Canterbury Inland Wetland & Watercourses Commission

Wednesday, July 27, 2011 – 7:00 p.m.

Canterbury Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Drive


I. Call to Order

J. Tetreault called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Members present: J. Tetreault, K. Kelly, D. Ginnetti, R. Shinkiewicz, N. Geragotelis, T. Poehler (7:03 p.m.)

Alternates present: K. Shinkiewicz

Alternates absent: J. Sangermano

Others present: S. Sadlowski, T. Maikshilo, H. Maikshilo

III. Secretary’s Report – April 27, 2011

D. Ginnetti made a motion to approve the minutes. R. Shinkiewicz seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

IV. Old Business


V. New Business

IWC #11-03-PR, Todd & Holly Maikshilo, permit renewal, 418 Lisbon Road, Assessor’s Map 27, Lot 4A.,

This application was originally approved in 2006 under the Sean and AmyJo Labbe name. T. Maikshilo stated that they were just looking to renew the permit. The Commission discussed the original conditions. The Maikshilo’s stated that there may have been stakes originally. K. Kelly stated the lot was not very complicated and they could determine where the house was going to be without staking the location of the proposed house. J. Tetreault and S. Sadlowski stated they would visit the property and see if they could determine where everything would be located. The Commission would conduct individual site walks of the property for they could not act on the application until next month.

VI. Any other appropriate business

A. Correspondence-Reviewed

B. Monthly Expenses-None

C. WEO Report-

S. Sadlowski stated that the Vargas issue would be going to jury trial in the near future. He would inform the Commission when he found out the date. He stated that he was working on getting a walking trail along the Quinebaug River from the Brooklyn town line to Route 14. S. Sadlowski and B. Sear rode and walked along the property and took several pictures. He stated it was mostly State land and there were two private landowners they would have to talk with.

D. Ginnetti discussed the town project along Cemetery Road. He reminded the Commission that this work needed to be completed during dry times to have the least impact. S. Sadlowski stated the town crew was planning to get to this by the fall but currently they were busy trying to complete the transfer station.

VII. Public Participation


VIII. Adjournment

R. Shinkiewicz made a motion to adjourn at 7:28 p.m. N. Geragotelis seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Melissa E. Gil

Land Use Secretary

*as recorded

Cc: IWWC members and alternates; Town Clerk; applicant files; IWC files