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Faith First® Legacy Edition Chapter Review, Morality
Chapter 6—The Grace of the Holy Spirit
1. _____ is our participation in the very life of God.
a. Knowledge
b. Grace
c. Sin
d. Temptation
2. In Mark’s Gospel, the parable of the _____ helps us to understand the role of grace in our lives.
a. Sower
b. Gleaner
c. Wealthy Man
d. Mustard Seed
3. The words of the angel Gabriel to Mary state that Mary is _____.
a. the Holy Trinity
b. full of grace
c. the Messiah
d. all of the above
4. The parable of the Sower reminds us that we need to _____ the grace that God has planted within us.
a. ignore
b. hoard
c. nurture
d. all of the above
5. Through the sacrament of _____ we receive the gift of sanctifying grace.
a. Baptism
b. Confirmation
c. Holy Orders
d. Matrimony
6. Grace makes us _____ in Christ and Christ _____ in us.
a. alone
b. alive
c. rejoice
d. all of the above
7. In Christ, the new Adam, we are no longer under the power of _____.
a. God alone
b. the government
c. sin and death
d. none of the above
8. The gift of new life in Christ is described by the word _____.
a. justification
b. confirmation
c. jubilation
d. incarnation
9. _____ means “the process of making one just.”
a. Justification
b. Confirmation
c. Jubilation
d. Incarnation
10. Jesus _____.
a. is both God and man
b. is truly human and truly divine
c. repairs our lost friendship with God
d. all of the above
11. The relationship with God in which the first humans were created is known as _____.
a. original sin
b. original grace
c. original justice
d. salvation
12. Christ reestablished and restored creation in right relationship with God through his _____.
a. Crucifixion
b. Resurrection
c. Ascension
d. Paschal mystery
13. After Jesus ascended to his Father in heaven, the Father sent the _____.
a. Holy Spirit
b. Ten Commandments
c. Sacraments
d. all of the above
14. The work of the Holy Spirit is called _____.
a. confirmation
b. sanctification
c. jubilation
d. none of the above
15. Our justification and salvation in Christ is the work of God’s _____.
a. wrath
b. glory
c. mercy
d. holiness
16. In Matthew’s Gospel, the official did not _____, or deserve, the king’s mercy of forgiving his debt.
a. merit
b. need
c. want
d. none of the above
17. Matthew tells us that we must first seek the _____ of God and all things will be given to us besides.
a. forgiveness
b. grace
c. kingdom
d. Law
18. We can merit grace because _____.
a. we earn it for something we have done
b. God has allowed us to share in his grace
c. we use the moral virtues
d. none of the above
19. By cooperating with the grace of the Holy Spirit, we can merit _____.
a. eternal life
b. help for living as children of God
c. blessings and graces
d. all of the above
20. The parish community _____.
a. shares their faith with all
b. celebrates the liturgy and sacraments
c. works for the coming of the kingdom of God
d. all of the above
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