School-wide and Subject Area Curriculum Goals of Immacolata School

  • Students will know and practice their faith.
  • Students will treat others and act in accordance with Christian values and mutual respect.
  • Students will be tolerant and compassionate of others in the diverse world in which they live.
  • Students will cooperate with others, resolve conflicts and make judgements on the basis of our Catholic faith.
  • Students will have a mastery of basic academic skills and study habits.
  • Students will communicate effectively in both written and verbal form.
  • Students will utilize critical thinking skills and creativity in the analysis of problems.
  • Students will express themselves artistically and have an appreciation of culture.
  • Students will utilize current technology in an ever-changing society.
  • Students will participate in physical activity and be aware of the importance of physical fitness in their lives.

Subject Area Curriculum Goals—K-8


  • Students will develop an understanding of faith community in family and school.
  • Students will develop an awareness of their responsibility as a witness to Christ in our interaction with others.
  • Students will study Scripture with an emphasis on the New Testament and the life of Christ.
  • Students will study the Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, Works of Mercy, and Sacraments.
  • Students will gain a foundation in basic Catholic doctrine and be able to defend their faith.
  • Students will study the Mass.
  • Students will study the Catholic creeds and prayers and incorporate them into daily life.
  • Students will study Mary and the Saints in order to utilize their lives as models of Christian Life.
  • Students will plan and participate in various liturgical devotions and services.

Language Arts

  • Students will master close reading skills including analyzing plot, theme, setting, and character development.
  • Student will develop and utilize and extensive vocabulary.
  • Students will explore a variety of literature, including: novels, short stories, plays, and poetry.
  • Students will develop a mastery of grammatical rules and apply these to various styles of writing.
  • Students will learn to compose various types of writing and understand the writing process.
  • Students will develop reference skills and learn to utilize informational resources and evaluate the information.
  • Students will demonstrate correct spelling.
  • Students will learn to write legibly and develop good handwriting skills.
  • Students will develop strong listening and critical thinking skills.


  • Students will develop a mastery of basic mathematical computational operations involving whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
  • Students will develop a mastery in problem-solving, especially word problems.
  • Students will be able to clearly explain the process used to solve a problem as well as recognize errors in problem solving.
  • Students will be able to solve single variable expressions using inverse operations.
  • Students will develop pre-algebra and algebra skills in solving linear equations, word problems, and use of polynomials.
  • Students will develop a mastery of basic geometry.
  • Students will be able to define and apply mathematical vocabulary
  • Students will be able to apply mathematical skills to everyday situations.
  • Students will be able to utilize estimation when solving problems.

Social Studies

  • Students will interpret data from a variety of source materials and be able to present the information in both written and verbal form.
  • Students will be able to verbalize the role of the individual in their community, state, country, and world.
  • Students will demonstrate an awareness of the influence of geography on historical events and current local, national, and world economics.
  • Students will be able to locate important local, state, national, and world locations on a map/globe.
  • Students will be able to describe the historical impact of certain individuals and/or groups throughout world and United States history.
  • Students will be able to describe the historical impact of specific events on both world and United States history.
  • Students will be able to identify cause and effect relationships in both United States and world history.
  • Students will have an understanding of the three branches of United States government, the United States constitution, and the legislative process.
  • Students will have an understanding of the roles, responsibilities, and rights of citizens in the United States.
  • Students will understand and be able to explain the role and interrelationships of our monetary and trade system in the local community, state, nation, and world.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the chronological movement of history and how each era has influenced successive time periods.
  • Students will develop an appreciation and understanding of various world cultures and religions.


  • Students will analyze a scientific problem and apply the scientific method.
  • Students will be able to read, record, and interpret data from different scientific sources using a variety of measurement devices.
  • Students will be able to prepare and deliver lab reports based on their scientific findings.
  • Students will understand the metric system and apply it to scientific problems.
  • Students will understand the role of science throughout history and in the current day.
  • Students will be able to practice lab safety.
  • Students will be able to discuss moral and social issues as they apply to scientific knowledge and principles.
  • Students will be able to describe the importance of human action in the progression of science and on the environment, identifying leading scientists and inventors throughout history.
  • Students will understand key elements and compare and contrast physical science, earth science, and life science.
  • Students will be able to use scientific equipment and tools.
  • Students will be able to use analytical and creative skills to solve problems which require the intersection of science, technology, engineering, and math.


  • Students will experience various art media.
  • Students will identify the elements of art and principles of design when analyzing or creating works of art.
  • Students will develop an understanding and appreciation of art from different cultures and different time periods
  • Students will develop creative, artistic, and conceptual skills.
  • Students will create works of art utilizing a variety of materials and styles.


  • Students will develop an appreciation for different types of music.
  • Students will learn liturgical music and assist in the preparation for weekly Mass.
  • Student will develop their individual singing capabilities.
  • Students will understand the connection between music, culture, and history.
  • Students will participate in school performances.
  • Students will learn how to read musical notes.
  • Students will learn the basic elements of music.
  • Students will learn the families/individual instruments and how they produce sound.

Physical Education

  • Students will develop physical skills through a progression of activities.
  • Students will learn to play and experience a variety of sports.
  • Students will develop the values of sportsmanship and fair play.
  • Students will learn to assess one’s own health and physical fitness
  • Students will learn the key components of good nutrition and disease prevention.
  • Students will learn to cooperate with others during physical activities.


  • Students will develop a basic conversational ability.
  • Students will learn basic Spanish grammar.
  • Students will understand the importance of the Catholic faith to Hispanic culture.
  • Students will become acquainted with and develop an appreciation and understanding of Hispanic culture from various Hispanic countries.
  • Students will develop basic vocabulary skills with an emphasis on greetings, numbers, letters, colors, and commonly used nouns.
  • Students will be able comprehend and produce simple sentences in Spanish.


  • Students will demonstrate keyboarding skills with increasing accuracy and speed.
  • Students will learn the components of good digital citizenship regarding, social media, bullying, online etiquette, and safety.
  • Students will learn to utilize multiple technological devices to assist them in the learning process.
  • Students will learn basic troubleshooting skills in order to think critically to solve their own problems.
  • Students will be exposed to and given practice with basic coding skills. Students will learn to perform the following tasks on various devices including: turn power on and off; adjust volume up/down and mute; log in to a school e-mail account; plug in headphones; open Web browser to access the Internet; take a picture; take a video; switch between front- and rear-facing cameras; bookmark a website and add a shortcut to the home screen; take a screenshot; and access photos and videos.
  • Students will learn the definition of plagiarism and how to avoid it. They will, also, be able to cite their informational sources.
  • Students will be able to put together multimedia presentations using a variety of technology tools and apps.
  • Students will learn to use technology to locate, analyze, and share information.


  • Students in grades K-5 will learn to use the library as a resource for finding information and for locating books for pleasure.
  • Students will learn to pick out books at their reading level and at their interest level.