Learning management system

Alearning management system(LMS) is asoftware applicationfor the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of electroniceducational technology(also callede-learning) courses or training programs. Learning management systems range from systems for managing training and educational records to software for distributingonlineor blended/hybrid college courses over the Internet with features for online collaboration. Colleges, universities, school districts, and schools use LMSs to deliver online courses and augment on-campus courses. LMSs also act to augment the lessons the teacher is giving in a brick and mortar environment, not just replace them. Corporate training departments use LMSs to deliver online training, as well as to automate record-keeping and employee registration.

The history of the application of computers to education is filled with generic terms such as computer-based instruction (CBI), computer-assisted instruction (CAI), and computer-assisted learning (CAL), generally describing drill-and-practice programs, more sophisticated tutorials, and more individualized instruction, respectively.LMS has its history in another term,integrated learning systems(ILS) which offers additional functionality beyond instructional content such as management and tracking, more personalized instruction, and integration across the system . The term ILS was originally coined by Jostens Learning, and LMS was originally used to describe the management system part of the PLATO K-12 learning system, content-free and separate from the courseware. The term is currently used to describe a number of different educationalcomputer applications.

In our Shakarim state university of Semey also has a Learning Management System. It's called portal. It is very conveniently for teachers because they can
exhibit evaluation, download learning materials on the program.
This program is important for students because we can view their grades , find out the number of points per week and develop independently with the help of guidelines without involving in non- working hours of teachers.

Over the past 20 years, powerful software for managing complex databases has been combined with digital frameworks for managing curriculum, training materials, and evaluation tools. The LMS allows anyone to create, track, manage and distribute learning materials of any kind. Nearly a ten billion-dollar industry, LMS products and software allow any organization to develop electronic coursework, deliver it with unprecedented reach and flexibility, and manage itscontinued use over time.

Online lectures

Anonline lectureis an educationallecturedesigned to be posted online. Lectures are recorded to video, audio or both, then uploaded and made viewable on a designatedsite. Students may go to a certain designated site to view the lecture online at a time which is convenient for them.

Traditionally, vocal education is possible only when the teacher and the pupil are together in the same room, where the teacher passes on the information in the same vicinity of the student. Online lectures are now possible with the advent of video communications. The development of the online lecture makes it possible so that the teacher and student no longer have to be in the same vicinity to teach and learn, respectively.

There are certain advantages to online lecturing. Students may access online lectures posted on their designated websites anywhere in the world, at any time they wish, as long as they have aninternet connection. They can also be repeated for the sake ofnote taking. There are disadvantages to online lecturing, namely the lack of face to face interaction, and the fact that students cannot easily contact their instructors unless a communications link is created.

Live online lectures are synchronously streamed from the classroom over the internet. They can be accessed in real-time from your Computer, Laptop, Tablet or Mobile Device. During a live online lecture students can see and hear the lecturer, view lecture slides and submit questions to the lecturer.

Lectures are recorded in the classroom and are available to access after the lecture has taken place on Blackboard, the Institute’s learning management system (LMS). These can be accessed as many times as you want from your computer or laptop while you are registered on a course.

Significance of computer technologies for future engineers

The introduction of computer technology in the professional activity of specialists, particularly engineers, is currently relevant. The professionalism of the future expert-engineer - a synthesis of competencies, including subject-methodological, psychological and pedagogical, technical, information, communications and computer components. The scientific and methodological literature, many works devoted to clarify the concepts of "competence", "competence", "competence approach" and "professional competence". The analysis of scientific literature showed no established treatments terms. Competence - includes a set of interrelated personality qualities (knowledge, skills, ways of life), defined with respect to a certain range of objects and processes necessary for the quality of productive activities in relation to them.

Competence - possession, possession of a person suitably qualified, including his personal attitude to it, and the subject of activity.

Competence approach - an approach that focuses on the formation, and as a result is not considered the sum of learning information, and a person's ability to act in various problem situations.

Professional Engineer Competence - integrative vocational specialist personal characteristic that reflects its professionalism and readiness to perform professional function and achieve good results in their professional activities; professional engineer expertise integrates a set of professional competencies; . Psychological, methodological, substantive, communicative, technical, information and communication, computer, research, etc. Let us dwell on the issue of the formation and development of information and communication and computer - professional competence of the future - an engineer.

Given the above, information and computer competence of the future engineer we regard as the most important component of his professional competence and define it as an integrative professional characteristics, reflecting the willingness and ability of the future engineer to effectively use information and communication, computer technology, such as a database in professional activities, improve their experience in their use and to expand its content and scope.

Educational television

Educational television is the use of television programs in the field of distance education. It may be in the form of individual television programs or dedicated specialty channels that is often associated with cable television in the United States as Public, educational, and government access (PEG) channel providers.

There are also adult education programs for an older audience; many of these are instructional television or "telecourse" services that can be taken for college credit. Examples of these include Open University programs on BBC television in the UK.

Many children's television series are educational, ranging from dedicated learning programs to those that indirectly teach the viewers. Some series are written to have a specific moral behind every episode, often explained at the end by the character that learned the lesson.

For example educational television:

  • Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
  • Annenberg Foundation (The Annenberg Channel)
  • NASA TV Educational Channel

The television medium can and has been used for a multitude of educational purposes. Some television programs are explicitly educational, while others only incidentally so. Some formats blend the two in the attempt to amuse but also retain some educational value.

In the social aspects of television, several studies have found that educational television has many advantages. The Media Awareness Network, explains in its article, The Good Things about Television, that television can be a very powerful and effective learning tool for children if used wisely. The article states that television can help young people discover where they fit into society, develop closer relationships with peers and family, and teach them to understand complex social aspects of communication.

Educational television, unlike the mass programming available around the clock, can be a powerful educational resource. In one study, “The Recontact Study,” Daniel R. Anderson found that preschoolers who watched Sesame Street had larger vocabularies in high school compared to children who watched other programming or no television at all. The results were especially apparent in children from lower income neighborhoods. Anderson also found that these same children were better prepared for school than their peers, “had higher grades in science and English, had higher total GPA, read more books, placed more value on achievement, and were rated as more creative, compared with their peers.”


Educational technologyis the effective use of technological tools in learning. As a concept, it concerns an array of tools, such as media, machines and networking hardware, as well as considering underlying theoretical perspectives for their effective application.

Educational technology is not restricted to high technology.Also callede-learning, it includes an array of approaches, components, and delivery methodsFor example,e-learningemphasizesmobility, but is otherwise indistinguishablein principle from educational technology.

E-learning is a type ofcomputer-supported collaborative learning(CSCL) system that developed with the emergence ofWebFrom an e-learning perspective, conventional e-learning systems were based on instructional packets, which were delivered to students using assignments. Assignments were evaluated by the teacher. In contrast, the new e-learning places increased emphasis onsocial learningand use ofsocial softwaresuch asblogs,wikis,podcastsand virtual worlds such asSecond Life. This phenomenon has been referred to as Long Tail Learning.

E-learning, in contrast to e-learning systems not based on CSCL, assumes that knowledge (as meaning and understanding) issocially constructed. Learning takes place through conversations about content andgroundedinteraction about problems and actions. Advocates of social learning claim that one of the best ways to learn something is to teach it to others.

In addition to virtual classroom environments, social networks have become an important part of E-learning Social networks have been used to fosteronline learning communitiesaround subjects as diverse as test preparation andlanguage education.Mobile Assisted Language Learning(MALL) is the use of handheld computers or cell phones to assist in language learning. Traditional educators may not promote social networking unless they are communicating with their own colleagues.

Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) and Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) provide an easy to use system for flexibly delivering learning materials, activities and support to students across an institution. For the administrator, a VLE provides a set of tools which allows course content and students to be managed efficiently and provide a single point of integration with student record systems.

E-learning authoring tools are software or online services that enable users to create courses, simulations, or other educational experiences. These tools typically support conventional, presentation-like courses, and may enable screen recording, multimedia, interactivity, quizzes, and non-linear or adaptive approaches.

Understanding eLearning is simple. E-Learning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course, program or degree delivered completely online.

Evaluation of educational achievements

Educational evaluation started off as a branch of psychology in the late 50s, as a result of curriculum innovations. It was then referred to as Educational Measurement, Measurement and Evaluation or Test and Measurement.

Within the last few decades, educational evaluation has grown into a separate,

independent discipline, though with some leanings on the ideas of psychologists,

psychometricians and statisticians. In recent years, its development into a complex art and technology had taken place. Efforts of educational evaluators have been directed specifically towards using precision, objectivity and mathematical vigour of psychological measurement in ways directly related to educational institutions, educational processes and purposes.

Three main types of evaluation are identified:

Diagnostic (initial) Evaluation - The evaluation is done during the formation of educational objectives. It is used to decide the entry behaviours of the learner in a particular course or programme. It takes place before the commencement of the programme.

Formative Evaluation - Evaluation within or during the development of a course or programme. It is used in improving the performance of both the teacher, the student and curriculum developer. It is used in determining the mastery level of the learner and the remedy to make. It is a quality control evaluation.

Summative (Final) Evaluation - The evaluation is carried out at the end of a course or programme for grading, certification and placement. It is used in making decisions regarding the future of the students teaming or the programme being developed; whether it should be continued or terminated, replicated or disseminated.

Principles of Educational Evaluation

There are important factors to note which can serve as guides to educational evaluators in seeing to the effective planning and implementation of educational programmes, to yield the desired positive results.

The classroom teacher or evaluator should always be perfectly clear in bis mind about what he is aiming to achieve i.e. what to evaluate and how to evaluate. Evaluation of educational programmes should be comprehensive i.e. assess pupils' progress in all areas. Educational evaluation, apart from testing knowledge (Memorization), should also bring about pupils originality and use of ideas, and their ability to think and apply the knowledge and skills alreadylearnt. All evaluation devices/instruments should be valid and reliable. They are valid when they measure what they aim to measure, and they are reliable when they produce consistent results over time. The teacher as an evaluator should be impartial as much as possible.


As more businesses look for new and creative ways to reach new customers as well as cut costs of communicating within the organization, the subject of web conferencing often comes up. What is web conferencing, and what benefits can it generate for a company?

To answer the question of "what is web conferencing?" one need only look to a resource that has become common to businesses of all sizes during the past ten years: the Internet. The basic answer to "what is web conferencing?" is that it is simply utilizing the Internet to share visual presentations and other documents with persons who are in various physical positions around the country or even around the world. When a web conference is partnered with an audio conference call, the result is a powerful communications tool that can change the way your company does business.

A web conference can be a very simple affair that is used to convey information from corporate level to outlying locations. It may also be something much more complex that involves the ability for persons to work together on a common document, interact on a common project, or stream data out to a large number of locations.

In considering the query of "what is web conferencing?" it is important to think in terms of what it can do for your business. One of the most immediate benefits to web conferencing is that it can eliminate a large portion of your company's travel budget. While there will always be those occasions when a face to face meeting is preferable, many business exchanges within your company can be handled with the use of a web conference. Meetings that once required travel by car or plane can now be handled via a web conference.

A web conference can also be used to connect with clients who are physically at a distance from your location. Even if your suggestion of holding the meeting via the Internet is first met with the question "what is web conferencing?" a quick assurance that it is easy and would require less preparation on their part will impress your customer. After all, you are using cutting edge technology to communicate with them and you are doing so with an eye to being respectful of their busy schedules.

Computer as laboratory tool

New modern technologies gradually take root into human life. We are capable to suffer it. For example, almost each of us is the owner of the personal computer. The computer has a number of advantages.

Firstly, computers have become an essential tool for the acquisition, analysis, presentation, and communication of data in ways which allow students to become more active participants in research and learning. For example, in the classroom, the computer offers the teacher more flexibility in presentation, better management of instructional techniques, and easier record keeping. It offers students a very important resource for learning the concepts and processes of science through simulations, graphics, sound, data manipulation, and model building.

Secondly, they are make the world smaller and smarter. In the field, the portability of the laptop computer allows students to actively gather and analyze data and take it back to the classroom for in-depth study and the sharing of information. It is very convenient and favorable in use of the computer.