refuge in you.

People: I say to the Lord: “You are my God.

My happiness lies in you alone.”

Leader: O Lord, it is you who are my portion and cup;

It is you yourself who are my prize.

People: The lot marked out for me is my delight:

welcome indeed the heritage that falls to me!

Leader: I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel,

who even at night directs my heart.

People: I keep the Lord ever in my sight:

since he is at my right hand, I shall stand firm.

Leader: And so my heart rejoices, my soul is glad;

even my body shall rest in safety.

People: For you will not leave my soul among the dead,

Nor let your beloved know decay.

ALL: You will show me the path of life,

The fullness of joy in your presence,

At your right hand happiness for ever.


·  Enter into Jerusalem, let us to God’s house

With the healthy and sick, with the worker and the weak,

Let us go to God’s house.

Enter into Jerusalem, let us go to God’s house

Come and run with the wind, with the God who reigns in peace

Let us go to God’s house.

REF: We go celebrate, we go celebrate

We go celebrate, O Israel!

Praise the name of the Lord on high

Praise the name in song.

Praise the name with a heav’nly song

With a heav’nly song, with a heav’nly song, Praise the Lord.

Enter into Jerusalem, make we walk-a-down there.

With the young and the old, with the little and the large,

Make we walk-a-down there.

Enter into Jerusalem, make we walk-a-down there.

Swaying to the breeze with the God who reigns in peace.

Make we walk-a-down there.

Enter into Jerusalem, let us go to God’s house

With your papa and mumma, with your uncle and your aunt

Let us go to God’s house.

Enter into Jerusalem, let us go to God’s house

Run and catch the breeze with the God who reigns in peace.

Let us go to God’s house.

[Richard Ho Lung]

1. Great is the Lord, He is holy and just, by His power we trust in His love.

Great is the Lord, He is faithful and true; by His mercy He proves He is love.

Great is the Lord and worthy of glory! Great is the Lord and worthy of praise

Great is the Lord; now lift up your voice, now lift up your voice;

Great is the Lord! Great is the Lord!

2. Great is the Lord, He is holy and just, by His power we trust in His love.

Great is the Lord, He is faithful and true; by His mercy He proves He is love.

Great are You Lord, and worthy of glory! Great are You, Lord,

and worthy of praise

Great are You, Lord! I lift up my voice, I lift up my voice:

Great are You, Lord! Great are You, Lord!


Song during Baptism – Baptized in water, sealed by the Spirit

1 Baptized in water, sealed by the Spirit,
cleansed by the blood of Christ, our King;
heirs of salvation, trusting his promise,
faithfully now God's praise we sing.
2 Baptized in water, sealed by the Spirit,
dead in the tomb with Christ, our King;
one with his rising, freed and forgiven,
thankfully now God's praise we sing.
3 Baptized in water, sealed by the Spirit,
marked with the sign of Christ, our King;
born of one Father, we are his children,

Joyfully now God’s praises we sing.

[Michael A Sawrard, 1981BUNESSAN], as in Morning has broken ]

[Brief Period of Silence]

[Sung Prayerfully]

Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
I can feel His mighty power and His grace
I can hear the brush of angel’s wings
I see glory on each face
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place




The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,

His mercies never come to an end.

They are new every morning, new every morning.

Great is thy faithfulness O Lord; great is thy faithfulness.




[NT] 2Cor. 4: 5-15

HYMN OF MEDITATION - No. 2 - Love divine, all loves excelling

1. Love divine, all loves excelling, 2 Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit
Joy of heaven to earth come down; Into every troubled breast!
Fix in us thy humble dwelling; Let us all in Thee inherit
All thy faithful mercies crown! Let us find that promised rest.
Jesus, Thou art all compassion, Take away our bent to sinning
Pure unbounded love Thou art; Alpha and Omega be;
Visit us with Thy salvation; End of faith, as its Beginning
Enter every trembling heart. Set our hearts at liberty

3 Come, Almighty to deliver, 4 Finish, then, Thy new creation;
Let us all Thy life receive; Pure and spotless let us be.
Suddenly return and never, Let us see Thy great salvation
Never more Thy temples leave. Perfectly restored in Thee
Thee we would be always blessing, Changed from glory into glory
Serve Thee as Thy hosts above, 'Til in heaven we take our place
Pray and praise Thee without ceasing, 'Til we cast our crowns before Thee
Glory in Thy perfect love. Lost in wonder, love, and praise.



MESSAGE - Rev Norman Mills

HYMN OF RESPONSE – No. 3 - #375 – God is our refuge and defence

1.God is our refuge and defence, 3 If devils lurked on every side,

whose shield and weapons round us, all eager to devour us

ensure our safe deliverance we still should not be terrified

from evils that confound us. they cannot overpower us!

The old foe still intends The peevish Prince of lies,

to gain his ruthless ends; however hard he tries,

determined on his curse is impotent to hurt

and armed with cunning force: and has his just desert

on earth he has no equal. the slightest word can fell him

2 Though we may strive with all our might, 4. They must allow God’s word to stand

we face complete destruction; and fall inert before it.

the one true man takes up our fight, We trust the issue to his hand

whom God himself has chosen. who gives us his own Spirit

You ask us, ‘Who is this?’ And though they take away

Why, Jesus Christ, who is all we hold dear today

the Lord of hosts’ own Son, wealth, honour, life or kin

our God, the only one! we know they cannot win

He triumphs in the battle. the kingdom shall not fail us

[Martin Luther – 1483-1546: 87 87 66 667]

PRAYER Lord’s Supper/Reception of Member

Song during Lord’s Supper – # 223 - O Sacred Head, Sore wounded

1. O sacred Head, now wounded, 3. What language shall I borrow
with grief and shame weighed down, to thank thee, dearest friend,
now scornfully surrounded for this thy dying sorrow,
with thorns, thine only crown: thy pity without end?
how pale thou art with anguish, Lord, make me thine forever
with sore abuse and scorn! and should I fainting be,
How does that visage languish Lord, let me never, never
which once was bright as morn! out-live my love for thee
2. What thou, my Lord, has suffered 4. Be near me when I’m dying,

was all for sinners' gain; O show thy cross to me,
mine, mine was the transgression, and, my last need supplying
but thine the deadly pain. come., Lord, and set me free

I bow my head, my Savior! These eyes, new faith receiving
For I deserve thy place; from Jesus shall not move
O grant to me thy favor, for they who die believing
surround me with thy grace. die safely through thy love
[Bernard of Clairvaux: Tune – Passion Chorale 76 76D]


November 12, 2017

6:00 a.m. Christ for Today Broadcast, RJR – 94 FM

[Co-ordinated by the J B U]

7:00 a.m. First Worship Service –

Leader: Deacon Michelle Smith

Speaker Rev Norman Mills

[Baptism/ Lord’s Supper/Reception of member]

8:45 a.m. Sunday School / New Members’ Classes

[for all ages]

9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. LIBRARY SERVICES [for all ages]

10:15 a.m. Second Worship Service –

Leader: Deacon Evelyn Gyles

Speaker: Deacon Dr Anthony Allen

[Babies’ Dedication]

10:30 a.m. Junior Church – [children 10 years and under]

4:00 p.m. Visitation to Hospitalized/Home Bound members

6:00 p.m.

Third Worship Service – Celebratory Service –

Bethel’s 63rd Anniversary

Leader: Deacon Pam Kelly

Speaker: Rev Doreen Wynter

[Pastor- Jones Town Baptist Circuit of Churches]

We welcome Mr Irwin Jones into our fellowship today, following his Baptism at the 7:00 a.m service. His sponsor is Bro. Vinnie Rose. May God’s blessings continue to be with him.

Today, November 12th –at 6:00 p.m. you are all invited to join in a Celebratory/Thanksgiving Service in commemoration of the Church’s 63rd year of Ministry/Mission – actual Anniversary date – November 11th . There is so much to be thankful for! Come and be a part of this special service - you would not want to miss it!

Parents/Guardians – we remind you that the NURSERY [located on the ground floor of the Administration Block – opposite to the CYBER CENTRE] - for children 0-4 years is available for your use during the period – 7:00 a.m – the close of the 10:15 a.m service.


Members, friends, you can still give your financial support to the Church’s HAITI Fund through the Church, which will be sent to the JBU as is our custom

Monday, November 13 6:00 p.m. Deacons’ Meeting

Tuesday, November 14 7:00 p.m. House Prayer Fellowship

Wednesday, November 15 7:00 p.m. BIBLE STUDY

Thursday, November 16 5:30 p.m. Games Evening

7:00 p.m. The Choir Rehearsal

Friday, November 17 6:00 p.m. Youth Chorale Rehearsal

7:00 p.m. G I F T meeting –[Y Adults]

Saturday, November 18 9:30 a.m – 1:00 p.m. Public Speaking course

[coordinated by the B L I]


4:00 p.m. ‘Epic Encounter’[Y Fellowship]

Bethel Baptist Brotherhood reminds us that due to the fact that BOJ is taking back the coins, our ladies will be working hard every Sunday to facilitate our members and friends to make collection easier for us all. Take your coins to church, our Care Centre visitors will appreciate it.

ALSO… The Men’s Brotherhood asks us to: SAVE THE DATE:

In the Chapel, Saturday December 9, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.

Dr. Herbert Gayle, Social Anthropologist (Social Violence), and Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Psychology and Social Work, UWI, Mona, will be the Presenter at the Bethel Baptist Brotherhood Forum. ALL ARE INVITED.

Sun. November 12 A blessing in disguise Genesis 50: 15-26

Mon. November 13 Count your blessings Psalm 85

Tues. November 14 Small things Mark 11: 1-11

Wed. November 15 Kingdom house cleaning Mark 11: 12-21

Thur. November 16 Kingdom confidence Mark 11: 22-26

Fri. November 17 Right to reign? Mark 11: 27-33

Sat, November 18 Under new management Mark 12: 1-12

For further reflection – Take a moment to review the ordinary things that make. up your day. How might you approach them differently if you believed that God wants to weave them into his bigger plan? Pray and offer your ‘ordinariness’ for God’s purposes.