Notice of Annual General Meeting, call for nominations and call for resolution items
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Special Group in Coaching Psychology will be held on Thursday 8 December 2016, 6.30pm at Holiday Inn London Bloomsbury, Coram Street, London, WC1N 1HT.
We are therefore asking for:
1. Nominations
Nominations are invited for:
Role / TenureHonorary Secretary / 3 years
Honorary Treasurer / 3 years
Committee Member / 3 years
(Full Member of the Special Group in Coaching Psychology with voting rights)
Committee Member x3 / 3 years
(Can be any member of the Special Group in Coaching Psychology with voting rights)
Nominations for the above vacancies should be sent to the Honorary Secretary on the enclosed nomination form, at the Society’s offices to reach us no later than 12 noon on Thursday 27 October 2016, at the address on the nomination form.
All nominees must be Full Members of the Special Group in Coaching Psychologywith voting rights unless otherwise specified. The nominations require a proposer and seconder who must be Full Members of the Special Group in Coaching Psychologywith voting rights and the consent of the nominee to accept office, if elected, must be obtained in writing.
Nominees are asked to complete brief biographical details of not more than 300 words, using the reverse of the nomination form. This information will be used should a ballot be necessary.
2. Resolution items
In addition to any resolutions that may be put forward by the Special Group in Coaching PsychologyCommittee, members can submit their own resolutions proposals for the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The request for a resolution item to be considered for inclusion in the AGM agenda is the formal mechanism for members to bring matters to the attention of the Special Group in Coaching Psychology Committee and the membership. This process is called raising a resolution item.
The resolution item submitted is then considered by the Society or the Special Group in Coaching Psychology Committee. If the resolution item has been acted on by the Society or Special Group in Coaching PsychologyCommittee before the AGM, then it may be agreed with the member that the item will be removed from the AGM agenda.
If a resolution item is included on the AGM agenda, the member may be requested to talk on the matter at the AGM. The following discussion will be minuted and if necessary, a postal ballot will be arrange after the AGM to enable the voting Special Group in Coaching Psychology membership to vote on the resolution item, if a postal ballot has not been undertaken prior to the meeting.
Please note that only members with voting rights are able to raise resolution items.
Please note that only items that are included on the AGM agenda may be discussed; there is no ‘any other business’ at this type of General Meeting.
Special Group in Coaching Psychology
Request for a resolution item to be Included on the forthcoming AGM agenda
Member nameMembership number
Membership grade
Details of resolution
Please note that any resolution items must be received at the Society offices in Leicester by 12 noon on Thursday 27 October 2016
Return details for nominations and resolution items
Return address for nominations and resolution items can be located on the nomination form.
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