April 25, 2013

Board of Education Meeting


Call to Order

Present – Mrs. Grogan, Mrs. Gryp, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Lamberson, Mrs. Tyler

Absent –

Guests – Mrs. McCabe, Mrs. Grys, Mrs. Washburn, Ms. Whitby, Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs. Lindsay, Mrs. Herrin, Mr. Schultz, Mrs. Zaayenga, Mrs. Schaffrin, Mrs. Eustice, Mrs. Pesch, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Strickler.



Audience –

Leigh Johnson

President Tyler administered the Oath of Office

Leigh Johnson nominated Dawn Tyler and seconded by Denise Gryp

Leigh was nominated by Dawn Tyler and seconded by Denise Gryp

Jon York arrived at 6:05 pm

Adjourn sine die 6:05

6 motion carried.

Motion to enter executive session at 6:05


TWO letters

Contract negotiations went very well.

One more person to be appointed


Regular Session


Motion to approve 2 two year terms deniseGryp and Amy Lamberson CG/JY


Mrs. Tyler administered the oath of office to Mrs. Gryp and Mrs. Lamberson

Mrs. Gryp and Mrs. Lamberosn were seated.

Board Nominations

Board President – Mrs. Tyler was nominated by Mrs. Johnson and seconded byGryp. Considered a unanimous

Vpljcg/alconsidered unanimous

Sec – lj nominated Christi Grogan - Considered unanimous

Same Treasurer – Sue cg/alcg/al/dt/lj/dg/jymotion carried

Board Meeting Dates and Times

Board Meeting Dates and Times 4th Monday at 6pmlj/cglj/cg/jy/al/dg/dtmc

Approve the current Policy Manual and District Wellness Policy -

Appoint Check Signers – Currently Mrs. Grogan is current also appoint Leigh Johnson

Motion to approve cg/dgcg/dg/jy/al/dt/ljmotion carried –policy manual

Motion to approve MCBlgjylj/jy/dt/cg/dg/almotion carried

Motion to approve appointing Christi Grogan to sign checks jy/aljy/al/dg/cg/lj/dtmc


Christi – SPCAC / Building & Grounds

Jon Finance / Bargaining / Technology

Leigh - Finance/Bargaining/SPCAC

Amy – Labor Management - Technology

Denise – Labor Management – Building & Grounds

Appoint Tena to be recording secretary through July 31al/jyal/jy/dt/dg/cg/ljmc

Business Items

Annual bids for Cafeteria – Milk/Bread

Paying IESA dues and the State series for Cross Country –

Renew Peoria County Cooperative Purchasing Program

Milk Bids – cg/alcg/al/dt/lj/dg/jymc

Bread Bids – lj/dglj/dg/dt/cg/al/jymc

IESA Dues – cg/jycg/jy/al/dg/lj/dtmc

Peo. Coop – lj / cglj/cg/dt/jy/al/dgmc

Board Resolution IMRF ERI

Board Resolution Amortization Adoption Form 6 year repayment to save interest cost

Approve Retirement of Mrs. Worden




Retirement noticeERi noticejy/cgjy/cg/dt/lj/dg/almc

Approval of Bryan Schultz – Military background

Mrs. McCabe .6 FTE art instructor (3 days)

Tiffany Smith-Hurt .8 (3days spgs 1 day rankin)

Melissa Strickler through 12/31 then she will be doing her student teaching in the spring.

Krista Herrin as ½ Sp Ed Teacher ½ sp ed Aide –

Motion to approve Bryan Schultzcg/jycg/jy/dt/lj/aldgmc

Motion to approve S.McCabe .6al/ljal/lj/dt/cg/jy/dgmc

Motion to approve Tiffany .8cg/alcg/al/jy/dg/lj/dtmc

Motion to approve M.Strickler 12/31cg/alcg/al/dg/jy/dt/ljmc

Krista Herrin ½ T ½ Adg/cgdg/cg/lj/al/jy/dtmc

Negotiations – two meetings (a record)

Of noticeable change – Teacher Evaluation changes

Information on Reduction in Force

Language across a week a minimum amount of teacher prep time

Reduced sick leave to 12 days per year

Left personal leave the same

Added some updated language for leave for jury duty/court/military/sabbatical/FMLA

Teachers agreed to begin paying 10% of health ins. Premium

Instead of doing a memorandum of agreement it is part of the contract

Part of the language also includes tax sheltering specific expenses for child care and medical exp.

We have salary increases in 2013-2014 2% and 1.5 % guaranteed for each of the years following and ½ % if excellent in evaluation. Dr. Brooks explained the language for the additional ½ %

Tax deferred annuity program 403B through ING

Retirement Incentive language was changed to reflect the

SPFT already met and we had a tentative agreement and they approved the contract unanimously

3 yr contract

During the 5-yr contract SPGS had stood by our contractual salary agreement

Motion to approve the negotiated agreement for the 2013-14, jy aljy/al/dg/cg/lj/dtmc

Motion to approve the district secretary position

Molly Ahlers has resigned and we need to post this position

Changes for next year – Title I

Mrs. Williams had been working in the library and as Title I She would like to continue to work in the library but not work as much, Tara Zaayenga would be able to work 3 days per week as Title I

We get her reading Masters

We must also post for an elementary position

Motion to approve posting LJ/CGLJ/CG/DT/DG/AL/JYMC

Motion to accept Molly’s resigdg/ljDG/LJ/DT/JY/AL/CGMC

Motion to post speechCG/DGCG/DG/LJ/AL/DT/JYMC

Motion to approve TZ .6 RI AideDG cgDG/CG/JY/AL/LJ/DTMC


Social Media Use Bd Policy

Appropriate times and places, the issue is when teachers are relentlessly attacked by students to add them to Facebook. Conversation about if events like 9/11 and the Boston Marathon Bombing – we do not need to be the first informer to the students.

Motion to approve 1st reading of Bd policylj/alLJ/AL/JY/CG/DG/DTMC

Motion to approve release of exec mincg/dgCG/DG/AL/JY/LJ/DTMC

BCBS renewal 10% more but it is 7%less

7.7% lower –

Approval of BDBSjy/alJY/AL/DG/CG/LJ/DTMC

May 28th Staff Recognition – Bd invited 8am

Motion to adjourn DG/AL6MC 7:05 PM