The Gospel of Mark

Prologue:Jesus is baptized by Johnin the Jordan river1,2-13

The beginning in Galilee

A1:Jesus proclaims a new teaching1,14-45

A2:Jesus announcesa new covenant2,1–3,6

A3:Jesus founds a new family3,7-35

A4: On the Lake of Galilee, Jesus pronounces the speech of the beginning4,1-34

A5:Jesus leads a new exodus4,35–5,43

A6:Jesus reveals himself a new prophet 6,1-44

A7:Jesus gathersa new people6,45–7,30

Beyond the borders of Israel

B1:Jesus is the newMoses 7,31–8,26

B2:The new Adam8,27–9,13

B3:Jesus isthe newElijah 9,14-50

The fulfilment in Jerusalem

C1:Jesus enacts the new law of service10,1-52

C2:Jesus founds the new temple for all peoples11,1-25

C3:Jesus inaugurates the new sonship by his resurrection11,27–12,44

C4: On the mount of Olives, Jesus pronounces the speech of the fulfilment 13,1-37

C5:Jesus concludes the new covenant in his blood14,1-52

C6:Jesus is enthroned the new king for all peoples14,53–15,20

C7:Jesus fulfilsthe new sonship by his death 15,21-47

Epilogue:Jesus sends his disciples to baptizein the whole world16,1-20

The Gospel of Luke


The coming of Christ prepared by the messengers of the Lord

A1: The announcement of the birth of John1,5-25

A2: The announcement of the birth of Jesus1,26-56


A3: The birth of John 1,57-80

A4: The birth of Jesus 2,1-20

A5: Jesus is consecrated to the Lord2,21-40

A6: Jesus consecrates himself to his Father2,41-52

A7: John prepares the coming of Christ3,1-20

A8: Jesus prepares for his coming3,21–4,13

Jesus sets up the community of his disciples in Galilee

B1: Jesus’ visit at Nazareth4,14-30

B2: Jesus’ day at Capernaum4,31-44

B3: The call of Simon Peter5,1-16

B4: The masters of the Law and the Bridegroom of the new covenant5,17– 6,11

B5:The gift of filiation6,12– 7,17

B6: John the Baptist and the Bride of the new covenant7,18-50

B7: The gift of fecundity8,1-56

B8: The disciples called to do what Jesus does9,1-50

Jesus leads the community of his disciples to Jerusalem

C1: Departure for the mission9,51–10,42

C2: Jesus, disputed sign, judges11,1-54

C3:Thedisciple judges according to the end12,1–13,21

C4: «Whoever exalts himself will be humbled ...» 13,22–14,35

C5: «Whatever is raised for men is an abomination to God»15,1–17,10

C6: Abandonment for the kingdom17,11–18,30

C7: Jesus, disputed king, judges18,31–19,46

C8: The Christ judges according to the end19,47–21,38

Christ’s Passover announced by the Scriptures of Israel

D1: Christ makes a testament for his disciples who abandoned him22,1-53

D2: The King of the Jews, the Christ of God, is condemned22,54–23,25

D3: The King of the Jews, the Christ of God, is executed23,26-56

D4: Christ opens the Scriptures for his disciples who encountered him24,1-53

The sequences in italics and those shaded in grey are proper to Luke almost entirely.