English worksheet



1) Add {S} to the noun

Ex: Bag bags

Car cars

Pen pens

2) To change into plural cross {a, an}

Ex: A cat cats

An apple apples

Change into plural:

1) A doll ------

2) An orange ------

3) A lion ------

4) A car ------

5) An ant ------

6) An eye ------

7) A monkey ------

8) A book ------

9) An ice- cream ------

10) An insect ------

3) Add {es} to the noun ending with:

{S, ss, sh, ch, x, o}

Ex: Box boxes

Class classes

Watch watches

Change into plural:

1) A watch ------

2) A bus ------

3) A fox ------

4) A brush ------

5) A car ------

6) A sandwich ------

7) A desk ------

8) An umbrella ------

9) A book ------

10) A mango ------

11) An onion ------

12) A dress ------

13) A tomato ------

14) A box ------

4) Colours and adjectives No change:

Ex: A blue box blue boxes

An orange car orange cars

A big bus big buses

A tall boy tall boys

Change into plural:

1) An orange desk ------

2) A long train ------

3) A brown brush ------

4) A pretty girl ------

5) A clever teacher ------

6) A lazy pupil ------

7) A big class ------

8) A white watch ------

9) A pink dress ------

10) A yellow star ------

11) A red apple ------

12) An excellent boy ------

13) An orange box ------

14) A purple dish ------


Singular / Plural
I / We
He – she – it / they
Am {‘m} – is {‘s} / Are {‘re}

Change into plural :

1) I am a clever pupil.


2) She is a pretty girl.


3) It is an old car.


4) He is a tall boy.


5) It is an orange box.


6) The lion is a wild animal.



1) (She – They – It) are (nice – nices) cakes.

2) He ('m –'s –'re) (a – an) old man.

3) We (am – is – are) (tall – talls) boys.

4) They ('m –'s –'re) (red – reds) (boxes – boxs).

5) Cats ('m –'s –'re) (small – smalls) animals.

6) (Camels – camel) are (brown – browns).

Correct the mistakes :

1) Lions is wild animal.


2) Ants is smalls insects.


3) He are clevers doctors.


4) I am tall girls.



Singular / Plural
Has got {‘s got} / Have got {‘ve got}
This / These
That / those

Change into plural:

1) This is an orange.


2) That is a doctor, he has got a white coat.


3) This is a fox, it is wild.


4) Tomato is red.


5) I have got a grey watch.


6) That pretty girl has a pink dress.


7) She has got a nice doll.



1) (This – These) (class – classes) are big.

2) Those (dish – dishes – dishs) are (red – reds).

3) (I – We – She) are (happy – happys) pupils.

4) These (tall – talls) doctors (‘s –‘ve) got blue bags.

5) (Wild – Wilds) animals (‘s –‘ve) got sharp teeth.

6) (That – Those) are (grey – greys) (boxes – boxs).

Correct the mistakes:

1) Elephants have got bigs ears.


2) Tomatos are reds.


3) This brushes is green.


4) We 'm clever pupil.



1) {It- They- We} {are- is} {big- bigs} balls.

2) {A- An} apple {is- are} {red- reds}.

3) They are {tall- talls} {girl- girls}.

4) We {am- is- are} {clever- clevers} pupils.

5) Ramy and Sara {am- is- are} {good- goods} friends.

6) I {am- is- are} a pupil, my bag is {big- bigs}.

7) The {yellow- yellows} {bus- buss- buses} are big.

8) Our {watchs- watches- watch} are {new- news}.

9) Their {classs- classes} are {clean- cleans}.

10) The table {have- has} got four {leg- legs}.

11) {This- These} {dishs- dish- dishes} are {blue- blues}.

12) We {have- has} got four {book- books- bookes}.

Can / Can’t


1) I can swim but I can’t play tennis.

2) Elephants can’t fly.



1- Can birds swim?

No, they can’t.

2- Can Hala swim? (Yes)

Yes, she can.

A) Put can, can’t:

1- Birds ------run.

2- Fish ------swim.

3- I ------fly.

4- Rabbits ------Jump.

5- Ramy ------fly a kite.

6- Crocodiles ------swim.

B) Choose:

1- Monkeys {can- can’t} jump.

2- Dogs {can- can’t} swim.

3- Cats {can’t- can} climb trees.

4- Penguins {can- can’t} fly.

5- Parrots {can- can’t} read.

C) Answer:

1- Can Fady play football? (Yes)


2- Can birds fly?


3- Can you fly?


4- Can rabbits run fast?


5- Can you read English?


6- Can Randa and Hala dance? {No}


7- Can John swim? {No}


8- Can elephants run?


Yes / No Questions

Remark : No Not


* Are These Samy's boots? (Yes)

Yes, they are.

* Are these her dresses? (No)

No, they aren’t.

* Is Mona a teacher? (Yes)

Yes, she is.

* Is he running? (No)

No, he isn’t.

A) Answer the following questions:

1) Are these her eyeglasses? (Yes)


2) Are they Mum’s hats? (No)


3) Are they Noha’s dresses? (Yes)


4) Are these Meg’s dolls? (No)


5) Is Mary in the kitchen? (Yes)


B) Correct the mistake:

1) Are these his trousers? Yes, they aren’t.


2) Are these his shorts? No, they are.


3) Are these Fady’s balls? No, they are.


4) Are these Nancy’s socks? Yes , they aren’t.


5) Is Aly in the living room? No, she is not.


6) Are the pupils in the class? Yes, they is.


7) Is she in the bedroom? No, she is.


C) Choose:

1) Is Peter in the garden? Yes (he- she) (is- isn’t).

2) Is Hala in the dining room? No, (he- she) (is –isn’t).

3) Are Sally and Ahmed in the kitchen?

No, (he- they- she) aren’t.

Hasn’t / Haven’t got


* She hasn’t got a blue dress.

* The boys haven’t got skirts.


1) Ahmed (hasn’t – haven’t) got a bike.

2) Boys (hasn’t – haven’t) got red shoes.

3) Ahmed and You (hasn’t – haven’t) got new shoes.

4) my sister and I (hasn’t – haven’t) got ice creams. .

5) He (has– hasn’t) got books. He is a pupil.

6) My Grandpa (hasn’t– haven’t) got a car.

7) My Mum (has – hasn’t) got short hair.

8) Horses (have – haven’t) got wings.

9) My father (hasn’t – have) got a blue tie.

10) Sally and I (hasn’t – haven’t) got apples.

Verb to Do

·  He – She – It Does

·  I – We – You – They Do


* Do you like grapes?

Yes, I do.

* Does Mona like swimming?

No, she doesn’t

* Do they play tennis?

No, they don’t

A) Choose :-

1- Mary (do – does) her homework every day.

2- (Do – Does) Tom like playing basket ball?

3- (Do – Does) you like carrots? No, (you – I – She) (doesn’t – don’t).

4- They (don’t – doesn’t) like fish.

5- Sara and I (do – does) (their – our – her) job well.

B) Answer the following questions:

1) Do they like eggs? (Yes)


2) Does she like yogurt? (No)


3) Do monkeys like bananas? (Yes)


4) Does Fady like animals? (No)


5) Do you like playing piano? (No)


C) Correct the mistake:

1) I doesn’t like swimming.


2) She don’t like running.


3) My grandpa don’t like tomatoes.


4) Does you like salad?


Present Simple Tense

* Key Words: every – usually – always.

* Remember that:

© {He – She – It} ® Verb + “S”

Ex: runs – eats – writes – plays.

N.B: if the verb ends with ( s – ss – sh – ch – x – o) we add (es).

Ex: watches – washes – fixes – goes – does.

© {I – We – You - They} ® Verb Stem (No Change)


1- I [wash - washes] my face every morning.

2- Magda [walks - walk] to school every day.

3- Tony usually [go - goes] to school by car.

4- Mother [cook - cooks] in the kitchen everyday.

5- Magy always [sings - sing] nice songs.

6- She [drink - drinks] milk every morning.

7- You always [comes - come] to school late.

8- The first lesson always [begin - begins] at eight o'clock.

9- Rabbits usually [eat - eats] carrots.

10-  My father usually [read - reads] a book in the evening.

Correct the verb:-

1- We always [read] …………. English everyday.

2- My father always [work] ……………….. hard.

3- I usually [read] ……………… a story at night.

4- Omar always [speak] ……………… loudly.

5- It always [rain] ……………….. in winter.

6- Mary [eat] ………………. an apple and [drink] ………………. milk every morning.

7- We [learn] ……………..……. English everyday.

8- My cat usually [sit] …………… under the table

9- Andy always [say] ………………….. the truth.

10-  Pupils [go] …………. to school every morning.

Correct the mistake:

1) She play computer games every Friday.


2)Every day we eats our breakfast at 7 o'clock.


3) We always wears heavy clothes in winter.


4)My mother washs the dishes every day.



1) Mum 2) sister 3) grandma 4) aunt

5) cousin 6) Dad 7) brother 8) grandpa

9) uncle

A) Choose :

1) My (uncle – cousin – mother ) is washing the dishes.

2) My (sister – dad – grandpa) is old .

3) My (Uncle – Brother – Grandma ) is my mother’s mum .

4) My (aunt – sister – uncle ) is three years old .

5) My (Aunt – sister – dad ) is my father’s sister.

6) Tom is my (brother – sister – aunt ) .

B) Re-arrange :

1) the – Open – door, please.


2) is – The – crying – baby .


3) have – I – cousin – one.


C) Put in a sentence:

1) Sister ;______.

2) Mum ;______.

3) clean ;______.

Correct the mistake:

1) The elephant is a small animal.


2) My grandma is five years old.


3) I have one sister. His name is Ramy.


4) The cat is sleeping in the chair. ------

5) My mother is a doctor. He works in a hospital.


6) My sister is too old.


7) She is my uncle, she is my father’s sister.


8) We see monkeys and zebras at the school .


9) I have three eyes.


Unit 7

1) Dress 3) T-shirt 5) Shorts

2) Socks 4) Trousers

A) Choose:

1) Mary is wearing a {dress- trousers- shorts}.

2) Boys wear {dresses- shorts- skirts}.

3) It is hot, put on your {trousers- T-shirt- socks}.

B) Correct the mistake:

1) In winter, we wear T-shirts.


2) In summer, we wear trousers.


C) Re-arrange:

1) school – My – is – big.


2) wear – Boys – trousers.


3) have – I – T-shirt – a blue.


Unit 7

1) Shoes 2) coat 3) hat

A) Choose:

1) It is sunny, wear your {coat- hat- shoes}.

2) At school, we wear white {shoes- socks- hat}.

3) It is cold, put on your {hat- coat- T-shirt}.

B) Correct the mistake:

1) In Summer, I wear a coat.


2) At school, I wear white shoes.


C) Re-arrange:

1) desk – My – brown – is.


2) am – I – primary – in – one.


Unit 8

1) Kitchen 3) Garden

2) Bedroom 4) Living room

5) Dining room 6) Bathroom

A) Choose:

1) Mum cooks in the {bathroom- kitchen- bedroom}.

2) There is a seesaw in the {flat- garden- zoo}.

3) I watch T.V. in the {living room- kitchen- garden}.

4) There is a sink in the {bedroom- bathroom}.

B) Complete:

1) My parents are eating in the ------.

2) I wash in the ------.

3) There is a sofa in the ------.

4) We play in the ------.

C) Re-arrange:

1) trees – garden – There – in – are – the.


2) bedrooms – have – two – We.


Unit 8

1) Upstairs 3) House

2) Downstairs 4) Flat

A) Choose:

1) We live in a big {flat- garden- class}.

2) My class is upstairs but the library is{upstairs- downstairs}.

3) My {class- house- hospital} has a big garden.

B) Complete:

1) My ------is next to my school.

2) My friend lives in a small ------.

C) Put in a sentence:

1) Milk: ------

2) watch: ------

D) Correct the mistake:

1) I plant flowers in the bedroom.


2) We eat in the living room.


Unit 9

1) Lunch box 3) drinks

2) Sandwich 4) apple 5) banana

A) Choose:

1) I put my {sandwiches- shorts} in the {pencil box- lunch box}

2) This is an {apple- biscuit- banana}.

3) We want three {drink- drinks}, please.

B) Complete:

1) I like cold ------.

2) An ------a day, keeps the doctors away.

3) I have two sandwiches in my ------.

C) Put in a sentence :

1) Biscuits: ------

2) Armchair: ------

E) Correct the mistake:

1) I have a book in my lunch box.


2) Monkeys like eating apples.


Unit 9

1) Tomatoes 2) Pears 3) grapes

A) Choose:

1) I like eating {grapes- milk- juice}.

2) {Tomatoes- pears- bananas} are red.

3) It is a green {carrot- pear- tomato}.

B) Complete:

1) We put ------and cucumbers in salad.

2) ------and ------are fruits.

C) Put in a sentence: