Wednesday, 28 March

Note: You must be registered with AKD to participate in their Workshop.
You must be registered with PSA to participate in all other sessions.

Session 1 Regency Ballroom A, B, C Wednesday•8:00 AM–9:15 AM
Alpha Kappa Delta Workshop on Teaching and Learning: Welcome and Breakfast
Organizer: Jeff Chin, LeMoyne Coll. and Alpha Kappa Delta
Panelists….Jeff Chin, LeMoyne Coll. and Alpha Kappa Delta; Amy Orr, Linfield Coll.; Michele Lee Kozimor-King, Elizabethtown Coll.
Session 2 Regency Ballroom A, B, C Wednesday•9:30 AM–10:30 AM
Alpha Kappa Delta Workshop on Teaching and Learning: Roundtables Session 1
Organizer: Jeff Chin, LeMoyne Coll. and Alpha Kappa Delta
  • "It's the Little Things": Taking a Step Towards Building a More Inclusive Learning Environment.....Celeste Atkins, Cochise Coll.
  • Internationalizing the Curriculum.....Christine Oakley, Washington State U.
  • Publishing Your SoTL Paper in Teaching Sociology and/or TRAILS.....Michele Lee Kozimor-King, Elizabethtown Coll.; Julie Pelton, U. of Nebraska Omaha
  • What's in it for Me? The ASA's New Report The Sociology Major in the Changing Higher Education Landscape: Curriculum, Careers and Online Learning.....Margaret Weigers Vitullo, American Sociological Association
  • Pedagogy of Undergraduate Research.....Marie Butler, Oxnard Coll.
  • Making Sociology Personal, Local, and Global for Students: Cengage's Sociology Team

Session 3 Regency Ballroom A, B, C Wednesday•10:45 AM–11:45 AM
Alpha Kappa Delta Workshop on Teaching and Learning: Roundtables Session 2
Organizer: Jeff Chin, LeMoyne Coll. and Alpha Kappa Delta
  • Using Simulation Games.....Jeff Chin, LeMoyne Coll. and Alpha Kappa Delta
  • Taking Students Abroad: Global Learning at Home and Abroad.....Christine Oakley, Washington State U.
  • Establishing or Revitalizing a Chapter ofAlpha Kappa Delta.....Michele Lee Kozimor-King, Elizabethtown Coll.
  • Teaching Sociology in Prison.....Stephen Steele, Emeritus, Anne Arundel Community Coll.
  • Teaching with Strengths: Using the Clifton Strengths Inventory in the Classroom.....Barbara Prince, Bowling Green State U.
  • Making Sociology Personal, Local, and Global for Students: Cengage's Sociology Team

Session 4Regency Ballroom A, B, C Wednesday•12:00 PM–1:00 PM
Alpha Kappa Delta Workshop on Teaching and Learning: Lunch and Keynote by Earl Babbie
Organizer: Jeff Chin, LeMoyne Coll. and Alpha Kappa Delta Panelist….Earl Babbie, Chapman U.
Session 5Beacon Ballroom A Wednesday•12:00 PM–1:30 PM
PSA Committee Chairs and Editors Lunch Invitees: Augustine Kposowa, UC Riverside; Desire Anastasia, Metropolitan State U. of Denver; Dan Poole, Salt Lake Community Coll.; Celene Fuller, U. of Nevada, Las Vegas; Berch Berberoglu, U. of Nevada, Reno; Sophie Nathenson, Oregon Institute of Technology; Dr Alicia Bonaparte, Pitzer Coll.; Nelson Pichardo Almanzar, Central Washington U.; Don Barrett, CSU San Marcos; Sean Davis, Mira Costa Coll.; Alicia Gonzales, CSU San Marcos; Elvia Ramirez, CSU Sacramento; Dean Dorn, CSU Sacramento; Celeste Atkins, Cochise Coll.; Linda Henderson, St. Mary's U., Calgary; Stephanie Anckle, The U. of Texas, Rio Grande Valley; Laura Earles, Lewis-Clark State Coll.; Danielle Duckett, CSU Sacramento; Matthew Carlson, Portland State U.; Hyeyoung Woo, Portland State U.; Lindsey Wilkinson, Portland State U.; Elizabeth Withers, Portland State U.; Lora Bristow, Pacific Sociological Association; Tina Burdsall, Portland State U.; Patricia Gwartney, U. of Oregon; Karen Pyke, UC, Riverside; Michelle Camacho, U. of San Diego; Amy Orr, Linfield Coll.; Wendy Ng, San Jose State U.; Elaine Bell Kaplan, U. of Southern California; Kathy Kuipers, U. of Montana; Amy Leisenring, San Jose State U.; Sharon Davis, U. of La Verne; Vikas Gumbhir, Gonzaga U.; Cynthia Siemsen, CSU Chico; Judith Liu, U. of San Diego; Marcia Hernandez, U. of the Pacific; Sharon Elise, CSU San Marcos; Amanda Admire, UC Riverside; Robert E. Kettlitz, Hastings Coll.
Session 6Pacific Wednesday•12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Theory: Approaches to Knowing [Formal Paper and Research in Progress Session]
Organizer & Presider: Jason Wollschleger, Whitworth U.
  • A Logic for Research that Changes the World: The Pragmatic Imperative to Change Oneself.....Greg Wurm, Brigham Young U.
  • Habitus and the Problem of Deliberate Cognition.....Cory Caswell, UC San Diego

Session 7Regency Ballroom D Wednesday•12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Education—Higher Education: Pathways to Persistence [Research in Progress Session]
Organizer: Sandra Way, New Mexico State U. Presider: Carol Ward, Brigham Young U.
  • "I Am a Scientist Too!" - Understanding Native Undergraduate Experiences with STEM Internships.....Carol Ward, Meagan Rainock,Jake Wixom, Liberty Tatham, Hannah Horan, and Mandy Pershing, Brigham Young U.
  • Latino Mentorship in STEM: Relating Early Experiences to Educational Trajectories and Pedagogical Practices in STEM.....Mariana Gomez, Melissa Gussman, Claudia Kouyoumdjian, Jessica Morales-Chicas, and Mauricio Castillo, CSU, Los Angeles
  • Small Moments and First Generation Students.....Candan Duran-Aydintug, U. of Colorado Denver
  • The Effects of Motivation and Interdependence on Coll. Achievement for Latino and White Students in STEM.....Sandra Way and Jennifer Krautkremer, New Mexico State U.

Session 8Regency Ballroom E Wednesday•12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Teaching Sociology: Research on Teaching: Engaged Educators [Formal Paper Session]
Organizer: Susan Murray, San Jose State U. Presider: Christina Sanchez Volatier, Western New Mexico U.
  • Applying Journalism and Sociological Theories on a Contemporary Problem To Facilitate Better Learning.....Ralph Pioquinto, CSU Los Angeles
  • Improving Outcomes: Coordinating Teaching Methods to Course Objectives .....Christina Sanchez Volatier, Western New Mexico U.
  • Teaching U.S. Civics to Senior Adults: Social Relations, Solidarity and Collective Strength.....Daisy Herrera, CSU Los Angeles
  • Cultivating Quantitative Literacy in the Introductory Course: Assessing the Effectiveness of Instructional Videos.....Dennis Downey and J. Brooke Ernest, CSU Channel Islands

Session 9Regency Ballroom F Wednesday•12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Ethnography: Auto-ethnography [Panel with Presenters]
Organizer & Presider: Mehmet Soyer, Utah State U.
  • White Like Me.....Scotty Peterson, Utah State U.
  • Modern Woman .....Haley Sorensen, Utah State U.

Session 10Seaview Ballroom A Wednesday•12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Teaching Sociology: Rethinking Course Design and Effective Pedagogy [Formal Paper Research in Progress] Organizer: Susan Murray, San Jose State U. Presider: Corina Diaz, Cerritos Coll.
  • Beyond Traditional Cultural Competencies in Teaching Sociology.....Carol Minton-Ryan, California Baptist U.
  • Sociology of Neuroscience and The Emotional Process of Teaching.....Corina Diaz, Cerritos Coll.
  • Designing Effective Experiential Learning Despite Time and Resource Constraints .....Akiko Yasuike, California Lutheran U.
  • Faculty Experiences with Creating and Implementing Service Learning Courses.....Leslie Abell, CSU Channel Islands
  • My Journey with Openstax Tutor Beta.....Deidre Tyler, Salt Lake Community Coll.

Session 11Seaview Ballroom B Wednesday•12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Race/Ethnicity: Symbolic and Linguistic Constructions of Racial Identity [Research in Progress Session]
Organizer: Marcia Marx, CSU San Bernardino Presider: Ynez Wilson Hirst, Saint Mary's Coll. of California
  • 'Yeah, Cuz Everybody Uses It': Coll. Student Use and Interpretation of the N-Word.....Rhonda Dugan and Dahna Rasmussen, CSU Bakersfield
  • The N-Word: It Doesn't Mean THAT Anymore...or Does It? .....Dahna Rasmussen, CSU Bakersfield
  • Deconstructing Whiteness and White Privilege: White Identity Development in Coll. Students.....Ynez Wilson Hirst, Saint Mary's Coll. of California
  • Having Hard Conversations: Parents (Not) Talking about Race.....Daniel Eisen, Pacific U.
  • Race and Dress: How Race Acts as a Structuring Ideology for Daily Body Adornment and Modification Among a Diverse Cross-section of Collegiate Women.....Angela Nurse, U. of San Diego
  • Carefree, Black Joy: How Social Media Legitimizes Intersecting Identities in Black Millennials .....Bianca Gantt, CSU Northridge

Session 12Seaview Ballroom C Wednesday•12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Intimate Relationships, Families, and Reproductive Politics: The Politics of Contraceptive and Reproductive Healthcare Practices [Formal Paper and Research in Progress Session]
Organizer: Laury Oaks, UC Santa Barbara Presider: Krystale Littlejohn, Occidental Coll.
  • Upholding Ideology, Eroding Autonomy: Gendered Compulsory Birth Control and the Problems of Sex and Gender.....Krystale Littlejohn, Occidental Coll.
  • Charting Diverse Coll.-Age Women's Perceptions on Fertility Awareness, Contraceptive Technologies, and Feminism.....Laury Oaks, UC Santa Barbara
  • The Role of the Clinician in Constructing Patients' Pregnancy Intentions.....Katrina Kimport, UC, San Francisco; Sarah Cowan, New York U.
  • Cancerous Fertility: A Comparative Look at Arrested Reproduction.....Kathryn Norton-Smith, U. of Oregon; Dimitra Cupo, U. of Oregon
  • Reproduction in the Welfare State: An Analysis of U.S. Public Spending for Family Planning and Abortion Services.....Mikaela Smith, UC Irvine

Session 13Shoreline A Wednesday•12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Applied, Clinical, and Public Sociology: Dynamics of Mentoring and Practical Applications --Cultivating an Ethos of Mentorship [Workshop with Presenters]
Organizer & Presider: Orvic Pada, Claremont Graduate U.
Presenters:Michael Perez, CSU Fullerton; Orvic Pada, Claremont Graduate U.
Session 14Shoreline B Wednesday•12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Education—Higher Education: Mechanisms of Control in the Neoliberal University [Panel]
Organizer & Presider: Marisa Salinas, UC Santa Barbara
Panelists….Idalia Robles De Leon, Oscar Soto, and Marisa Salinas, UC Santa Barbara
Session 15Regency Ballroom A, B, C Wednesday•1:15 PM–2:15 PM
Alpha Kappa Delta Workshop on Teaching and Learning: Roundtables Session 3
Organizer: Jeff Chin, LeMoyne Coll. and Alpha Kappa Delta
  • Chat with Earl Babbie.....Earl Babbie, Chapman U.
  • Open Educational Resources.....Zendina Mostert, Salt Lake Community Coll.
  • "A Little Bird Told Me": Using Twitter to Increase Student Engagement.....Michele Lee Kozimor-King, Elizabethtown Coll.
  • Community Coll. Faculty Teaching Sociology: Findings and Recommendations from the ASA Task Force on Community Coll. Faculty.....Margaret Weigers Vitullo, American Sociological Association
  • CBR: Integrating Classroom and Community through Research.....Barbara Prince, Bowling Green State U.
  • Making Sociology Personal, Local, and Global for Students: Cengage's Sociology Team

Session 16Beacon Ballroom B Wednesday•1:45 PM–3:15 PM
Orientation for New Officers and Board Invitees: Lora Bristow, Pacific Sociological Association; Amy Orr, Linfield Coll.; Tina Burdsall, Portland State U.; Patricia Gwartney, U. of Oregon; Elaine Bell Kaplan, U. of Southern California; Kathy Kuipers, U. of Montana; Dennis Downey, CSU Channel Islands; Ellen Reese, UC Riverside; Lora Vess, U. of Alaska Southeast; Susan Mannon, U. of the Pacific; Katja Guenther, UC Riverside; Uriel Serrano, UC Santa Cruz; Marcia Marx, CSU San Bernardino; Shirley A Jackson, Portland State U.; Christy Glass, Utah State U.; Katy Pinto, CSU Dominguez Hills
Session 17Pacific Wednesday•1:45 PM–3:15 PM
Theory: Rethinking, Recovering and Deepening Understanding of the Social [Formal Paper and Research in Progress Session] Organizer: Jason Wollschleger, Whitworth U. Presider: Michael Roberts, San Diego State U.
  • Normativity in Contemporary Sociology: Issues and Perspectives.....Baptiste Brossard, The Australian National U.
  • Accounting for Difference: Conceiving 'the Social' in the Era of Accountability.....Taylor Cruz, UC San Francisco
  • Political Culture in the Colombian Peace Process.....Devin Cornell and Marcelle Cohen, UC Santa Barbara
  • In Search of the Wanderer and Free Spirits: The Ascetic Absence of Nietzsche in American Sociology.....Michael Roberts, San Diego State U.

Session 18Regency Ballroom D Wednesday•1:45 PM–3:15 PM
Teaching and Learning in a Climate of Oppression and Surveillance, sponsored by the Committee on Civil Rights & Civil Liberties [Formal Paper and Research in Progress Session]
Organizer: Desire Anastasia, Metropolitan State U. Denver Presider: Jessica Cabrera, UC Irvine
  • Panopticon and Data Brokers: Evolution of Control.....Ralph Pioquinto, CSU Los Angeles
  • Responsible Employees Question Title IX System: When Civil Rights Programs Adopt Legal Logics and Blend with Power Interests.....Jessica Cabrera, UC Irvine
  • Diversity and Inclusion Development at Cal State, East Bay.....Duke Austin, CSU East Bay; Deepika Mathur, CSU, East Bay
  • Perceptions of Women's Academic Leadership, Challenges and Opportunities for Change at a Predominantly Hispanic Serving Institution.....Kara Dellacioppa, CSU Dominguez Hills; Anthony Normore, CSU Dominguez Hills

Session 19Regency Ballroom E Wednesday•1:45 PM–3:15 PM
Education—Higher Education: Intersectionality and Resistance [Formal Paper and Research in Progress Session] Organizer: Sandra Way, New Mexico State U. Presider: Joanna Perez, CSU Dominguez Hills
  • Mujeres Poderosas: The Educational Experience of CSU Latina Students & Faculty.....Joanna Perez, CSU Dominguez Hills; Diana Corral, CSU Dominguez Hills; Crystal Jimenez, CSU Dominguez Hills
  • Revisiting Diversity: On-Campus Inclusion Projects and the Seeds of Organized Resistance.....Cam Nguyen, UC Irvine; Miguel Abad, UC, Irvine
  • The Role of Academic Experiences in the Formation of Undocumented Students' Legal Consciousness.....Asbeidy Solano, UC Irvine

Session 20Regency Ballroom F Wednesday•1:45 PM–3:15 PM
Ethnography: Ethnography at Large [Formal Paper Session]
Organizer: Black Hawk Hancock, DePaul U. Presider: Monica Casper, U. of Arizona
  • In(car)nation of The Self: An Ethnography of The Las Vegas Street Car Scene.....Celine Ayala, U. of Nevada Las Vegas
  • Higher Education and Cultural Preservation: Breaking Down Borders to Equal Educational Opportunities for Oaxaca's Indigenous Populations Through "Usos Y Costumbres" and Transnational Ties.....Natasha Oloughlin, Humboldt State U.
  • Hybrid Ethnography: Observing Humans and Elephants in (Un)Natural Spaces.....Monica Casper, U. of Arizona

Session 21Seaview Ballroom A Wednesday•1:45 PM–3:15 PM
Migration/Immigration: Mexican Labor in the Globalized US Economy: Then and Now [Panel with Presenters] Organizer & Presider: Michael Calderon-Zaks, Santa Monica Coll.
  • Mexican Track Workers Maintaining the East-West Connection: Incorporation and Resistance.....Michael Calderon-Zaks, Santa Monica Coll.
  • The Political Recomposition of a Global Agricultural Working Class.....Tomas Madrigal

Session 22Seaview Ballroom B Wednesday•1:45 PM–3:15 PM
Race/Ethnicity: Race, Gender, Trauma and Resilience [Panel with Presenters]
Organizer & Presider: Merissa Craft, CSU Los Angeles
  • Building Black Wealth via Black Banks.....Stephen Fossett, CSU, Los Angeles
  • The Educational Let Down for Black Girls.....Brittany Hampton, CSU, Los Angeles
  • How Do the Historical Traumas of Systematic Anti-Black Racism and Sexism Manifest in the Public U. Experience for African American Women?.....Briauna Dotson, CSU, Los Angeles
  • Every Day is Halloween with the Imposter Syndrome: Trauma and Healing in Schooling.....Betania Santos, CSU, Los Angeles
  • #BlackGirlMagic As a Form of Resistance and Resilience.....Merissa Craft, CSU Los Angeles

Session 23Seaview Ballroom C Wednesday•1:45 PM–3:15 PM
Intimate Relationships, Families, and Reproductive Politics: Diverse Contexts of Violence: Understandings and Interventions [Formal Paper Session]
Organizer: Laury Oaks, UC Santa Barbara Presider: Wendy Chan, Simon Fraser U.
  • 'Isn't That The Cycle?': An Examination of the Intergenerational Transmission of Violence Among Low-Income Women .....Marisa Cervantes and Jennifer Sherman, Washington State U.
  • At the Intersection of Immigration and Domestic Violence -- The Challenges of Supporting Abused Immigrant Women.....Wendy Chan, Simon Fraser U.
  • Black Women and Intimate Partner Violence: An Analysis of Informal Support Networks.....Allison Monterrosa, UC Riverside
  • "It's Not Just About Surviving": Women's Online Narratives of Childbirth Trauma.....Erin Whitesitt, Northern Arizona U.

Session 24Shoreline A Wednesday•1:45 PM–3:15 PM
Applied, Clinical, and Public Sociology: Communities: Social Problems and Solutions [Formal Paper Session] Organizer & Presider: Darby Southgate, Los Angeles Valley Coll.
  • Civil Unrest 25 Years Later: A Profile of Los Angeles Public Opinion Using Data from StudyLA's Quinquennial Los Angeles Riots Surveys.....Alex Kempler, Loyola Marymount U.
  • Grassroots Organizing for Housing Justice in the San Joaquin Valley of California: A Critical Community-Based Participatory Action Inquiry.....Janine Nkosi, San Jose State U.; Asante Nkosi, UC Santa Cruz
  • C.U.R.L.: Creating, Maintaining and Operating an Applied Research Center on a Large Urban Campus .....Darby Southgate, Los Angeles Valley Coll.

Session 25Shoreline B Wednesday•1:45 PM–3:15 PM
Crime, Law, and Deviance: Individual-level Factors Associated with Criminal Attitudes and Behaviors
Organizer & Presider: Tanya Nieri, UC Riverside [Formal Paper and Research in Progress Session]
  • Expanding Theory of Crime to Cyber Space: A Case Study of ATMs Hacking.....Kevin Wang, U. of South Florida; Ming-Li Hsieh, U. of Wisconsin
  • Who am I? The Influence of Reflected Appraisals and Self-Identity on Criminal Social Identity.....Quinton Alexander, Portland State U.
  • The Progress of Asker v. Governor of California: A Look into the Court Decision Changing California's Use of Solitary Confinement in Prison, the Changes It Implemented, and the Current Progress of Those Changes.....Kevin Gonzalez, Monica Medina, and Galinda Villegas, CSU Los Angeles

Session 26Regency Ballroom A, B, C Wednesday•2:30 PM–3:30 PM
Alpha Kappa Delta Workshop on Teaching and Learning: Roundtables Session 4
Organizer: Jeff Chin, LeMoyne Coll. and Alpha Kappa Delta
  • Active Learning: Teaching Culture with a Silent Card Game.....Dan Poole, Salt Lake Community Coll.
  • Professional Development for Graduate Students and Junior Faculty.....Jeff Chin, LeMoyne Coll. and Alpha Kappa Delta
  • Establishing or Revitalizing a Chapter of ALPHA KAPPA DELTA.....Michele Lee Kozimor-King, Elizabethtown Coll.
  • Applying Sociology: Career Path or Pathology.....Stephen Steele, Emeritus, Anne Arundel Community Coll.
  • Fostering Impactful Classroom Engagement Using Social Media.....Abby Fox, Cengage Learning
  • Making Sociology Personal, Local, and Global for Students: the Cengage Sociology Team

Session 27Beacon Ballroom A Wednesday•3:30 PM–5:00 PM
Race, Class and Gender: Sister to Sister: A Talking Circle with and for Black Women
Organizer: Sharon Elise, CSU San Marcos
Session 28Harbor A Wednesday•3:30 PM–5:00 PM
PSA Membership Committee Members: Keith Farrington, Whitman Coll.; Martin Orr, Boise State U.; Lisa Jones, U. of the Pacific; Celeste Atkins, Cochise Coll.; Lora Bristow, Pacific Sociological Association; Matthew Grindal, U. of Idaho; Anthony Roberts, CSU Los Angeles
Session 29Harbor B Wednesday•3:30 PM–5:00 PM
PSA Student Affairs Committee Members: Laura Earles, Lewis-Clark State Coll.; Danielle Duckett, CSU Sacramento; Uriel Serrano, UC Santa Cruz; Rocío R. García, UC Los Angeles; Lori Fazzino, U. of Nevada Las Vegas; Tina Burdsall, Portland State U.; Vikas Gumbhir, Gonzaga U.
Session 30Harbor C Wednesday•3:30 PM–5:00 PM
PSA Nominations Committee---Closed Members: Karen Pyke, UC, Riverside; Amy Orr, Linfield Coll.; Christy Glass, Utah State U.; Sine Anahita, U. of Alaska Fairbanks; Marcia Marx, CSU San Bernardino