Dear Parents,24/10/2014

RE:School Camp 2014for Grade 5

The Year 5 camp will be conducted this year at Anglesea Recreation Camp YMCA. The camp is located on the corner of the Great Ocean Road and Inverlochy Street, opposite the CFA.

The Year 5 camp is an opportunity to further develop leadership skills and independence in an offsite environment.

Camp Dates



We are hoping thatparents can drop off and pick up their children from the camp. Please indicate on the permission note, below if you would be available to drop your child off at the camp at 10:30am on Monday and pick up your child on the Wednesday at 2:30pm.

Please contact Ronald () and we can arrange for either a lift from another family or a lift from one of the teachers.


The cost has been included in your fees.


The children will sleep in cabins, housed in two buildings. It is expected that each child will bring their ownsheets, sleeping bag and pillow.

Permission Form

Parents must give their consent before any child can participate in this school camp. Please ensure that the permission form provided is signed and sent back to school by Friday 30th October.


Supervising adults on this camp will beStephanie Nitschke, Nicole Sadler, Paul Noonan, Ronald Dando and Casey McDonald,as well as the on-site activity coordinators.


A list of student requirements for the camp has been included with this letter to help you with organisational matters.

Medical Forms

Also attached to this letter are medical forms, which must be filled out in detail and returned to the school with the permission form. The more detail the better. ALL medication needs to be in a sealed labelled bag with the following information: students name, medication, dosage and when to be administered. This needs to be given to Stephanie Nitschke either prior to, or on the morning. No child should be carrying his/her own medicine, asthma inhalers excluded.


On the first day, the children will need to provide their own morning tea and lunch. A small backpack to carry things while walkingon this day would be practical.

Apart from lunch on the first day, while on camp, all meals will be provided and children with special dietary needs can be catered for. So please indicate on the medical form any special needs your child may have.

Please complete and return medical and permission forms by Thursday6th November, 2014.

Yours sincerely,

5/6 Teachers


3 changes of warm clothes

2 change of cool clothes

Tracksuit or warm night gear

Swimming gear (shorts, bathers, rash vest)


4 pairs of socks and underwear

1 pair of runners

Sturdy walking shoes


Jacket or parka (preferably waterproof)

Beach Towel



Garbage bag for dirty clothing

Pillow, Sleeping bag or Doona



Mobile phones and other electronic equipment are not permitted on camp.

Lollies snacks and drinks are not required. The staff at the YMCA camp provide plenty of delicious food throughout the day!

Staff will have mobile phones to contact you if required.

If there are any questions or private concerns that you would like to discuss before camp regarding your child please contact your child’s home roomteacher:


School Camp 2014 for Year 5YMCA CAMP, Anglesea

I give my child ………………………………………………… permission to attend the school camp at Anglesea fromMonday 24thto Wednesday26th November.

I am available to drop off and pick up my child

I am NOT available to drop off and pick up my child from camp

I am NOT available to drop off and pick my child however they will get a lift from______.

In the event of an accident or other unforeseen circumstance, I also grant permission for my child to be treated by a doctor and to receive any necessary medical treatment including travelling by ambulance if necessary.

Name ……………………………………Signed …………………...……. Date …………………….
