
The foreword is my personal testimony of my walk with Jesus. I have had the privilege of sitting under many wise and learned men who have gently taught me as a father teaches a child. It is with fondness that I recall Pastor Jack Dean, (now deceased) of Grace Baptist Church, Bowie, Md. He was the first to challenge me to take my questions to the Holy Spirit and return to him with what I had learned and then and only then would he sit down and discuss my question(s). His advice was wise and instructive.

To my dearest husband, David who has encouraged me to complete this passionate journey and put it on paper. He has always been there to give advice, wise counsel and to correct me in my thinking should I go astray and to love me unconditionally and yes to prod me when I was down and discouraged.

To my sister Vicki, who patiently has read and re-read this manuscript to look for errors of grammar and give advice. How blessed it has been for me to seek answers to her pointed questions. I am indebted to her wise counsel and corrections.

To my BSF Teaching Leader Dana Baggett who lovingly walked me through my anguish of a difficult BSF experience and challenged me to think and to apply. Her love and friendship are and always will be foremost in my mind and experience. She taught me the art of healing emotionally and prayerfully through her example.

To my blessed SS class in First Baptist Church, New Smyrna Beach goes a heartfelt thanks for their love, patience with this your SS homework developer. . It would take a book to list all of you who are such blessed examples of God’s work and how the Holy Spirit and the Word can transform a life from just being a spectator to a student of God’s Word.

To my “buddy” Shelly who has prayed me through this for over nine years and has been my daily encouragement. Without her I could not have faced the rivers, the boulders, the paths through the wilderness. Her bubbly personality and laughter helped me in times when I have been down and times when I wanted to quit and did not want to take yet another Precept Class…but I did. Thanks Shelly!

To any I have missed, I apologize, but you have been within the framework of my growth and for that I am most blessed of all people.

To my Savior, Jesus Christ I give praise and honor. He has led me step by step, always walking with me, holding my hand, listening to my heart, hearing my cries. The prophet Jeremiah, being my all in all favorite, wrote this to the returning Israelites and it speaks to my heart as well: “I have loved you with an everlasting love. That is why I have continued to be faithful to you” (Jer 31:3) “If people want to boast, they should boast about this: They should boast that they understand and know me. They should boast that they know and understand that I, the Lord, act out of faithfulness,” (Jer 9:24b) God continues to conform me to the image of His blessed Son so that one day I may hear “well done faithful and good servant”. It is to him I remain focused on the prize of the high calling of God.

Soli Deo Gloria

To God be the glory


©Gaye E. Austin. All rights reserved. Although this is a course that is to be freely shared it is requested that no part of this document be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Gaye E. Austin.